Recent papers in NGO
This paper compares Japan and the US as they provide different types of capital to the developing world, focusing especially on foreign aid and, to some extent, also on remittances and the role of NGOs. The main focus is on the quality of... more
A growing stream of research finds several relations between economic growth and corruption. Government implement various strategies to diminished corruption and also technology often plays an dominant role to face it. Among various... more
Cet article analyse le rôle central joué par les Aliments Thérapeutiques Prêts à l'Emploi (ATPE) dans les transformations contemporaines de la réponse à la malnutrition infantile. Par cette entrée nous illustrons la manière dont un objet... more
Badan berkanun
Alamat Kerajaan tempatan
Badan berkanun
Alamat Kerajaan tempatan
Much is spoken and written about the liberal nature of global trade and its relation to democracy and freedoms. Trade representatives of the transatlantic free trade agreement (TAFTA | TTIP) have talked about the importance of the... more
Since 1980s, the global trend of international major donor agencies has been to divert aid from the state to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) for the reasons of good governance, better accountability, more transparency and efficient... more
In considering civil society and social capital in Japan, we cannot neglect the traditions from pre-modern times which have given Japan its thick layer of voluntary associational activities and a history of human relationships with... more
This paper brings out perceptions and observations of Tharu communities (Rana and Chaudhary), inhabitants of Shakarpur VDC of Kanchanpur and Gadariya VDCs of Kailali on climate change and its impacts on their livelihood strategies over... more
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is inhabited by four major ethnic groups: the Bantu, the Nilotic, the Sudanese and the Pygmy. The concept of “Indigenous Pygmy people” is accepted and approved by the government and civil society... more
This paper is a review on lateness in public schools, which has posed a major problem to school administrators in Delta State, Nigeria, especially at the primary and secondary school levels. The author delimited his focus on students,... more
Europäische Minderheitenbewegungen scheinen gegenwärtig politisch stärker als je zuvor zu sein. Das vorliegende Buch geht der Frage nach, welche Kräfte und Ressourcen Saamen und Sorben als kleinen ethnischen Minderheitengruppen für eine... more
The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 Member States. Its legislative and executive powers are divided between the EU main institutions: the European Parliament (co-legislative authority), the Council of the... more
Az Addiktológia - Addictologia Hungarica - a Magyar Addiktológiai Társaság lapja. Ebben a számban a kábítószerproblémákkal foglalkozó civil szervezetek kapcsolatrendszeréről esik szó, és az intravénás mefedronhasználók jellemzőiről, a Kék... more