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      Dispute ResolutionMediationInformation ProcessingEmpirical Research
In this article we discuss the medical diagnoses underlying the most common lawsuits involving pediatricians in the United States. Where applicable, specific and general risk-management techniques are noted as a means of increasing... more
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      PediatricsPatient SafetyRisk ManagementMedicine
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      Health EconomicsRiskMedicineApplied Economics
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      United StatesNew ZealandMedical MalpracticeWorkers Compensation
Le sentenze della Cassazione intervenute fino al 2012 qualificano come lesione od omicidio il trattamento arbitrario ad esito infausto o comunque implicante menomazioni non funzionali allo scopo di cura; in caso di accanimento... more
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      Criminal LawBioethicsInformed ConsentBioética
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      PediatricsHerbal MedicineClinical Decision MakingHumans
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderFeminist TheoryTransgender Studies
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      CybercrimesArbitrationCorporate GovernanceArbitration Law
La inmediata conexión con los errores médicos suele ser un tema de gran sensibilidad como es la denominada “mala praxis médica”, ya que genera discusiones entre profesionales de la salud y abogados, y sobre el cual nos urge delinear... more
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      Doctor-patient communicationAlternative Dispute ResolutionDamages lawDoctor
This study was carried out in Musanze District, Northern Province of Rwanda. The general objective was to assess the status of medical negligence and malpractice in Musanze District, Rwanda. Both primary and secondary data were collected.... more
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      Negligence (Medical Law)Medical NegligenceMedical MalpracticeCriminal Penalty for Medical Malpractice
Sažetak: Zdravlje ljudi je krivičnim zakonodavstvom predviđeno kao važan zaštitni objekat. Iako je cilj u radu svakog ljekara poboljšanje zdravlja i izlječenje pacijenta, ponekad dođe i do slučajeva ljekarske greške. Autor u radu najprije... more
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      Criminal LawMedical LawMedical Malpractice LawMedical Malpractice
Barriers of many different types make successful circumcision-related lawsuits extremely difficult to bring. Actual cases we and others have brought show that among factors impeding progress are (1) financial risks; (2) procedural... more
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      BioethicsMedical LawHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
"Experts estimate that as many as 98,000 people die in any given year from medical errors that occur in hospitals. That's more than die from motor vehicle accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS-three causes that receive far more public... more
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      PsychologyMedical SciencesEthicsMedical Education
Sumário da obra publicada pela Editora Renovar em 2015.
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      Civil LawPrivate lawTortsTort Law
Patriarchal values at one level and gender bias at the other are pervasive in south Asian countries. Even after six decades of planned development, the incidence of women’s human rights in general and in particular sexual and... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthHuman RightsGenderInformed Consent
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      LawDecision MakingLaw and Social ScienceMedical Malpractice
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      PediatricsPatient SafetyRisk ManagementHumans
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      Expert testimonyHumansEuropeUnited States
While dozens of studies now show a bra-cancer link, breast cancer research is still routinely ignoring bras. In fact, the discussion of the bra-cancer link is taboo in medicine, for political and economic reasons. This paper discusses the... more
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      Gender StudiesMedical AnthropologyCensorshipWomen's Studies
How do you know when medical news is fake? Can you trust what you read simply because it comes from an allegedly reputable source? Surely, you can trust information coming from the American Cancer Society, right? Wrong! The case in... more
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      OncologyMedical AnthropologyCensorshipEpidemiology
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      Medical MalpracticePhilippine Law
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      Apology LawsMedical MalpracticeApologies
American Academy of Forensic Sciences – 66th Annual Scientific Meeting
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      JurisprudenceProcedural LawTurkish LawPhysicians
This writing analyzes, from a diachronic point of view, medical malpractice and how it has been impacted by the Italian law 8 March 2017, n. 24. The study shows that recognizing doctors directly liable in tort (art. 7) introduces a... more
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      Tort LawBreach of ContractMedical MalpracticeBurden of Proof
In reply to the letter by Birkeland,1 who commented on our paper entitled ‘Punishment for medical malpractice in Japan’,2 we discuss the two sides of medical safety, protection of healthcare professionals and patients’ safety. Intern Med... more
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    • Medical Malpractice
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      Patient SafetyRisk ManagementMedicineMedical errors
Gelişen teknolojinin zaman içerisinde radyoloji teknikerleri yüksek oranda beceri, teknik bilgi gerektiren işleri yaptıkları görülmektedir. Radyoloji profesyonellerinin aktif olarak radyoloji ve girişimsel radyoloji bölümünde çalışmaları... more
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      Xray spectroscopyDiploma in X-Ray TechnicianMedical Malpracticeüniversiteler
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      Medical Malpractice LawMedical Malpractice
