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"Resumen: el objetivo de esta monografía es el estudio de las inscripciones paleohispánicas (celtibéricas e ibéricas), prestando especial atención a sus soportes. Esta perspectiva es particularmente pertinente en el análisis de... more
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      Celtic StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)RomanizationCeltic Languages
Although the content of rock inscriptions in the most well-known epigraphies can vary, the function of most Iberian rock inscriptions appears to be votive or in general sacred, as is demonstrated by the identification of five abecedaries.... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureProtohistoric Iberian Peninsula
SAGVNTVM “Ciudad de las Magas o Hechiceras” Las monedas íbero-romanas bilingües de ARSE = SAGV y la etimología del nombre de la ciudad de Sagunto. Por Georgeos Díaz-Montexano, Accepted Member of The Epigraphic Society, 1992. El... more
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      Iberian StudiesIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula
Genealogía de la Lengua ÍBERA Fono-morfotipología frecuencial de la lengua íbera, comparada con la euskérica y las principales familias de lenguas eurasiáticas1 sino-caucasianas y afrasiáticas2 Por Georgeos Díaz-Montexano Sobre la... more
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      Iberian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesAltaic LinguisticsTurkish Linguistics
Aquest treball forma part del catàleg de l’exposició del MAC L’Enigma Iber i descriu les característiques principals de la llengua i l’escriptura ibèrica, així com algunes de les línies d’investigació més recents. Entre les que destaca... more
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      Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureProtohistoric Iberian PeninsulaIberian Epigraphy
Publicación de la tesis doctoral
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      Balearic prehistoryIlles Balears / Balearic Islandspre-Indo-European linguistic substratePaleohispanistics
Numerales ibéricos determinados por contexto favorable y sus posibles correlatos transeurasiáticos eusko-altaico-túrquicos.
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      Turkic Speaking PeoplesAltaic LinguisticsOld TurkicPaleohispanic scripts & languages
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      Celtic StudiesPaleohispanic scripts & languagesPaleohispanísticaPaleohispanistics
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      Iron Age Iberian PeninsulaContinental celticPaleohispanistics
In this work I analyse five Iberian inscriptions of three rocks from Osona, two from L'Esquirol at the banks of the Ter river, and one from Sant Martí de Centelles in the limit with the Vallés. The inscriptions respond to the expected... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureProtohistoric Iberian PeninsulaIberian Epigraphy
Research about the language of the earliest inhabitants of the Balearic and Pityusic islands.
Updated: 09/08/2020.
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    • Paleohispanistics
La dos únicas voces Euskaras para 'arar, surcar la tierra' que no han sido explicadas por ninguna otra lengua conocida son iruli y exar. Pues bien, iruli se puede relacionar con lenguas de la macrofamilia Transeurasiática-Altaica1 y exar... more
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      Altaic LinguisticsIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Old TurkicPre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture
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      Greek LanguagePhoenician LanguageIberian languagePaleohispanistics
Por Georgeos Díaz-Montexano / Scientific Atlantology International Society (SAIS) / The Epigraphic Society. CONTINENS INTRODUCTIO 2 COMPARATIONES 5 PROPUESTAS 7 La hipótesis etimológica íbero-altaica. 7 La hipótesis del posible... more
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      Iberian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkeyAltaic Linguistics
In this article, I defend that some bo sign variants are in fact voiceless variants of the ta sign. In addition to the improvement of the dual system internal coherence, this change modifies the reading of almost a hundred Iberian... more
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      Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureIberian EpigraphyPaleohispanic scripts & languagesCeltiberian
En este artículo se revisa desde un punto de vista crítico la hipótesis del ibérico como lengua vehicular, recogiendo y ampliando los problemas ya identificados por muchos otros investigadores. Esta hipótesis fue planteada por Javier de... more
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      Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureIberian EpigraphyPaleohispanic scripts & languagesIberian language
The aim of this paper is the study of Celtiberian inscriptions engraved in Latin alphabet in the context of the palaeohispanic epigraphy, in order to assess their value as sources for the latinization of the Iberian Peninsula in the... more
