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TheInternationalJournalofDatabaseManagementSystems(IJDMS)isabimonthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contributenew resultsin all areas of the database management systems& its... more
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      Information SystemsDigital LibrariesDatabase SystemsDatabases
We design online e-commerce training course in delhi at affordable rate. In our e commerce course,  you will learn various programming language like PHP, JQuery and  MySql.
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      EcommercePHPPHP ProgrammingSQL+MySQL
Seiring perkembangan zaman, kini teknologi informasi menjadi mendominasi di segala bidang, terutama bisnis dan ekonomi. Banyak perusahaan yang sudah menerapkan teknologi informasi sebagai alat pendukung dalam proses bisnis perusahaan... more
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      Relational DatabaseDatabase SystemsMySQL databaseERD diagrams
With the advent of E-Commerce, businesses persistently examine various ways to improvise and accomplish their demands with web engineering that provide notable resolution. The progress in economic status demands colossal databases that... more
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      MySQLMySQL databaseNon relational databases
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      MySQLMysql_select_dbMysql_queryMySQL database
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      MySQL databasePhpmyadmindatabase mysqldatabase phpmyadmin
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      Relational DatabaseDatabase SystemsPHP ProgrammingSQL+MySQL
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    • MySQL database
kumpulan sheat sheet bahasa pemograman
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      Database SystemsPHPPHP ProgrammingSQL+MySQL
In this paper, we propose a solution to transforming photos of real-world scenes into cartoon style images, which is valuable and challenging in computer vision and computer graphics.The learning objectives of our method are separately... more
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      AlgorithmsParallel ComputingComputer GraphicsWeb Design
Pembayaran administrasi sekolah mempunyai peran penting dalam menunjang aktivitas sekolah, di dalam aktivitas tersebut SD Beyond memiliki kendala yaitu masih banyaknya kesalahan dalam proses pendataan pembayaran, tidak tertagihnya... more
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      Relational DatabaseDatabase SystemsDatabasesSQL+MySQL
Facing corruption issues with your database files like: • Visual FoxPro, • dBase II, • dBase V, • dBase lV, • dBXL, • MultiBase, • Clipper, • Arago, • dBFast or • CodeBase Whichever it is? With the article, I would sharing with you... more
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      Database SystemsDatabasesDatabase OracleDatabase Management
My project is based on food ordering system. The system greatly simplifies the food ordering process for both customer and restaurant compare to the past. Customers access to the account and can choose the restaurant and food that they... more
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      Programming LanguagesPythonMySQL databasexampp
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    • MySQL database
Contiene sentencias sql, prácticas y modelos entidad relación.
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    • MySQL database
Replikasi 2 Arah menggunakan PC dengan OS Windows 8.1, dan PC virtual menggunakan Oracle VirtualBox dengan OS Windows XP
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      Database SystemsComputer NetworksDatabasesDatabase Management Systems
Buku ini tidak mengajarkan kepada anda tentang dasar dasar dari VB. Namun lebih bersifat ke pembuatan aplikasinya secara langsung. So, untuk membaca dan mempraktekkan buku ini. Terlebih dahulu anda harus mengetahui tentang dasar – dasar... more
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      Vb.netMySQL database
the books gives insight on building web server and its programming
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      PHP ProgrammingMySQLWebsitephp/MySQL
Aplikasi GUI Toko Roti Menggunakan JAVA dengan menggunakan fitur JDateChooser untukpemilihan tanggalpemesanan dan tanggalpembayaran serta database mysql
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      Java ProgrammingMySQL databasejdatechooser
tutorial database mysql
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    • MySQL database
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA) is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the computer science, Engineering and... more
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      BioinformaticsAlgorithmsEducationData Mining
Administrador bases de datos
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    • MySQL database
This paper reports on an analysis of the work of Leni Riefenstahl, and German expressionism, through the use of trans-disciplinary semantic associative search in specialized databased dictionaries1. Within this database space (Kitagawa... more
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      German StudiesVisual StudiesSemantic Web TechnologiesFilm Studies
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      Information SystemsSystem DesignMySQL database
Salah satu kelebihan bahasa pemrograman PHP adalah adanya dukungan konektivitas teterhadap database MySQL. Dengan menggabungkan PHP dan MySQL maka anda dapat membuat halaman web menjadi dinamis, sehingga data dapat disimpan di database... more
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      SQL+MySQLMySQLModul MysqlMysql_select_db
Tutoria Cara Pembuatan Replikasi Database MySQL Secara definisi replikasi memiliki pengertian sebagai suatu proses mencopy atau mentransfer data dari suatu database ke database lain yang tersimpan pada komputer berbeda. Bila menilik... more
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      Tugas kuliahProdi Teknik InformatikaMySQL databaseBasis Data
Security has become one of the key features of data transmission on large database. RDBMS are used for storage purposes but with applications generating enormous amount of data, RDBMS is no longer efficient because RDBMS doesn't support... more
