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Compost micro-entrepreneurship has been used as strategy to increase the incomes of poor and rural farming communities. Nevertheless, several difficulties can arise to sustain these small businesses. The conversion of organic material... more
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      Collective ActionSocial CapitalInstitutionsGuatemala
The business sector represents one of the fundamental axes in the economy of a country. It contributes to generate employment; development of the industrial, commercial and services sector. At the same time, the participation of micro,... more
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      ProductivityBusiness ManagementStrategicFinancing
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      Gender and WorkSocial MediaSocial Media MarketingCraft
Examines the causes and consequences of the 2010 microfinance crisis in Andhra Pradesh, India. Emphasises the need to situate the crisis within an agrarian setting marked by chronic indebtedness and vulnerability. Talks about the limits... more
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      PovertyAgrarian StudiesMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
Par ailleurs, le fonctionnement en réseau fédéré insi, la mise en commun des ressources, la standardisation des opérations, la solidarité contractuelle, les stratégies des règles internes de En conclusion, des recommandations touchant les... more
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      Development EconomicsPovertyMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
This case has been written in order to provide a basis for class discussion. It is presented in three parts and could be run over several class meetings. In keeping with the OER [Open Educational Resources] approach, it could easily be... more
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      Enterprise EducationEntrepreneurship EducationMicroenterpriseBusiness case study
The study investigated the challenges faced by Zimbabwean youth entrepreneurs in the multicurrency era. The objectives of the research were to: Determine what motivates youth entrepreneurship in Zimbabwe; identify the unique challenges... more
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      EntrepreneurshipPovertyMicrofinanceEconomic Development
Suggesting a new socio-commercial approach for microfinance to increase social impact. This paper analyzes the relationship between commercialization of MFIs, their decreasing portfolio quality, and the effect commercialization has had... more
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Formal micro enterprises (MEs) can be rationed by formal financial sector because of asymmetric information problems and informal MEs, because lacking registration, are excluded at its grassroots. Thus, formal and informal MEs may rely to... more
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      Informal EconomyMexicoCreditInformal Finance
Full dissertation submitted to the Sociology department at Johns Hopkins University
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      EntrepreneurshipSmall BusinessSocial CapitalSoutheast Asia
This article is about the impact of COVID 19 on micro and small enterprise in Bangladesh and suggested measures to revive it
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      Enterprise ArchitectureEnterprise Project ManagementSocial EnterprisesSmall and Medium-scale Enterprises
A survey in Kigali, Rwanda, suggests that mobiles are allowing microentrepreneurs to develop new business contacts. The results detail the impact of mobile ownership on the social networks of microentrepreneurs in lowteledensity areas,... more
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      PovertyMobile TechnologyMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
One of the main issues arising from our discussions is the challenge of developing learning experiences that are capable of meeting the needs of smaller enterprises. How can educational programmes help to address challenges such as... more
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      Enterprise EducationEntrepreneurship EducationHigher Education in AfricaMicroenterprise
Abstract The paper describes a collection of initiatives delivering support via mobile phones to small enterprises, small farms, and the self-employed. Using a review of 26 examples of such services currently operational in Africa, the... more
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      Development StudiesPovertyMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
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      Women's StudiesGlobalizationMicrofinanceGender
Microcredit can be an effective tool for tackling the global poverty problem. Making microcredit work better for the poor necessitates a framework that integrates the principles of good governance in the design and implementation of a... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEducationDevelopment StudiesIS Governance (Business)
In Jonathan Donner's study of Rwandan users, the mobile phone is an expensive and treasured item, used in the main by small individual businessmen and women, where it has the power to expand the horizons of their business and open up... more
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      PovertyMobile TechnologyMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
The objective of this study is to reveal required entrepreneurial competencies to achieve financial and non-financial performance of the BoP entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. This study includes 213 BoP entrepreneurs who signaled that... more
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      Market based solution and strategic business plan for BOP marketBOP marketsMicroenterpriseEntrepreneurial Competencies
This research is a “snapshot” of the people’s economic problems especially of the socio-economic and cultural institutions in the villages in Kecamatan Ambarawa. The research has identified institutions and the so-called micro-finance... more
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      Innovation statisticsSmall BusinessBusiness DevelopmentMicroenterprise
Despite a worldwide boom in mobile phone ownership, studies of the social and economic implications of mobile telephone use in the developing world are rare. Approaching mobile phone usage from the individual level, the study uses Q... more
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      PovertyMobile TechnologyMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
Resumen: La finalidad de la presente investigación fue identificar si las MiPyMES aplican las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación para realizar presupuestos y controles financieros como herramientas básicas de planeación financiera... more
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      FinanceAccountingFinancial AccountingTIC
