Recent papers in Leuven
This article is a reflection on the 19th century story from 'A Dog of Flanders', written by Ouida (alias form Marie Louise de la Ramée). The story has been interpreted by Jan Corteel in 1983 who concluded the story took place in Antwerp.... more
De Tachtigjarige Oorlog was al twaalf jaar aan de gang toen in Amerongen de Reformatie werd ingevoerd. Het was Goert van Reede die als bij decreet het protestantisme oplegde aan zijn onderdanen. Die stonden niet te juichen, Maar de... more
The splendid art deco oeuvre created in the 1920s and 30s by monk and silversmith dom Martin is still a rather too-well-kept Leuven secret, even though his creations, executed in the most luxurious materials in cooperation with the famous... more
Prelates, nobles and towns. The composition of the Estates of Brabant in the fifteenth century Who were the members of the Estates of Brabant and could receive a summons letter for an assembly in the fifteenth century? In this study, I... more
This paper analyses the hierarchy and ranking of the towns of the Duchy of Brabant within the Estates, the principality's representative political institution. It seeks to answer the question why social and economic changes in the urban... more
On May the 6th, Dieric Bouts, the great Leuven Flemish Primitive passed away. Althought Bouts is the only name in Leuven late gothic painting that still resonates today, it is unfounded to conclude that his passing extinguished Louvain... more
Na carta que aqui se publica, um jovem padre jesuíta educado nos colégios da Companhia de Jesus de Brabante faz um relato detalhado da vida no Colégio de Jesus de Coimbra, onde permaneceu alguns meses no ano de 1655, numa escala... more
The development of the duchy of Brabant in the twelfth and thirteenth century has already been analysed by many diplomatic scholars. Nevertheless, the political discourses in the charters of the dukes have never been scrutinized before.... more
Over Henric Haestens is op heel veel plaatsen iets geschreven. Maar een totaal overzicht ontbrak tot nu toe. In die lacune wil deze publicatie voorzien. Over de familie van Henric Haestens is weinig bekend. En ook over de familie van... more
Uyttenhove (Pieter) & Jo Celis, De wederopbouw van Leuven na 1914, Leuven, Universitaire Pers 1991, 224 p.
In 1896 verscheen de 'Inventaire des archives de la ville de Gand. Catalogue méthodique général' van Victor Vander Haeghen. Joseph Cuvelier gaf dan weer zijn 'Inventaire des archives de la ville de Louvain' uit tussen 1929 en 1938, in... more
Following a design science approach, this paper develops a framework of policy design principles for fostering technology entrepreneurship in a region. These principles are grounded in research findings and describe the factors and causal... more
Wanneer de bladeren hun bomen verliezen, verliest een groot deel van de eerstejaarsstudenten hun onschuld. Vorige week gebeurde dat bij 102 rechtenstudenten. Een impressie van een studentendoop.
The university town of Leuven was the scene in 1966 of a student revolt, comparable to those experienced in Paris or Berlin in 1968. In this work in progress I focus on the Flemish student revolt in Leuven, but examine beforehand two... more
Wegens de sluiting van het Gruuthusemuseum reizen dit najaar dertig Brugse beeldhouwwerken naar M-Museum Leuven. Ze pronken er naast beeldhouwwerken uit de eigen M-collectie. Samen geven ze een beknopt overzicht van laatgotisch... more
Exhibitions: Lutheran Spring in Antwerp: Tolerance and Repression in the Sixteenth Century, Saint Andrew’s Church, Antwerp, Belgium; Luther @ Leuven 1517– 2017, Maurits Sabbe Library, KU Leuven, Belgium; and Updating a Thousand Year Old... more
In the late middle ages, the Brabantine city of Leuven was a regional production centre of sculpture that followed artistical trends being set in Brussels. The Leuven sculptors had a varied clientele and received commissions from far... more
Uyttenhove (Pieter), De herbouw van Leuven als stedebouwkundig probleem, Wonen-TABK, Amsterdam, 3-4 (special issue on reconstruction in Belgique after WWI), 1983, pp. 13-31
Petrus Phalesius en het stedelijk muziekleven in de Vlaamse renaissancestad Leuven, ed. Nele Gabriëls, (Resonant Cahiers, 1), Neerpelt-Leuven: Alamire, 2005, 69-74.
In the late middle ages, the Brabantine city of Leuven was a regional production centre of sculpture that followed artistical trends being set in Brussels. The Leuven sculptors had a varied clientele and received commissions from far... more
In the late middle ages, the Brabantine city of Leuven was a regional production centre of sculpture that followed artistical trends being set in Brussels. The Leuven sculptors had a varied clientele and received commissions from far... more
Uyttenhove (Pieter), La ricostruzione di Lovanio dopo il 1914: “arte urbana” e “town planning” a confronto, Storia Urbana, Milano, 22-23 (special issue on urban history in Belgium), 1983, pp. 237-273