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The largest gatherings in human history prior to the advent of electronic amplification were all effectively limited by the loudness and intelligibility of the human voice. Various accounts throughout history depict single orators... more
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      Military HistoryAcousticsOratoryArchaeoacoustics
Διάλεξη στους φοιτητές της Θεολογικής Σχολής της Εκκλησίας της Κύπρου, 10 Νοεμβρίου 2020, 11:00-12:30.
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      HistoryClassicsRhetoricPerformance Studies
G. Cazals, « "Le voilà dans l’Éthiopie" De l’ailleurs dans les plaidoyers de la Renaissance », dans Les recueils de Plaidoyez à la Renaissance entre droit et littérature. Actes du colloque organisé à Avignon, 5-6 juin 2014, Genève,... more
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      Law and LiteratureOratoryHistory of LawLitterature de Voyages
This is a set of slides on ancient Rhetoric and Oratory. As for other topics taught in the course "Approaches to Ancient Studies", it was meant just as a quick initiation, i.e. making the students aware of the significance of these... more
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      RhetoricOratoryAncient Greek RhetoricGreek Oratory
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesRhetoric and Public CultureCivil RightsOratory
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryEmotion
Speeches of Swami Vivekananda and Subhash Chandra Bose: A Comparative Study deciphers the speeches of Swami Vivekananda and Subhash Chandra Bose to trace out the thought patterns, revealed through the language, and thus to find out the... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesEnglish LiteratureMedia and Cultural Studies
Quo usque tandem ... What made (and still makes) this opening question so eminently effective and memorable? By way of an answer, this paper suggests that (i) it is the double collusion between rhetorical form and content, of which (ii)... more
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      Roman HistoryRhetoricOratoryCicero
This article investigates the emergence of protest music in Tahiti, understood as voiced feelings of opposition against social or political injustice and processes of cultural standardization, as well as more implicit and “pacific” forms... more
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      HistoryProtest MusicOratoryPostmodern Literary Theory and Popular Culture
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      Public AddressAbraham LincolnRhetoric and Public CultureOratory
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMetaphorOratory
Article first published in "Acting Archives Essays" (www.actingarchives.it) April 2011, later included in “Theory of Acting. From Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century” (chapter 2), Napoli: Marsilio & Acting Archives, December 2012... more
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      AestheticsTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryItalian Studies
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryRhetoricNineteenth Century Studies
Plato and Aristotle are key figures in the study of rhetoric. Classical period had been known as the era where rhetoric emerged as the influential language existence. Experts on rhetoric had discussed deeply about the history of rhetoric... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)RhetoricEnglishClassical rhetoric
The book consists of three parts– Introduction, Select Speeches and Questions-Answers. In the first chapter of Introduction, which consists of 5 chapters, Singh details Swami’s eventful life. In the Second Part of the book Singh has... more
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      Cultural StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsCultural HeritageIndian studies
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      OratoryPastoral Care and CounsellingPastoral CounselingSalesianos
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      Rhetoric and Public CultureOratoryCivil Rights MovementAfrican American Rhetoric
In 346/5 BC, Aeschines prosecuted Timarchus, a well-known Athenian politician, under a procedure known as dokimasia rhētorōn. Timarchus was accused of illegally addressing the Assembly on account of his actions as a male prostitute and... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryHomerGreek Tragedy
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      Audience and Reception StudiesOratoryPolish LiteraturePoems
Historians of rhetoric have long worked to recover women’s education in reading and writing, but have only recently begun to explore women’s speaking practices, from the parlor to the platform to the varied types of institutions where... more
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      RhetoricWomen's HistoryOratorySpeech Communication
يحاول هذا البحث إعادة فحص موقف أفلاطون ’العدائي‘ من البلاغة، كما يظهر في محاورتي ‘جورجياس’ و’فيدروس’. ويحاول استكشاف فرضية أن مفهوم البلاغة التي ينتقدها أفلاطون يشير إلى البلاغة السياسية وبعض أشكال البلاغة القضائية فحسب. ومن ثمَ يُحاج... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryOratoryPolitical Discourse Analysis
Old-Polish genethliac speeches. An exploratory study This study is dedicated to the issue of Old-Polish oratory genethliac variant, that is congratulatory speech delivered on occasion of offspring’s birth – in either theoretical and... more
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      RhetoricBaroque Art and LiteratureOratory
From Claudio Vicentini, "Theory of Acting. From Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century"¸ Marsilio & Acting Archives, Napoli, 2012 (www.academia.edu).