Throughout credit union history, there has been a debate on the role that these community banking organisations hold in the local community in which they reside. This research is embedded in the core concept of community development... more
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      PovertyCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCommunity DevelopmentMicrofinance
The objective of this research is to analyze and determine the factors and strategies that can be implemented within the D-Ksa Microenterprise in order to expand its capabilities, from the perspective of market expansion. It is intended... more
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      MicroenterpriseMarket Expansion
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      Innovation statisticsSmall BusinessBusiness DevelopmentMicroenterprise
The paper offers a systematic review of 14 studies of the use of mobile telephony by micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the developing world, detailing findings about changes to enterprises' internal processes and external... more
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      PovertyMobile TechnologyMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
Micro enterprise forms an integral part of the structure of Indian economy. In a country like ours, with chronic mass poverty, widely prevalent unemployment, subsistence production, nqrrow markets and absence of large-scale application of... more
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    • Microenterprise
The study aims to assess the commercial viability of a potential crop insurance market in Bangladesh. In a large scale household survey, agricultural farm households were asked for their preferences for a hypothetical crop insurance... more
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      PovertyMicrofinanceMicroinsuranceCrop insurance
This study explores the impact of microcredits on the economic, educational, and empowerment levels of women from the Bolivian high plains who had acquired microcredits for over three years. Primary research was carried out with the help... more
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      Women's StudiesPovertyMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
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      PovertyMobile TechnologyMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
Purpose – This study dynamically assessed the effectiveness of marketing activities in the generation of product sales, revenue, and profitability in a micro-enterprise, a context that lacks research in marketing.... more
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      Business performanceMicroenterpriseMarketing Activities
En este artículo analizamos si los microcréditos fomentan las utilidades de las microempresas [MEs] cuando los empresarios cuentan con información contable, habilidades administrativas y experiencia en el negocio. Asimismo, suponemos que... more
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      MicrofinanceMicroinsuranceInformal EconomyDevelopment
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesGlobalizationMicrofinance
Abstract: Most of the rural households in Bangladesh deal with economic hardships using both informal and formal insurance mechanisms. Informal insurance mechanism such as draw on household savings or sell off assets is often weak in... more
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      Development EconomicsPovertyMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
There has been a significant increase in scholarly literature about female entrepreneurship in Africa. In order to take stock of the state of female entrepreneurship on that continent, this paper examines articles published in... more
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      BusinessAfricaMultidisciplinaryFemale entrepreneurship
Los resultados acerca de la relacion entre la gestion de emprendimientos informales y sus posibilidades de expansion son aun escasos. Con base en datos de la ENIGH y a traves de regresiones logisticas, se exploran las caracteristicas... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMexicoUniversidad Nacional Autonoma De MexicoMicroenterprise
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) identifies Bangladesh as one of the countries that will be hardest hit by the anticipated effects of climate change. The poorest people are the most vulnerable, as they do not have... more
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      Climate ChangePovertyClimate Change AdaptationMicrofinance
Community-based Microenterprise Development Program to Provide Jobs for Citizens During the Pandemic Era
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      Social EnterprisesMicroenterpriseMSMEs
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      AnthropologyIdentity (Culture)IdentidadAntropología
Resumen Con el propósito de conocer mejor a los clientes y desarrollar acciones que beneficien la relación entre las entidades financieras operadoras de microcrédito y los clientes, se plantea alternativas metodológicas de análisis de las... more
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      TextilesMicrocreditConsumer GoodsClothing
Microenterprise development is underpinned by an ideology that the solution to poverty is the integration of the poor into market relations. This article addresses the paradox that its “beneficiaries” may be dispossessed industrial... more
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      MicrofinanceGenderMicroenterpriseLabour Politics
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsSocial Entrepreneurship
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      Social PolicyPovertyMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
Purpose-This study aims to investigate the relevance of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in predicting the intentional behaviour of refugee entrepreneurs. This paper uses key components of the theory on attitude, subjective norms and... more
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      Refugee StudiesDecision-MakingEnterpreneurshipUNHCR
This paper aims to explore the viability of Qard al-Hasan and Mudarabah as crowdfunding instruments to support microenterprise. It is learned that microenterprises have experienced challenges in terms of funding their project as well as... more
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      FinanceIslamic FinanceCrowdfundingMudarabah
This study further explores the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in small and informal businesses in the developing world by focusing on the role of ICTs in customer acquisition and retention. Data is drawn from a... more
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      PovertyMobile TechnologyMicrofinanceMicroinsurance
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