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Aram Periodical 25/1 (2013): 85-95.
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesMissiologyMissionary History
The dramatic history since the early 17th century of the church of Gonǧ Tewodros Däbrä Ṭǝbab in the province of Goǧǧam was linked to its prominent rank and to its close relations, and frequent conflicts with, royal power. Its clergy might... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesBiographyReligious IdentityEthiopian History
In this contribution we present a new edition of Eulogius' so-called Dubitationes orthodoxi; the editio princeps of a fragment from his Adversus eos qui putant humanis conceptionibus veram theologiam christianam posse subiici; the editio... more
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      Byzantine StudiesMaximus the ConfessorGreek PatristicsPatriarchate of Alexandria
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      Ottoman HistoryRussian Foreign PolicyOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
The patriarchate of Nicanor (1866-1869) was a time of internal perturbations for the Church of Alexandria. The Orthodox Communities of Egypt and foreign diplomats were key actors in the Church dramas. Playing against Nicanor, his enemies... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisRussian Foreign PolicyEgyptChurch History
Η εικόνα της Θεοτόκου Γοργοεπηκόου του Καΐρου και η αρχαιολογία της βυζαντινής Αθήνας Η μεγάλων διαστάσεων (2,07 Χ 0,98 μ.) εικόνα της Παναγίας Γοργοεπηκόου (Μουσειακή Συλλογή Αγίου Γεωργίου στο Παλαιό Κάιρο) είναι γνωστή στην έρευνα... more
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      MariologyAthensByzantine MariologyPatriarchate of Alexandria
Com base na análise da vita do Patriarca Benjamin de Alexandria (622-661) investiga-se a (re)constituição da espacialidade e das interações da Igreja Ortodoxa Copta no período em que o Vale do Nilo passou pela importante transição... more
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      Coptic StudiesMemory StudiesCoptic HistoryIslam and Christianity: relations and exchange of ideas
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    • Patriarchate of Alexandria
Acordul uniat ecumenist între Patriarhia Alexandriei și ”biserica” monofizită coptă din 2001
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      Ecumenical and Interfaith DialogueHeresy and OrthodoxyEcumenismPatriarchate of Alexandria
De 677 a 686, o papa João III governou a Igreja Copta; tratou-se de um período em que se ajustava um modus vivendi entre os árabes muçulmanos, que haviam entrado como conquistadores no Egito pouco antes, e os cristãos autóctones,... more
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      History of ChristianityCoptic StudiesUmayyads (Islamic History)Coptic History
Μία από τας σημαντικοτέρας και πλέον δραστήριους μορφάς της νεωτέρας εκκλησιαστικής ιστορίας αποτελεί η ρωμαλέα περίπτωσις του Μελετίου Μεταξάκη, ο οποίος άφησεν ανεξίτηλον το στίγμα του από τας διαφόρους εκκλησιαστικός επάλξεις όπου... more
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      British Foreign PolicyEgyptBritish EmpireChurch History
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      History of IdeasHistory of Political ThoughtEcumenical PatriarchatePatriarchate of Constantinople
Από την ίδρυση της Χριστιανικής Εκκλησίας την εποχή των Αποστόλων ο επίσκοπος ήταν ο επικεφαλής της εκάστοτε χριστιανικής κοινότητας. Η εκλογή του επισκόπου είχε κυρίαρχο ρόλο για κάθε κοινότητα και για αυτό ήδη από τα πρώτα χρόνια... more
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      Eastern ChristianityReligion and LawPatriarchyEcumenical Patriarchate
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    • Patriarchate of Alexandria
This paper explores the formation and development of social networks in the Eastern Mediterranean, during the first half of the seventh century. At the heart of this "microhistorical" investigation we find the attempted imposition of the... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesCyprus StudiesLate AntiquityMaximus the Confessor
Analysis for the "Orthodoxy in Dialogue" on the latest autocephaly recognition of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine by the Patriarchate of Alexandria and the Orthodox Church of Greece. Link to the original article:... more
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      ChristianityRussian StudiesUkrainian StudiesRussian Politics
The article deals with evolution of mutual relations between Constantinople and Jerusalem patriarchates after the Crimean war. The twists of these relations are closely related to the internal changes in the Ottoman Empire and the growing... more
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      Ottoman HistoryEastern ChristianityOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
В издание вошли результаты исследовательской работы авторов по исто- рии Александрийской церкви в XIX веке и ее связям с Россией, а также большая подборка документов из российских архивов на эту тему. Боль- шинство документов публикуется... more
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      Ottoman HistoryRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian Foreign PolicyOttoman Studies
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      Ottoman HistoryRussian Foreign PolicyOttoman StudiesModern Greek History
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      Modern Greek HistoryEcclesiastical HistoryEcumenical PatriarchatePatriarchate of Constantinople
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      Russian StudiesRussian Orthodox ChurchOrthodox ChristianityEcumenical Patriarchate
After the publication of the Ms Sinai Arab 580, M. Breydy, the text editor, arrived to a new consideration regarding the existed edition of the Annals by Eutychius of Alexandria (Saʻīd ibn Baṭrīq), edited by L. Cheikho. In Breydy’s... more
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      Systematic TheologyArab Christian StudiesChristologyArabic-Speaking Orthodox Christianity
In this paper I analyze written hitherto researches on “Egyptian distemper” of the 2nd half of the 1860s and involvement in these events of Russia and Patriarchate of Constantinople. I also observe the existing sources, both published... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyModern Greek HistoryModern Greek StudiesPatriarchate of Constantinople
Η μελέτη αναφέρεται σε ένα φαινομενικά παράδοξο της διπλωματικής, την παρουσία δηλαδή της υπογραφής του πατριάρχη Αλεξανδρείας Σιλβέστρου σε γράμματα του Πατριαρχείου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως για τις μονές Λειμώνος και Μυρσινιωτίσσης στη Λέσβο... more
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      Ottoman EmpirePatriarchate of ConstantinoplePatriarchate of AntiochPatriarchate of Alexandria
From the back cover: "The study of the history of the Greek Orthodox Church in the Ottoman Empire has long been shaped by the model suggested by the proponents of millet system. In this model, the role attributed to the Eastern... more
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      ChristianityOttoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesCatholic Missionary History
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      Canonization and sanctityPatriarchate of Alexandria
Η ηγετική φυσιογνωμία του κρητικής καταγωγής Μελετίου Μεταξάκη αποτελεί εξέχουσαν φυσιογνωμίαν του 20ού αιώνος εις τον χώρον της ελληνοφώνου Ορθοδοξίας, κατορθώσασα να συνταυτίση το όνομά της με την περίοδον κατά την οποίαν... more
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      British EmpireChurch HistoryChurch and StateBritish Foreign Office
The cycle of miniatures from the Old Russian illustrated manuscript " Life of Saint Nifont " , the facsimile edition in three books by the Society of Lovers of Ancient Literature (Общество Любителей Древней Письменности, Saint Petersburg,... more
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      SaintsPatriarchate of AlexandriaMedieval HagiographyGuardian Angels
The paper examines the reasons that prompted the Patriarch of Alex- andria Hierotheos II to seek the creation of a metochion of the Alexan- drian church in Moscow; then it outlines and analyzes the conditions under which the foundation of... more
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchModern Greek HistoryChurch HistoryModern Greek Studies
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      Patriarchate of AlexandriaOld CairoMonastery of Saint GeorgeΕκκλησία Αλεξανδρείας
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    • Patriarchate of Alexandria