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      Animal BehaviourBiological SciencesChoice ExperimentMate Preference
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      MammalogyReproductive EcologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
We tested for presence or absence of multiple paternity in single litters from each of three congeneric shark species in Hawaii, the sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus), bignose shark (Carcharhinus altimus), and Galapagos shark... more
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In recent years, genetic studies have been used to investigate mating systems of marine turtles, but to date no such research has been conducted on the flatback turtle (Natator depressus). This study investigates paternity of flatback... more
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      GeneticsConservationConservation GeneticsSperm Competition
Mating in the marsupial genus Antechinus is a synchronous annual event that is characterized by monoestry in females and abrupt postmating mortality in males. Male semelparity (multiple copulations during a single breeding season per... more
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      Molecular EcologyBiological SciencesDNAMolecular
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyPopulation BiologySex ratio
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      GeneticsReproductive BehaviourConservation GeneticsLife history
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      ZoologyMating SystemsReproductionAquaculture
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyEcology
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      GeneticsBiological SciencesFemaleAnimals
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      GeneticsPolymorphismMolecular EvolutionEcology
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      Population DynamicsMultidisciplinaryLepidopteraGenetic Diversity
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsElectron MicroscopyPolymorphism
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      ReproductionMolecular EcologyBiological SciencesHigh Frequency
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsMolecular EvolutionGenomic Imprinting
Paternity of nestlings in the great tit (Parus major) and blue tit (Parus caeruleus) was studied using DNA fingerprinting. Multiple paternity was found in five out of ten great tit families and two out of seven blue tit families. Among... more
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      GeneticsDNA fingerprintingMultiple Paternity
Male mating success is an important fitness component in Drosophila. The seminal fluid conveyed with the sperm inhibits the proclivity of the female to remate and reduces her fitness. Nevertheless, females may remate before they have... more
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      Drosophila melanogasterMultidisciplinarySpainCalifornia
Monogamous pairings have been regarded as the fundamental social unit in all canid species, including those living in packs. In Ethiopian wolves, however, habitat saturation limits dispersal, which raises the question of whether they... more
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      GeneticsBehavioral EcologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
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      HerpetologyMating SystemsSexual SelectionEvolution of mating systems
ABSTRACT: Rockfish species of the genus Sebastes are notable for being numerous and diverse. Rockfishes are unusual among fish because they fertilize their eggs internally and release live, swimming larvae. They undergo complex courting... more
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      Mating SystemsMate ChoiceHybridizationMHC
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      Sperm CompetitionBiological SciencesMultiple PaternityCryptic female choice
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      GeneticsPhylogeographyHeredityNorth Atlantic
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      ReproductionBiological SciencesSeasonalityPolygyny
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      Molecular EcologyBiological SciencesDNAMolecular
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      Evolutionary BiologyPolymorphismPlant BiologyEcology
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      ZoologyMating SystemsReproductionAquaculture
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      GeneticsBreedingAnimal EcologyBiological Sciences
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      MammalogyBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesMultiple Paternity
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      GeneticsMarine BiologyPolymorphismMate Choice
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      GeneticsLow FrequencyBiological SciencesHigh Frequency
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      Mating SystemsMultiple PaternityFreshwater Turtle Biology and ConservationAustralian Fauna
Investigations of paternity among marine crustaceans are rare, but the few studies of brachyuran crabs that have been done to date suggest that most broods derive from single males. Here I use two hypervariable microsatellite loci to... more
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      Population GeneticsCrustacea DecapodaMultiple PaternityToBo Lab
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      GeneticsPolymorphismMate ChoiceReproduction
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologySocial Interaction
An explanation for female multiple mating when males offer no material benefits but sperm remains elusive, largely because of a lack of empirical support for the genetic benefits hypothesis. We used 21 microsatellite markers to test for... more
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      ReproductionLow FrequencyBiological SciencesRelatedness
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      PolymorphismLogistic RegressionBiological SciencesSeasonality
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      Life historySocial EvolutionBehavioral EcologySmall Satellite Development
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      GeographyMating SystemsPopulation GeneticsMolecular Ecology
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      Reproductive BehaviourReproductionSperm CompetitionSexual Selection
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      Sexual SelectionPolyandryMultiple Paternity
Female promiscuity is common among mammals but its advantages, particularly for marsupials, remain unclear. Using microsatellite DNA from pouch young of known mothers, we identified the most likely fathers of 25 wild spotted-tailed quolls... more
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      Sperm CompetitionMultiple Paternity
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      BiologyMammalogyBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsMolecular EvolutionGenomic Imprinting
Multiple paternity within litters occurs in various groups of mammals exhibiting different mating systems. Using seven genetic markers (ie, microsatellites), we investigated the paternity of littermates in free-ranging wild boar (Sus... more
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      ZoologySperm CompetitionSexual SelectionSymbolic Interaction
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      GeneticsConservation GeneticsGenetic DiversityBiological Sciences
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsMolecular EvolutionGenomic Imprinting