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      RomanizationEPIGRAFIA PALEOHISPANICALatin AlphabetPaleohispanistics
Términos prehistóricos eurasiático-altaicos para ‘yegua’ y ‘caballo’ en el ibero y en el euskera y en lenguas indoeuropeas occidentales. Georgeos Díaz-Montexano, Accepted Member Vitalicius of The Epigraphic Society. Nota preliminar: Las... more
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      Turkic/Altaic StudiesPaleohispanic scripts & languagesMundo ibéricoIndoeuropean languages
The restoration in 2011 of Yatova's lead plaque F.20.1 eliminated the patina that had prevented the correctly reading the oldest text of the face A. In this lead, two texts in the form of a palimpsest coexist in the face A, but... more
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      Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureProtohistoric Iberian PeninsulaIberian Epigraphy
IL = ‘año’, EBER = ‘luna’, BER = ‘primero’ Una antigua referencia histórica sobre los íberos y la posible filiación Túrquica/Caucasiana de la lengua Íbera. Georgeos Díaz-Montexano, Accepted Member of The Epigraphic Society (2016).... more
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      Iberian StudiesTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish HistoryAltaic Linguistics
The analysis of the epigraphic documents from various sites in the Cabrera de Mar valley reveals a clear predominance of Iberian script over Latin, not only in the Iberian oppidum of Burriac, but also in the late-Republican settlement... more
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      Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureIberian EpigraphyPaleohispanic scripts & languagesLengua ibérica
The epichoric scripts of the Iberian Peninsula are the scripts originated in the Iberian Peninsula, that is, discarding the adaptations of colonial scripts, as would be the case of the Graeco-Iberian alphabet. These scripts can be grouped... more
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      ArchaeologyLanguages and LinguisticsWriting Systems & DeciphermentPre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture
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      Celtic StudiesAncient Indo-European LanguagesCeltic LinguisticsCeltic Archaeology
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Mediterranean ReligionsWritingAnatolian Languages
This work identifies as a southern paleohispanic abecedary an inscription made on one side of an ostrakon from the site of Villasviejas del Tamuja (Botija, Caceres), because it fits with the seven signs of the central sequence of the... more
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      Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureProtohistoric Iberian PeninsulaIberian Epigraphy
This article discusses the existence of a dual system in the southeastern Iberian script similar to that already known in the northeastern Iberian script, but more extensive, as well as affects the occlusive’s dentals and velars syllabic... more
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      Writing systemsUndeciphered Writing SystemsPre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureIberian Epigraphy
El cep d'àncora de la col·lecció Guerra és el primer de la seva categoria que presenta una inscripció ibèrica: baitolo, probablement un topònim, bé el nom de la ciutat de baitolo/Baetulo, l'actual Badalona, que emet monedes amb la... more
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      Naval ArchitectureAncient HistoryArchaeologyLanguages and Linguistics
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      Protohistoric Iberian PeninsulaCeltiberianLengua ibéricaPaleohispanística
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      Celtiberic inscriptionsPaleohispanísticaPaleohispanisticsCeltiberos
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      Multi- & Bilingualism & BiliteracyBilingualism in the Ancient worldPaleohispanic scripts & languagesPaleohispanic scripts & languages
Un texto en diez líneas con palabras ordenadas en una sola columna vertical y de acuerdo a una cierta métrica rítmica escrito en un plomo ibérico hallado en la comarca de Enguera, Valencia, podría contener el más antiguo poema hallado en... more
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      PoetryIberian StudiesPoeticsIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)
¿Nombre en íbero se escribía ATIN? En el nombre está la clave. Teoría Altaico/Túrquica de la lengua Íbera. Georgeos Díaz-Montexano, Scientific Atlantology International Society (SAIS) En lenguas Altaico/Túrquicas (en adelante A/T) el... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesAltaic LinguisticsTurkish LinguisticsTurkish Literature
[Breve extracto-resumen del libro: 'TARTESSIO AFRASIÁTICO. Descifrando la lengua de las estelas del sudoeste' (SAIS, 2020)] Estelas con inscripciones Tartessias Se estima que hace unos 2700 años en el sudoeste de Iberia, entre... more
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      Paleohispanic scripts & languagesTartessossouthwest Paleohispanic script stelesEPIGRAFIA PALEOHISPANICA