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      DatabasesNoSQLRDBMSDatabase Design
Dashboards have become a popular way to display key success indicators at a glance to multiple users across an organization. This paper presents two possible methods for storing, retrieving, displaying and sharing data in a dashboard: 1)... more
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      Relational DatabaseDatabase SystemsData AnalysisData Management
basis data
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      Database SystemsSQL+MySQLSQL SERVERMySQL database
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      Relational DatabaseData MiningDatabase SystemsData Analysis
Abstrak Robot lengan adalah suatu peralatan yang terdiri dari susunan link dan sendi. Robot lengan tersebut mempunyai 4 DOF yang penulis gunakan sebagai alat sorting benda logam dan bukan logam. Pada robot lengan tersebut digerakkan oleh... more
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      RoboticsNetworkingPHP ProgrammingArduino
In this paper is analyzed a case study of an industry project concerning irrigation decision support system (DSS) suitable for precision agriculture applications. In particular, a first prototype irrigation module has been developed by... more
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      Precision AgricultureSensorCloud ComputingUML
mengetahui secara agak detail apa itu dependency serta normalisasi untuk dapat lebih mengerti mysql. dan tidak lupa ada juga dengan running text
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      MySQL databaseRunning Text
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      Database SystemsComputer NetworksWindowsPHP
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      DatabasesMySQLPemrograman DatabaseMysql_query
8th International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology (CSITEC 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Computer Science,... more
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      BioinformaticsAlgorithmsSoftware EngineeringProgramming Languages
Library database system is designed to maintain the library assets in a suitable way. This assignment is about a database design of Bolivia University in which users of the library can keep track on availability of item(s), reservation of... more
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      Database SystemsDatabasesDatabase Management SystemsDatabase Oracle
JavaTpoint Launches Oracle Tutorials JavaTpoint is proud to be a reputed and popular platform to provide computer science related tutorials. It is our passion to create innovative tutorials and share them with the people of the whole world.
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      Database SystemsData AnalysisGreek Oracles and DivinationDatabases
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityDatabase SystemsSecurity
MySQL 5.7 has been GA since October 2015. At the time of writing, it is still a very new release. But more and more companies are looking into upgrading, as it has a list of great new features. Schema changes can be performed with less... more
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      Database SystemsDatabase Management SystemsParallel and distributed DatabasesObject Oriented Database Systems
Come to us for better learning of SQL courses via our experienced trainers which allows you to get better job opportunists easily.
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      Database SystemsSQL+MySQLSQL SERVERSql Injection
Dengan seiring berkembangnya teknologi digitalisasi di dunia saat ini, semua sistem pendataan yang awalnya menggunakan Microsoft Excel dirubah menjadi berbasis database yang saat ini sering kali digunakan, contohnya seperti data gudang,... more
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      php/MySQLPemrograman DatabaseMySQL databasePemograman Web Dengan Php
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      Database SystemsMySQL database
Analyzing and planning section of a making of Database system of superPC online store
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      Software EngineeringRelational DatabaseData MiningDatabase Systems
Article Info I. PENDAHULUAN Perkembangan Teknologi saat ini mempengaruhi kegiatan sehari-hari sehingga keberadaannya menjadi sebuah kebutuhan setiap orang. Dalam kehidupan seharihari, saat ini kita telah banyak memanfaatkan teknologi,... more
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      PHP ProgrammingWebsiteOpenDataMySQL database
A guided user interface application developed in swing framework to build database, table, triggers and audit table for same model on different databases. Databases have been used in a query based format. Database languages like Mysql and... more
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      Computer ScienceRelational DatabaseDatabase SystemsCareer Guidance Counseling
Dengan banyaknya pekerjan di organisasi membuat suatu pekerjan yang tidak terkontrol contohnya dalam pengelolaan barang aset organisasi, maka tidak heran terjadinya kehilangan barang maupun kerusakan barang yang tidak terdata.... more
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      Web ApplicationsPHP ProgrammingInventory ManagementMySQL database
As stated in the 1945 Constitution that one of the most basic human rights is to obtain a proper education. The high cost of completing education is one of the problems that exist in Indonesia. To overcome this problem, one of the things... more
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      Cloud ComputingPHP ProgrammingMySQL databaseFramework Laravel
1. LATAR BELAKANG Pendidikan secara umum merupakan usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran untuk peserta didik agar secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual... more
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      Relational DatabaseAlgoritmaMySQL databaseERD diagrams
A guided user interface application developed in swing framework to build database, table, triggers and audit table for same model on different databases. Databases have been used in a query based format. Database languages like Mysql and... more
    • by  and +1
    •   18  
      Relational DatabaseDatabase SystemsCareer Guidance CounselingKnowledge Discovery in Databases