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      BuddhismJapanese StudiesJapanese ReligionsHistoriography
El texto se trata de una reseña y comentario del "Libro del sol y otros poemas" (Intermezzo tropical, 2010) del poeta Josemári Recalde Rojas (1973-2000)
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      PoesíaPoesía PeruanaJosemári Recalde
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THE LAST PROPHECY – II / SCIENCE-FICTION PREFACE Do the number Pi (π) contain everything within? Such as your date of birth, your date of death, even the date of the Doomsday. Well, what if someone knew that a long time ago and coded... more
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      InquisitionEschatology and ApocalypticismScience FictionTheory of Science Fiction Film
THE LAST PROPHECY – I / SCIENCE-FICTION PREFACE Do the number Pi (π) contain everything within? Such as your date of birth, your date of death, even the date of the Doomsday. Well, what if someone knew that a long time ago and coded... more
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      InquisitionEschatology and ApocalypticismScience FictionTheory of Science Fiction Film
ÖNSÖZ & BAŞLANGIÇ Pi (π) sayısının içinde her şey var olabilir mi? Doğum tarihiniz, hatta ölüm tarihiniz bile, hatta Kıyametin tarihi. Peki, ya bunu birileri çok önceden biliyor olsaydı ve bir yere kodlamış olsalardı? Ortaçağ'da,... more
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      InquisitionEschatology and ApocalypticismScience FictionTheory of Science Fiction Film
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      NostradamusGelecek ÖngörüsüMichel de Nostradamus
Cette édition rassemble l’étude des trois premières centuries des Prophéties de Nostradamus, elle fait donc suite à la précédente qui n’avait étudié que les deux premières. Ce faisant, il a été nécessaire de réviser partiellement la... more
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      ReligionHistoryRenaissance StudiesLiterary Criticism
This article documents a manuscript of the historian Jean de Nostradame, a character close to J.J.Scaliger, who claims to have found a document in Provence in which it is said that the Saracens occupied Europe under the direction of the... more
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      New Testament and Christian OriginsBible chronologyNostradamusExilarch
En este artículo se documenta un manuscrito del historiador Jean de Nostradame, un personaje cercano a J.J.Scaliger, que afirma haber encontrado un documento en la Provenza en el que se dice que los sarracenos ocuparon Europa bajo la... more
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      ToulouseNostradamusNew ChronologyCronologia Bíblica Antiguo Testamento
En aquest article es documenta un manuscrit de l’historiador Joan de Nostradame, un personatge proper a en J.J.Scaliger, que afirma haver trobat un document a la Provença en què es diu que els sarraïns ocuparen Europa sota la direcció del... more
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      NostradamusNew ChronologyCronologia Bíblica Antiguo TestamentoAnatoly Fomenko
Michel de Nostredame, noto come Nostradamus, fu il misterioso autore di un corpus di opere enigmatiche conosciuto come "Les Prophéties" (Le Profezie), una raccolta di versi profetici che attirò l'attenzione di numerosi interpreti... more
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      GemstoneNostradamusProphetic LiteratureGems and Gemology
Les Prophéties de Nostradamus ne sont pas un amoncellement hétéroclite de calamités et de catastrophes chronologiquement datées, toutes séparées et différentes les unes des autres. Au contraire, ce sont une collection recyclée d'un nombre... more
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      HumanitiesRenaissance StudiesMysticismAutism and Language
Les tarots de Marseille sont un des supports les plus utilisés pour nos séance de voyance ou de médiumnité. N'hésitez pas à nous poser toutes questions qui vous semblent importantes. Les Tarots sont là depuis des siècles et ils ne se... more
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      Small and Medium-scale EnterprisesNostradamus
The drama shows the introduction of purely objective scientific thinking, how doctor Faust drew extreme consequences out of that, how Michel de Nostradamus tried introducing it into medical science, and how finally Giordano Bruno brought... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceSocial SciencesRenaissance StudiesInquisition
Appunti, recensioni e studi su Massoneria ed esoterismo apparsi su Vento largo.
Vento largo è un blog attivo dal novembre 2009. Ad oggi conta oltre due milioni di visualizzazioni.
Savona- Febbraio 2022
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      Giordano BrunoHistory of FreemasonryAntropologíaSalvador Allende
In this essay, I plan to analyse the phenomenon whereupon Finnegans Wake demonstrates the apparent ability to "foretell" future events outside of the book's compositional timeframe. This is research prompted by contemporary online... more
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      James JoyceDivinationConspiracy TheoriesFacebook
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Un fait-divers tragique (deux morts en juin 1762) : la quête d'un trésor (dans le sous-sol d'une maison à Barre-des-Cévennes) qui, au fil du temps, se transforme en légende, celle de la chèvre d'or. Comment un fait-divers local, la mort... more
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But it is precisely at that time that the Beast will crawl up to us in full submission, and lick the soles of our feet, and sprinkle them with tears of blood, and we shall sit upon the scarlet-colored Beast, and lifting up high the golden... more
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      Albrecht DürerSintraNostradamusGaleno
ARTÍCULOS 2010 “Mujer, fatal, compañera y madre en la poesía de César Vallejo”. 2008 “El Taller Literario César Vallejo en la República Dominicana”. pp. 123-136 IN: Berroa, Rei (ed.); Aproximaciones a la literatura dominicana, 1981-2008.... more
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    • Cesar Vallejo's poetry
Par une analyse lexicale systématique il est possible de reconnaître dans l’œuvre de Nostradamus plusieurs éléments sémiologiques appartenant au registre d’un syndrome obsessionnel associé au domaine autistique. Une étude comparative des... more
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      Renaissance HumanismSpirituality & MysticismAutism and LanguageMystical Theology
Those who seek difficult to explain phenomena such as UFOs have no need to scan the skies or explore haunted castles. Such mysteries can be encountered by those who read history books. A note on the date of the Great Fire of London -... more
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      HistorySymbolismParent InvolvementUnexplained phenomena
This is a book in the making. It concerns our time consciousness with its linear or historical aspect in relation to its cyclical or mythological aspect. How do these aspects relate to each  other?
