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      PolicePacificationSocial Pacification
A MINUSTAH (Missão das Nações Unidas para estabilização no Haiti) contou com a liderança militar do Exército Brasileiro, de 2004 a 2017, e teve como objetivo restabelecer a segurança e a normalidade institucional no Haiti após sucessivos... more
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Insurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Marxist theoryMilitary and Politics
Pacification is a military concept that was popularly used during the US war in Vietnam. Since then, however, the term had disappeared not only from the discourse of political power and the opposition but also from the academic literature... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolice ScienceMilitary Science
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      MarxismCommonsSecuritySecurity Studies
This Master's thesis investigates the UPP or "Policifying Police Unit" public security strategy in Conjunto de Favelas da Maré, Rio de Janeiro. On the basis ethnographic fieldwork, I analyse the situation using concepts of violence,... more
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      Political AnthropologyResistance (Social)BrazilUrban Violence
An examination of the role of paramilitary/ irregular soldiers hired by the French in the First Indochina War (1945-1954), with comparative comments on the Algerian War.
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      Algerian warFrench colonial IndochinaFrench colonial AlgeriaGuerrilla Warfare
Front-line police operations are deeply entwined with less visible activities – or practices not commonly identified as policing – that are carried out by a wide range of participants as strategies of settler-colonial pacification... more
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      ColonialismPoliceProtestSettler Colonial Studies
Pese a las buenas intenciones, sensibilidad y profesionalidad de los que hemos intentado estudiar y describir desde diferentes perspectivas la compleja realidad social de La Mina, la infeliz consideración de este barrio como un “gueto... more
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      Arquitetura e UrbanismoGitanosSegregacion UrbanaSegregación
Esta dissertação tem como foco as questões sobre a tríade: segurança pública, mídia e violência, relacionada à primeira fase do processo de pacificação de favelas do Complexo do Alemão, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, realizada em novembro... more
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      PoliticsAnálisis del DiscursoEstudios sobre Violencia y ConflictoFavelas
A tanulmány alapkérdése, hogy a nyugati modernitás évszázadai során hogyan változott a személyközi erőszak jelentősége az intim szférában, és hogy e változások hogyan magyarázhatók. Elsősorban Norbert Elias főművére, a Civilizáció... more
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      IntimacyNorbert EliasPacificationAz Erőszak Terjedésének Okai
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      Urban AnthropologyCrimeSocial Order and CrimesPacification
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryEcuadorEcuadorian historyHistoria de la Independencia
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      Border StudiesMigration StudiesReligious StudiesPacification
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      Catalan StudiesRoyal PowerHistory of European Nobility in Late Medieval and Early Modern AgesPacification
La vie dans le South Bronx est marquée par une série d’expériences qui renvoient à deux types de violences : une violence policière et une violence sociale. Dans cet article, je montrerai que ces formes de violence participent de logiques... more
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      Police and PolicingGhettoGangsNon Profit Organizations
Approaching urban social conflicts in Brazil and in Palestine/Israel in terms of settler colonial theory allows the identification of the historical racist structures involved in the violent pacification of racialized native populations.... more
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      Israel/PalestinePalestineSettler Colonial StudiesJerusalem
In the last three decades we have witnessed the significant international proliferation of Business Improvement Zones, Districts or Areas (BIDs). The legislative rise of BIDs has taken place alongside an increasing rationalization,... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCriminologyPolice Science
Desde o século XIX, a ideia da pacificação esteve presente na própria estruturação das Forças Armadas, em especial do Exército brasileiro. Nesse artigo, apropriando-nos da genealogia do poder, perspectiva teórico-metodológica sugerida por... more
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      Military HistoryBrazilArmed ForcesLatin America
Dans cette étude, nous essayons d’appliquer la méthodologie généalogique à l’analyse du discours militaire français, britannique et américain sur la « pacification de populations » de la fin du xixe siècle jusqu’à nos jours. L’objectif... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesColonialismInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)French colonialism
Ce court travail constitue une tentative d'articuler la notion de libre-examen avec la proposition de l'écologie des pratiques d'Isabelle Stengers qu'elle détaille dans son ouvrage "La Vierge et le neutrino : les scientifiques dans la... more
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      Isabelle StengersPacificationIdiotécologie Des Pratiques
Anti-Security is a political project seeking to foster critical theoretical and empirical interventions into existing security discourses. An edited book by the same title helped coalesce an emerging strand of radical scholarship under... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolice ScienceMilitary Science
The year 2020 saw police militarization again thrust into debates regarding the nature and extent of police violence. Critics of police militarization suggest that as departments have assumed military weaponry and tactics, the institution... more
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      CriminologyCounterinsurgencyGlobal CapitalismWar powers
"Over the past three decades, the industrialized world has witnessed four resilient social trends: (1) the consistent erosion of union-membership; (2) an increase in income polarization and inequality; (3) a dramatic resurgence in popular... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical EconomyMarxismInternational Security
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Within recent critical debates about the geographies and circulations of counterinsurgency knowledge, scholars have focused primarily on domi- nant centres of power and authority in the global North. Building a framework drawn from... more
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      TerrorismSecurityInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)War on Terror