While rare in Scandinavia and Europe, male circumcision is still common in North America despite some reductions in frequency over recent decades. The United States rate has declined from 90 to 60 per cent in recent years and has fallen... more
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      BioethicsHuman RightsMale CircumcisionMedical Ethics
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      New Religious MovementsHistoryHistory of Science and TechnologySociology
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      LawCriminal LawMalaysiaPublic Health
Una valutazione critica dell'interessante paradigma della "competenza per il rischio", che grazie ad alcune sentenze della quarta sezione si sta affermando nella giurisprudenza della Cassazione, quale criterio di ripartizione delle... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeCausationCausality
L’art. 2236 c.c. rappresenta ormai da decenni un costante punto di riferimento delle ricostruzioni rela- tive alla colpa penale di chi esercita una professione sanitaria. Tanto la c.d. legge Balduzzi quanto la c.d. legge Gelli-Bianco... more
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      Criminal LawDiritto PenaleMedical MalpracticeResponsabilità Professionale Medica
Medical malpractice lawsuits in terms of its legal aspects, involving a “breach of contract”, “infringement of patient right”, or “the negligence of duty of care”. In its substantive level, mainly due to the patient's health, body as well... more
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      Medical EthicsMedical Malpractice
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Il tema della responsabilità nell’esercizio professioni sanitarie ha assunto in questi anni un grande rilevo per la complessità degli interessi e delle posizioni coinvolte, oltre che per la difficoltà di interpretazione del disposto... more
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      Diritto PenaleDiritto CivileMedical MalpracticeResponsabilità Professionale Medica
Health is a special area of interest of legislation and legal environment, as it has a special meaning for the entire community and includes most of the disciplines of knowledge. Thus, its proper legal regulation is a very difficult and... more
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      Health SciencesMedical LawNegligence (Medical Law)Health Law
Many people are recognizing that there are apparent contradictions in the official narrative about COVID-19 and vaccinations. If the vaccine is supposed to prevent infection, then: Why are so many vaccinated people getting sick with... more
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      Medical AnthropologyInfectious disease epidemiologyComplementary and Alternative MedicineNaturopathic Medicine
This paper examines the principles and practice that should underline no-fault compensation schemes for medical injury. It draws on a critical examination of the McLean Report, which was commissioned by the Scottish government to examine... more
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      Medical LawPatient SafetyNegligence (Medical Law)Health Law
This report provides a literature review and comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of no-fault compensation schemes (for medical injury) in New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, as well as the limited... more
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      Negligence (Medical Law)Medical NegligenceClinical NegligenceMedical liability
Introduction: Through the developments in science and technology, in health-care services, roles and responsibilities of nurses are changing, and nurses are frequently faced with risky circumstances in terms of malpractice. In this case,... more
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      Health SciencesMedical LawMedical Malpractice LawNurse
Many well-known cases of ‘medical manslaughter’ have shown that systemic issues play a significant role in contributing to fatal errors in healthcare institu- tions. The most prominent NHS scandal, Mid Staffordshire, demonstrated that... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureComparative LawMedical Law
The medical malpractice tort system is a failure. Judged on economic terms, more than fifty percent of the dollars are lost to transaction costs, and the instability of the market disrupts the orderly delivery of medical care. Judged on... more
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      Patient SafetyPublic HealthNew WorldMedical Care
Tıp alanının” özne”si gibi “nesne”si de İNSAN’dır. İnsanın karmaşık psikolojisi ve somatik fizyolojisi ve yaşadığı sosyal çevrenin sağlığın belirleyicisi oluşu tıbbı diğer bilimsel branşlardan ayırmaktadır. Ayrıca son yıllarda artarak... more
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      Biomedical EthicsMedicalizationHuman ExperimentationMedical Malpractice
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      ReligionHistoryHistory of Science and TechnologySociology
Christopher Buck PhD Esq
CV • 2024
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      LawIslamic LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
Le Sezioni unite penali della Corte di cassazione sono chiamate a pronunciarsi sulle questioni di diritto intertemporale determinate dall’introduzione dell’art. 590-sexies c.p. ad opera della l. n. 24 del 2017 (c.d. legge Gelli-Bianco),... more
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      Criminal LawDiritto PenaleMedical Malpractice LawMedical Malpractice
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      DermatologyMedical errorsHumansUnited States
Pasien merupakan setiap orang yang melakukan konsulstasi terhadap profesi dokter mengenai masalah kesehatan tubuhnya untuk mendapatkan kesembuhan dari penyakitnya. Pasien merupakan raja dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Untuk mendapatkan... more
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    • Medical Malpractice
Bu çalışmanın amacı hemşirelerde örgütsel adalet, örgütsel bağlılık ve tıbbi hata yapmamaya özen gösterme arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesidir.
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      Organizational CommitmentOrganizational JusticeÖrgütsel BağlılıkNurses