Business performance
Recent papers in Business performance
E-marketing, e-customer orientation, e-booking of room and etc. are new developments of the hotel industries over the past decade. E-CRM, that is the most paramount marketing evolution in the new millennium, has been highly regarded in... more
In today's highly competitive environment, many companies are going global to acquire market share and take advantage of higher production and sourcing efficiencies. A key determinant of business performance is the role of the logistics... more
Zalihe su materijali, robe i/ili sirovine pohranjeni u skladišta s ciljem osiguranja normalne proizvodnje i zadovoljstva kupaca. Zalihama je moguće manipulirati tako da se ne prikazivanje stanja kretanja, promjene podaci koristeći... more
Introduction: Physical therapy (PT) is a high-volume service that treats musculoskeletal injury and improves return-to-duty rates. Our experience suggests that no-show (NS) and patient cancellation (PC) rates increase the further... more
The interest in strategic human resource management (HRM) has spawned a number of empirical research studies that investigated the impact of HRM practices on organizational performance. However, very little attention has been paid to... more
Across industries, firms have adopted e-business initiatives to better manage their internal business processes as well as their interfaces with the environment. In this study, a unified framework that captures the antecedents of... more
With the advent of industrial 4.0, more and more enterprises and business entities are moving towards technology and digital based platform. Contextualising the topic to Malaysian scenario, the country is in the verge of adoption of this... more
Implicit in the decision process of corporate leaders is a central question: what and who is this business here for? Many subscribe to the belief that the primary goal of leadership is to maximize shareholder value.... but the... more
Market orientation has emerged as a significant antecedent of performance and is presumed to contribute to long-term success. To investigate the impact of this predictor, a meta-analysis was conducted and findings suggest that the... more
With the advent of industrial 4.0, more and more enterprises and business entities are moving towards technology and digital based platform. Contextualising the topic to Malaysian scenario, the country is in the verge of adoption of this... more