In this work, a new genealogical model is proposed for the palaeohispanic writings, as the current models does not explain coherently the differences detected between the two Iberian writings. This new model proposes the existence of two... more
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      Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Celtiberian HistoryPre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureProtohistoric Iberian Peninsula
This paper analyses three south-eastern Iberian inscriptions from Castellar de Meca (Ayora, Valencia): the first is a painted inscription brought by Pierre Paris to the Louvre Museum in the early twentieth century; the others are two... more
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      ArchaeologyLanguages and LinguisticsPre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureProtohistoric Iberian Peninsula
Sobre las lecturas de las secuencias grafemáticas. Un interesante símbolo grafemático en forma de flor o símbolo radiado (astral o solar) ha sido hallado en dos lugares del levante peninsular: como grafito rupestre en dos inscripciones... more
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      Iberian StudiesAltaic LinguisticsOld TurkicTurkic/Altaic Studies
La inscripción lusitana del Cabeço das Fráguas (BDHesp GUA.01.01; MLH L.3.1) ha tenido, desde sus primeros estudios, problemas de lectura e interpretación en algunas de sus secuencias, como la del teónimo final de la segunda línea (Laebo... more
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    • Paleohispanistics
En aquest treball s’estudia la inscripció sobre un objecte de plom trobat a les excavacions del fossat del Puig de Sant Andreu, però sense un context arqueològic significatiu. Tot i que el seu contingut no és gaire clar, la disposició... more
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      Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureProtohistoric Iberian PeninsulaIberian Epigraphy
In this paper, we pay special attention to several controversial details that we
have detected in the second volume of Professor Javier de Hoz’s work devoted to pre-Roman languages of the Iberian Peninsula (De Hoz, 2011).
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      Roman HistoryCeltic StudiesOnomasticsToponomastics
This paper analyses the southwestern script, also known as Tartessian, mainly from a quantitative approach, taking advantage of the structure of this script, which makes it especially suitable for an analysis of this kind. The aim is to... more
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      ArchaeologyLinguisticsIberian EpigraphyPaleohispanic scripts & languages
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)Paleohispanic scripts & languages
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      Roman ReligionLatin EpigraphyRoman EpigraphyPaleohispanic scripts & languages
KASTILO/CASTVLVM. La moneda bilingüe íbero-latina de Cástulo y el origen del hispano-romance. Por Georgeos Díaz-Montexano, Accepted Member of The Epigraphic Society, 1992. Introducción Una moneda de Cástulo (catalogada como Mon.97,... more
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      Romance philologyIberian StudiesLatin EpigraphyIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)
The lead sheet that is analysed in this work has recently been donated to the Archaeological Museum of Llíria and supposedly comes from an archaeological site of the Casinos environment. The presence of two metrological expressions that... more
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      Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureAncient MetrologyIberian EpigraphyPaleohispanic scripts & languages
El dado ibérico de Foz-Calanda. ¿Confirmación de la teoría Eurasiático-Altaica? Los numerales ibéricos: ¿indoeuropeos, afrasiáticos, proto-vascos, urálicos o mas bien altaicos? Georgeos Díaz-Montexano, The Epigraphic Society... more
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      Iberian StudiesIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula
Se publican en este trabajo varios grafitos y marcas inéditos sobre pesas de telar procedentes de El Palomar de Oliete y La Guardia de Alcorisa conservados en el Museo Provincial de Teruel. En la mayor parte de los casos corresponden a... more
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    • Paleohispanistics
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      GraffitiProtohistoric Iberian PeninsulaHellenistic Pottery - black glazeMundo ibérico
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsPottery (Archaeology)
¿ltírtíi[ḷ]tír -hijo de- Ekaterutu? La interpretación de Javier de Hoz en el marco de la hipótesis altaico/túrquica de la lengua íbera

Por Georgeos Díaz-Montexano, SAIS, 2015.
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      Iberian StudiesIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula
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      Celtic StudiesCeltiberian HistoryPaleohispanic scripts & languagesAncient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania