Recent papers in Pella
A detailed marine geophysical survey was planned and carried out in the coastal zone of Alexandria (Egypt), by the Laboratory of Marine Geology and Physical Oceanography of the University of Patras in co-operation with the Hellenic... more
The ‘Tomb of the Philosophers’, owing its name to the iconographic theme depicted on the interior of its walls, offers a rare example of high-quality early Hellenistic painting, which enhances our knowledge on the use of painting... more
The ‘Tomb of the Philosophers’, owing its name to the iconographic theme depicted on the interior of its walls, offers a rare example of high-quality early Hellenistic painting, which enhances our knowledge on the use of painting... more
The bronze astragalus under investigation comes from the south stoa of the Agora, western from the main entrance on south. Both, the material chosen for its production and the existence of six control marks on its sides, render improbable... more
In this paper it is presented a bronze weight, found in Pella, the capital of macedonian kingdom. Its two depictions on its front face, a bird and a phallus, seems to be collerated with Dionysus, one of the most important gods of the... more
В течение долгого времени у исследователей не возникало никаких сомнений в историчности бегства христианской общины из осаждённого римлянами Иерусалима в Пеллу. Как можно сомневаться в историческом событии, если о нём рассказывают два... more
Дослідження було виконано за підтримки Фонду Конрада Аденауера. Втеча В Пеллу *) Анотація. Протягом довгого часу у дослідників не виникало жодних сумнівів щодо історичності втечі християнської громади з обложеного римлянами Єрусалима до... more
The article provides an analysis of a passage of the Gospel according to Mark, which contains a prediction about the «abomination of desolation» standing where it should not stand (13, 14). The main attention is paid to the analysis of... more
Η διδακτορική διατριβή ασχολείται με τη μελέτη 310 πήλινων ειδωλίων που προέρχονται από την Αγορά της αρχαίας Πέλλας και ειδικότερα από το στρώμα καταστροφής των αρχών του 1ου αι. π.Χ. είκοσι τεσσάρων (24) χώρων του νότιου τμήματος της... more
In the area east of the river Jordan, eight Iron Age structures identified as cultic have been excavated. This paper presents the evidence as published and discusses the relevance of the cultic identification of the structures.
Lemnos, opposite Troy, played a decisive role in the cultural sphere of the northest Aegean during the early Bronze age, due to the island’s excellent geographical location, in front of the entrance to the Hellespont, on the sea route to... more
In this paper, the presence and usage of coins of Macedon within Samuel’s Fortress is discussed, based on 218 specimens; that is, 135 being issues of the kings of Macedon and 83 being issues of the ‘Macedonians’ and of the cities of... more
Says who has the worldview, etc. and supplements chapters dealing with royal rule and Aristotle's political ideology. This was originally appendix 4, but I have removed the original Appendix 3, which was on political science before... more
Τρεις χάνδρες από σάρδιο (ΜΔ 2356). Προέρχονται από το νεκροταφείο των τύμβων στην θέση Καρίτσα Γαβριά της περιοχής του μακεδονικού Ολύμπου, στη νότια Πιερία. Βρέθηκαν στο τάφο Α του τύμβου 4, πάνω στο στήθος της νεκρής (Ν1). Η χάνδρα α... more
Πήλινος μονόμυξος λύχνος ανοιχτού τύπου, χωρίς λαβή (ΚΟ 2133). Προέρχεται από τη θέση Κομπολόι της περιοχής του μακεδονικού Ολύμπου, στη νότια Πιερία. Βρέθηκε κατά τις ανασκαφικές έρευνες σε οινοποιητική αγροικία των ύστερων κλασικών -... more
Πήλινος μελαμβαφής μονόμυξος λύχνος, χωρίς λαβή. (ΚΟ 2136) Προέρχεται από τη θέση Κομπολόι της περιοχή του μακεδονικού Ολύμπου, στη νότια Πιερία. Βρέθηκε κατά τις ανασκαφικές έρευνες σε οινοποιητική αγροικία των ύστερων κλασικών - πρώιμων... more
This monograph focuses on the glazed pottery from Argos, dating from the Middle Byzantine to the first decades of the Frankish period (c. 10th – first half of the 13th century). This pottery was found in rescue excavations by the Hellenic... more
Stratigraphic sections pertaining to phosphorites and black shales in Epirus are described, as well as the distribution of the most significant occurrences and paleogeography during their formation. The correlative sedimentation of... more
This poster aims to present three main topics: (1) the finding of a new sword recovered at Venda das Raparigas, parish of Benedita, municipality of Alcobaça, district of Leiria, in the Centre-West of Portugal; (2) the results of chemical... more
Dans la "section VI : La production artistique en Grèce du Nord" du catalogue d'exposition Au royaume d'Alexandre le Grand (2011), cette brève synthèse dresse un état des lieux sur les ateliers artisanaux. Elle met en évidence le... more
Research on Hellenistic pottery has already argued that pottery production in the early Hellenistic period (late 4th c. B.C.-early 3rd c. B.C.) was inextricably connected with Athenian pottery. Pergamon and other cities that later... more
The current paper examines five bronze, relief weights, produced in a mold. They have all been discovered in the Agora of Pella and its surrounds. They are all square; on their upper surface they bear either a denotation of their weight... more
Several attempts have been made to connect the nativity of Jesus, and more recently, the so-called “Rapture of the Church” to specific datable events in the heavens. In recent decades, several of these efforts have been centered on the... more
This paper presents and discusses the results of the multi-analytical study carried out on a group of 39 Late Bronze Age artefacts from the site of Porto do Concelho, Central Portugal. The chemical composition of the objects was... more
The compositions of copper-base tools, weapons, ornaments and ceremonial metalwork from numerous Late Bronze Age Aegean sites reveal a pattern of specific alloy combinations for the fabrication of certain classes of objects. Thus the... more
The purpose of this article is to present the revolt that took place in Canaan under the leadership of Lab'ayu, ruler of Shechem, shortly before the emergence of Israel, which had the adhesion of several city-states of that region. The... more