National Interest
Recent papers in National Interest
The United States pursuing the realist prescription during the cold war helped maintain the balance of power and thus 'peace' among the competing great powers. In the post-cold war era it divorced some of realist assumptions-most... more
The ability of nationalism is often questioned whether this philosophy is still significant at a time when globalization embrace by all countries in the world? Presently, there are evidence in growing of worldwide nationalism. Here in the... more
Whilst religion and collective identity have become issues of central concern to international relations scholars, dynastic concerns and national interests still dominate their analyses of early modern international politics. This... more
Industri pertahanan Indonesia dituntut untuk dapat berkembang agar dapat mencapai kemandirian industri pertahanannya dan hal ini sesuai dengan program pengembangan industri pertahanan dalam negeri Indonesia. Untuk mencapai kemandirian... more
The aim of this research is to analyze the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, focusing on the various changes that took place in Nigerian foreign policy since Independent, and specifically upon the election of President M.... more
Due to the Malacca Straits’ strategic centrality in contemporary regional shipping routes, the Japanese have become very concerned about the passage of ships through the area as they have increasingly attracted the attention of... more
This article examines and analyses Japan’s current interest in the South China Sea, by first alluding to the historical context of that country’s involvement from the mid-1930s to the end of the Pacific War, 1945. It then outlines Japan’s... more
Dalam suatu interaksi yang dijalin, tentunya para aktor memiliki tujuan masing-masing. Begitu halnya dalam hubungan internasional. Dalam paper ini, penulis berusaha menjelaskan negara dalam menjalin hubungan internasional memiliki... more
An intimate relationship between Pakistan
Esse artigo é um trabalho de cunho teórico. Seu objetivo é estudar o conceito de política externa e interesses nacionais para entender o conceito de parceria estratégica aplicado aos Estados no cenário internacional, assim como suas... more
in: Brezáni, Peter (ed.): Ročenka zahraničnej politiky Slovenskej republiky 2015. Bratislava : RC SFPA 2016, s. 115-128.
- Il 14 aprile 2018 USA, Francia e Gran Bretagna hanno effettuato incursioni aeree contro obiettivi del Governo siriano appoggiato da Iran e Russia. - Il conflitto in Siria, esploso sulla base di contraddizioni (politiche, sociali,... more
"The concepts of national interest or raison d’etat continue to be fundamental elements in the foreign policies of states. Making direct reference to these concepts is crucial for making the arguments employed in political discussions... more
Keamanan suatu negara merupakan simbol penting bagi setiap negara, apabila negara tersebut dinyatakan aman oleh negara lainnya maka negara tersebut akan memperoleh keuntungan yang besar, karena berdampak pada investasi dari negara lain... more
This work addresses the central points of the construction process of the Ecuadorian Armed Forces to the new challenges, perceptions and responses related to the present environment of security and defense, from a structural and long-term... more
In this essay, we use the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) in developing countries (specifically, the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Ghana) to illustrate why and how States can... more
ABSTRAKSI Skripsi ini menjelaskan mengenai kepentingan Turki dalam Shanghai Cooperation Organization periode 2012-2013. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan Turki berkeinginan untuk menjadi anggota... more
Most scholars are inclined to assume that the diplomatic practices of the European Union’s member states remain fundamentally unchanged. The EU’s Council of Ministers is accordingly seen as a setting where sovereign states speak with one... more
Many view the crisis in Ukraine as the most dangerous challenge to European security since the end of the Cold War. While almost all other European countries condemned the Russian annexation of the Crimea, Serbia chose to remain neutral.... more
Th e Nordic countries have a long tradition of regional cooperation. Th e end of the Cold War and the subsequent accession of Finland and Sweden to the European Union created the necessity to redefi ne the nature of this collaboration... more
This book questions, for the first time, the assertion of Russia's status as a great power in a sharpened form. Moreover, it proves based on extensive material that Russia has lost the qualities of a structure-forming subject of... more
This paper aims to see the shift of Indonesia's foreign policy from diplomacy to a confrontation during the Soekarno era from 1945 to 1965. The change of foreign policy orientation become a spotlight on this paper that explores the issue... more
International Relations Research paper on the effectiveness of national interest in the formulation of a state's foreign policy
Diplomasi secara praktis dan teoritis merupakan aktivitas politik yang dimainkan oleh suatu negara dalam rangka mencapai kepentingan nasional. Terlepas dari kontestasi pemikiran dalam studi hubungan internasional antara kaum realis dengan... more
The Chinese naval power is often portrayed as a force which wants to conquer other maritime provinces. More than that military asset modernization by China was often cited as another pointer to the country's intent to dominate and become... more
The published chapter focuses on international economic themes in the discipline of international relations. It examines the explanatory power of neorealism, neomerchantilism, and regime theory addressing the issue of Soviet integration... more
This article evaluates the importance of US international oil companies (IOCs) for US energy security and is particularly important given the absence of scholarly analysis of the subject area in both the energy security and international... more
The 'Occupy Movement' took many people by surprise with both its scope, as well as with the manner in which it resonated with the deep sense of discontentment that appears to be felt by many people in the United States concerning the... more
This course discusses the concept of national interest in government and international relations using agenda setting approach which enables the analysis of the (changing) power relationships between political parties, institutions and... more