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      AestheticsTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryPerformance Studies
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      Music HistoryJesuit historyOratoryHaydn
The first history of acting theory in the West, from antiquity to the eighteenth century when the specific characteristics of the actor’s art were established. An account of the long cultural journey to understanding every aspect behind... more
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      French LiteratureAestheticsEnglish LiteratureTheatre Studies
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      EthicsIslamic StudiesOratoryIslamic History
انشغل العرب المحدثون على مدار ما يقرب من قرن من الزمان بدراسة الأثر اليوناني والروماني في البلاغة العربية. وتبنت بعض هذه الدراسات موقفين متطرفين؛ يذهب أولهما إلى تبعية البلاغة العربية للبلاغة اليونانية، في حين ينفي الطرف الآخر وجود أي... more
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      PlatoArabic Language and LinguisticsOratoryArabic Rhetoric
This article exploits the developing political science literature on rhetorical political analysis (RPA) and applies it to one of the most controversial speeches of the post-war era in British politics. Alongside an analysis of the roots... more
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      RhetoricBritish PoliticsOratoryConservative Party
En la Antigua Roma, la enseñanza desempeñaba un papel fundamental en la formación de los jóvenes romanos. En el presente trabajo se analiza la estructura y los programas educativos de la enseñanza romana en sus tres niveles: el primario,... more
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      EducationHistoriographyOratoryAncient Rome
يحمل هذا الكتاب عُنوانًا أساسيًا هو "ضد البلاغة"، وهو عنوان استوحيتُه من ملاحظة لألفريد كروازيه في تقديمه لترجمة محاورة جورجياس إلى الفرنسية، يقول فيها: "إن البيان في “جُورْجْيَاسْ” يُقدَّم بوصفه "فن الكذب الضار بالدول والأفراد؛ ولهذا... more
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      PhilosophyClassicsRhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
El domingo 20 de noviembre de 2011 señalaría un antes y un después en la dirección política de España por aquel entonces aún impredecible. Un penúltimo domingo de otoño marcó la elección del Partido Popular como la última que se... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCommunicationRhetoricSpeech Prosody
Plato made some of the most significant contributions to the field of communication today, whether we can attribute a theory to him or not. Through his writings, he has caused centuries of academic debate in the fields of philosophy,... more
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Dal professionista al docente, dal giornalista allo scrittore, dal politico al copywriter: ogni giorno ciascuno di noi usa la retorica. Dall’ossimoro alla sineddoche, dall’enfasi all’anafora, il linguaggio scritto e parlato è ricco di... more
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      Creative WritingRhetoricRhetoricsPublic Speaking
The legal profession and oratory have always been inextricably linked. The Napoleonic ruling class was firmly convinced of this when they opened the Scuola di eloquenza pratica legale (a school of oratory for the legal profession), which... more
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      LawyersOratoryLawyers and Society
And here's some welcome attention to our work with the Public Speaking Initiative:
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      CommunicationRhetoricComposition and RhetoricRhetoric and Public Culture
Oratory and rhetoric are the most appropriate fields to test the lexical specialization of the verbs declamo and recito: declamo describes preparatory exercises of oratory itself; on the opposite hand, recito is referred to the reading of... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRhetoricOratory
Volume 4 of the Orations of Enea Silvio Piccolomini / Pope Pius II contains seven orations from the three year period 1450-1452. Six are orations held in his capacity of imperial ambassador, one to King Alfonso V, three to Pope Nicolaus... more
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      Renaissance HumanismOratoryEnea Silvio PiccolominiPope Pius II;
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      Performing ArtsTheatre HistoryPedagogyOratory
MD 19 (1987), 29-63
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      OratoryCiceroLucretiusLucretius, De rerum natura
This paper aims at identifying the persuasive strategies that religious orators use to persuade their audience and win huge following. Language is not an innocent and objective tool for communicating meaning. Language is also used for... more
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      OratorySpeech CommunicationReligious Studies
لقد اقتصر التأريخ للخطابة عادة على مجرد التأريخ لحياة الخطباء وخطبهم؛ لكننا ندرك أن تاريخ الخطابة أكبر وأشمل من ذلك بكثير. فتاريخ الخطابة هو تاريخ الجمهور الذي يتلقى الخطب والمجتمعات التي يتم فيها إنتاجها وإلقاؤها وتلقيها، وتاريخ كُتَّاب... more
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      SociolinguisticsOratoryPolitical Discourse AnalysisPolitical Discourse
Reclaims public speaking as a central cultural form of the nineteenth century Places famous speeches by Emmeline Pankhurst, Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain and Oscar Wilde alongside previously unpublished texts Offers a more racially,... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesWilliam JamesCosmopolitanismOratory
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      Arabic LiteratureQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesOratory
Speaking in public often is considered to be one of the worst fears people have. Impromptu speaking, where you have little time to prepare, is even more frightening for many people. Here is a summary of advice and insights from several... more
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      Speech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersPublic SpeakingOratorySpeech Communication
Il 1527 è l’anno di svolta della parabola biografica del Guicciardini. Il terribile sacco di Roma del sei maggio estingue ogni tentativo volto a salvaguardare l’autonomia degli Stati italiani. A questa cocente disfatta si aggiunge poi la... more
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      Renaissance StudiesAutobiographyOratoryLibri Di Famiglia
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      Critical TheoryPoetryOratoryOral literature
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      ClassicsOratoryClassical philologyRoman Oratory
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureRhetoric
Volume 3 of the Orations of Enea Silvio Piccolomini / Pope Pius II contains eight orations from the five year period 1445 - 1449. One is a sermon to his parishioners in Aspach (probably never held), two are academic lectures given at the... more
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      Renaissance HumanismOratoryPope Pius XIIEnea Silvio Piccolomini