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      Metaphysics of TimePhilosophy of TimeTime Perception
Here is a run-through of historical dates beginning with February the fourteenth and closing with November the ninth. Are dates merely arbitrary signs to plague school children or are they telling us things of greater importance?
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      HistoryNumerologyBiblical Dates and Chronology
Autour de la pose de la première pierre de l’agrandissement de Saint Laurent de Salon, par Jean de Cardonne, religieux dominicain nommé en 1341, par Benoît XII, son oncle, à l’archevêché d’Arles, et mort en 1348. Également une brève... more
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      Medieval HistoryPaleographyMedieval ProvenceNostradamus
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      NostradamusHistoria MedycynyMedycynaFarmacja
ÖNSÖZ & BAŞLANGIÇ Pi (π) sayısının içinde her şey var olabilir mi? Doğum tarihiniz, hatta ölüm tarihiniz bile, hatta Kıyametin tarihi. Peki, ya bunu birileri çok önceden biliyor olsaydı ve bir yere kodlamış olsalardı? Ortaçağ'da,... more
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      InquisitionEschatology and ApocalypticismScience FictionTheory of Science Fiction Film
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    • Konrad Celtis
Some essays point to the relevance of Roman history until the present day, others to connections between historical events and works of literature.
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      Roman HistoryFrench RevolutionHistory of Iran
Scholarship tends to steer clear of anything that smacks of an interest in the paranormal or the mystical fringe of metaphysical and religious speculation. Occasionally a scholar takes the bull by the horns and takes up a discussion of... more
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      Thomas JeffersonParanormalSynchronicityFourth of July Creek
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      NostradamusHistoria MedycynyFarmacjaRenesans.
L’articolo contiene una biografia di Nostradamus e il commento ad alcune delle sue profezie, con l'illustrazione di alcuni punti di vista in merito. Esso venne pubblicato su l’aleph ( http://lalephgiornalino.blogspot.it ), effimero... more
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      Western Esotericism (History)EsotericismWestern EsotericismRinascimento
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      AstrologyUmanesimoNostradamusCristoforo Landino
Le “storie di libri” qui raccolte in memoria di Alessandro Daneloni approfondiscono aspetti inediti di singole tradizioni testuali latine e neolatine e vicende finora poco indagate di libri manoscritti e a stampa. L’approccio filologico... more
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      Roman LawTextual CriticismPolizianoClassical philology
We commemorate the deaths of William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes today in recollection of April the twenty-third 16i6. Balzac and more recently a historian have pondered the possible implications of noteworthy coincidences hat... more
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      HistoryLiteratureShakespeareMiguel de Cervantes
Algunos poetas predijeron su muerte, la poesía es una forma de profecía, o las profecías son solo una forma de poesía.
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      PoesíaNostradamusCésar VallejoManuel Scorza
The Great Fire of London is now very much in the news on this its 350th anniversry. This note points to a number of peculiarities linked to that dire event. On was it so dire in every respect? Correction MDCLXVI = 1666 (Latin letters with... more
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      HistoryConspiracy TheoriesHistory Of LondonForecasting and Prediction Tools
Il s'agit dans cet article de remonter l’histoire radiophonique des « montreurs d’avenir » - c’est-à-dire l’histoire de la médiatisation des « montreurs d’avenir » (médiums, taratologues, géomanciens, chiromanciens, astrologues, voyants,... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionCommunicationMass Communication
Prophets and Kings, and their Changing Roles: Old Testament Role Models, Medieval Prophets in Legends and History from Merlin to Joachim of Fiore, and Early Modern Prophets like Savonarola, Nostradamus and John Dee at Courts.
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      Early Modern HistoryOld Testament ProphecyMedieval Church HistoryChurch History
On a few privileges required by some Lyonese printers in the XVIth century to issue Nostradamus's "pronostications" and almanacs.
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      Copyright HistoryRenaissance LyonNostradamusEarly Modern Almanacs
Donald Justice sustituye el hablante de Vallejo  por el hablante "Donald Justice" para contar otra muerte y  otra soledad en otro tiempo y lugar
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      Translation of PoetryCésar VallejoDonald Justice
On February 28, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI stepped down from the papacy. On March 13 of the same year a new pope was elected in his place and took the name “Francis.” The present paper analyzes the medievalizing and medieval-associated... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedievalismContemporary MedievalismPapacy (Medieval Church History)
People are less inclined to know past then absorb present but much interested in knowing future. Humans have always yearned to know what the future has in store for us. Everyone wants a glimpse of the cosmic plan to see where the destiny... more
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      Future StudiesAstrologyForecastingHistory of Astrology
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      HistoryGeneticsRitualEvolutionary genetics
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      MysticismTeleologyDeterminismAmerican Presidential History