Most cited papers in Pacification
This article will argue that the concepts of repression and militarization are inadequate tools for a radical critique of the targeted and selective application of coercion and consent in efforts to (re)produce a liberal capitalist order.... more
In this article, I make an empirical contribution to the scholarship on education in urban settings that are affected by militarized policing and illicit drug markets. I offer insights into the role education played in the Pacifying... more
Neste artigo, articulo diversos momentos de trabalho de campo qualitativo em favelas cariocas para investigar as dinâmicas de negociação entre os dirigentes de associações dessas localidades e os agentes civis e militares do poder... more
During the negotiation and implementation of the Havana Peace Agreements in Colombia, a twofold mechanism used to deal with the increasing number of socio-environmental conflicts has remained constant: the strengthening of the anti-riot... more
This paper reveals the secrets of BlueLeaks, a massive archive of documents hacked from police agencies, and intelligence centers in the United States. A September 2019 Intelligence Assessment by the Virginia Fusion Center cites... more
Warfare among the South Fore ceased quickly after first contact in 1949. Three aspects of the process of colonial pacification profoundly changed incentive structures for local warfare: punishment by force of those groups continuing acts... more
La vie dans le South Bronx est marquée par une série d’expériences qui renvoient à deux types de violences : une violence policière et une violence sociale. Dans cet article, je montrerai que ces formes de violence participent de logiques... more
O objetivo deste artigo é discutir os sentidos das políticas de pacificação a partir dos impactos na Baixada Fluminense no plano das sociabilidades e representações na trajetória de moradores que pertencem a uma igreja evangélica... more
According to Stephen Graham, cities have become the battlespaces of a new generation of warfare. The «new military urbanism» entails the blurring of military and civilian spheres as it concerns urban security doctrine and practice. This... more
The article seeks to highlight the continuity of inquisitorial and authoritarian practices in the democratic state in Brazil through the analysis of the public safety program called “Pacifying Police Units” held by the state government of... more
This article theorizes the relationship of privacy to capital and projects of security and, in doing so, situates privacy in context to pacification. In particular, the article provides an interrogation of the contradictory structuring of... more
Peaceful coexistence has replaced endemic warfare among the Asabano and other Om-Fu River peoples in Papua New Guinea. An Australian patrol making first contact in the 1960s curtailed warfare through threats. A decade later, Christian... more
In this article, I try to analyse the neoliberal re-structuration in Turkey with a view to fabrication of official national security discourse and its adaption as common sense among productive classes. Acknowledging pacification as a... more
RESUMO: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo de identificar uma complementaridade entre os conceitos-chave de hegemonia e pacificação para explicar a assistência de segurança dos EUA à Colômbia e ao México no pós-Guerra Fria. Parte-se... more
As the 21st century began, Algeria, Morocco, and North Sudan launched some much-publicised “reconciliation” policies, or, in the case of North Sudan, “pacification” policies. Algeria, following its Clemency policy (1995) and Civil Concord... more
Nouvelles mobilités entrepreneuriales et touristiques, mobilisations anti-racistes des personnes d'origine asiatique en France: un des enjeux transversaux à ce livre concerne le rôle, possiblement amplificateur, joué par la globalisation... more
A MINUSTAH (Missão das Nações Unidas para estabilização no Haiti) contou com a liderança militar do Exército Brasileiro, de 2004 a 2017, e teve como objetivo restabelecer a segurança e a normalidade institucional no Haiti após sucessivos... more
À partir du cas d’Henri Rochefort à la fin du Second Empire, l’article étudie les relations entretenues par le pamphlétaire et un ordre parlementaire alors encore en phase de construction. Il fait ressortir le contraste assez saisissant... more
Este artículo analiza las Unidades de Policía Pacificadora (UPPs) de Río de Janei-ro. Las cuales desde diciembre del 2008 se han encargado de tomar el control de algunas de las favelas de la ciudad que eran ocupadas por grupos criminales... more
The transnational (re)making of contemporary urban pacification practices, discourses, and technologies between Brazil and Israel is underpinned by coercive entanglements. The Israeli experience with the occupation of the Palestinian... more
A tanulmány alapkérdése, hogy a nyugati modernitás évszázadai során hogyan változott a személyközi erőszak jelentősége az intim szférában, és hogy e változások hogyan magyarázhatók. Elsősorban Norbert Elias főművére, a Civilizáció... more
No contexto do neoliberalismo que propaga uma sociedade regulada pelo mercado e por mecanismos de concorrência, ao mesmo tempo em que se exige um controle de populações e territórios problemáticos, o urbanismo militar e a governança... more
Dans cette étude, nous essayons d’appliquer la méthodologie généalogique à l’analyse du discours militaire français, britannique et américain sur la « pacification de populations » de la fin du xixe siècle jusqu’à nos jours. L’objectif... more