With responses to urban violence receiving increasing academic attention, the literature on anti-gang efforts in Latin America has focused mainly on coercive mano dura policies and cooperative gang truces. Yet, there remains a paucity of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceColombiaInternational Security
This paper reveals the secrets of BlueLeaks, a massive archive of documents hacked from police agencies, and intelligence centers in the United States. A September 2019 Intelligence Assessment by the Virginia Fusion Center cites... more
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      SecurityPoliceMilitarization & PowerCounterinsurgency
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      SecurityPolitical SciencePolicePrimitive Accumulation
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      LiberalismColonialismNeoliberalismWar on Terror
In this paper we operationalize and empirically test six core tenets of pacification theory derived from Marxian political economy using time series data for the USA from 1972-2009. Our analysis confirms that rising inequality is... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MovementsEconomicsLabor Economics
Pacification' of a colonized territory is usually seen through the perspective of coercion and police as the tool of that process but this article argues that even the issue of security, a matter of coercive social control can be a space... more
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      British EmpirePolice HistoryPacificationColonial Bengal
La première Unité de Police Pacificatrice (UPP) est apparue à Rio de Janeiro au mois de décembre 2008 dans la favela de Santa Marta. Depuis lors, ce ne sont pas moins de 38 unités qui ont vu le jour au sein de la mégapole brésilienne,... more
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      Brazilian StudiesSecurityQualitative ResearchBrazilian Politics
From the jacket: Policing in a capitalist economy is run on both state and private levels. Much existing literature on private policing assumes that the private sector is oriented almost exclusively towards loss prevention, and does not... more
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      Police ScienceMarxismQualitative methodologyGovernmentality
This article will argue that the concepts of repression and militarization are inadequate tools for a radical critique of the targeted and selective application of coercion and consent in efforts to (re)produce a liberal capitalist order.... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsPolice Science
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
Textbook presentations of U.S. policing name the present as new stage of professionalization: the homeland security era, where the application of “big data” promises “smarter” policing. Within this framework of gradual progress, liberal... more
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      Information TechnologyHistorical SociologyMarxismWorld Systems Analysis
The transnational (re)making of contemporary urban pacification practices, discourses, and technologies between Brazil and Israel is underpinned by coercive entanglements. The Israeli experience with the occupation of the Palestinian... more
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      BrazilUrban SecurityPacification
Este artigo analisa alguns dos impactos sobre o tecido associativo das favelas do Rio de Janeiro após a implementação do programa das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP), em 2008. Destacamos nessa investigação as possibilidades de... more
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      Social MovementsMilitarism and militarizationMovimentos sociaisFavelas
Resumo: Este artigo discute o uso do esporte para a promoção da paz e os principais aspectos analisados no contexto internacional, traçando correspondências e alteridades com as ações promovidas nas áreas de pacificação no Rio de Janeiro.... more
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      Rio de JaneiroEsportesPacification
No contexto do neoliberalismo que propaga uma sociedade regulada pelo mercado e por mecanismos de concorrência, ao mesmo tempo em que se exige um controle de populações e territórios problemáticos, o urbanismo militar e a governança... more
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      Military urbanismMilitarizationUrban EntrepreneurialismPacification
english title : . A tumb for the peace. An history of french pacification edicts Comment sortir d'une guerre civile ? Et comment vivre alors avec l'ennemi de la veille, partager une même ville avec lui, habiter le même quartier, la... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryFrench HistoryPeace and Conflict Studies
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      Military HistoryColonialismRussian HistoryCentral Asia
À partir du cas d’Henri Rochefort à la fin du Second Empire, l’article étudie les relations entretenues par le pamphlétaire et un ordre parlementaire alors encore en phase de construction. Il fait ressortir le contraste assez saisissant... more
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      Discourse AnalysisIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryPolitical Theory
Neste artigo, articulo diversos momentos de trabalho de campo qualitativo em favelas cariocas para investigar as dinâmicas de negociação entre os dirigentes de associações dessas localidades e os agentes civis e militares do poder... more
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      Social MovementsMilitarism and militarizationRio de JaneiroPacificação
According to Stephen Graham, cities have become the battlespaces of a new generation of warfare. The «new military urbanism» entails the blurring of military and civilian spheres as it concerns urban security doctrine and practice. This... more
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      Social MovementsUrban StudiesPoliceRio de Janeiro
While international relations scholars make many claims about violence, they rarely define the concept. This article develops a typology of three distinct kinds of violence: direct, indirect, and pacification. Direct violence occurs when... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsSocial WorkInternational Relations Theory
The delimitation of the Ottoman-Iranian frontier accumulated its own historical knowledge. In particular, Ottoman-Iranian frontier commissions were formed in different periods, from the middle of the nineteenth century until the early... more
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      ConflictBiographyNegotiationConflict Resolution
In Mexico, the sense of freedom and law and order predominance have been erased for the deepening of the militarization strategy, the absence of social control in terms of effective governance from the institutions and powers of the State... more
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      Community ParticipationMilitarizationVictimsPacification