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L’articolo esaminerà la figura di Penelope nel romanzo I​taca per sempre di Luigi Malerba, pubblicato da Mondadori nel 1997. Itaca per sempre è il solo romanzo all’interno delle riscritture italiane del mito di Ulisse ad avere messo... more
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      HomerOdysseyPenelopeLuigi Malerba
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      Gilles DeleuzeVirginia WoolfGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariRhizomes
The Odyssey is certainly the classic par excellence in the history of literature. It is the birth certificate of Western civilisation: the nucleus of its story – a man wandering over land and sea for many years and his fight to reconquer... more
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      Adriana CavareroOdysseyPenelopeLuigi Malerba
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      MythologyClassical Reception StudiesPenelope
Ancient conceptualization of dreams is based on a duality that splits the oneiric field into two hierarchically ordered modalities. The opposition between these dream categories finds its clearest expression in Artemidorus' Oneirocritica,... more
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      MythologyPlatoHistory Of PsychoanalysisHesiodic Poetry
El canto 19 está estructurado en dos escenas de acercamiento entre Odiseo y Penélope (vv. 93-316 y 508-604) y otras dos que relatan el reconocimiento de Odiseo por Euriclea (vv. 37-393 y 467-507). Las dos primeras escenas enmarcan a las... more
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El canto 23 relata el reencuentro de Odiseo y Penélope como cónyuges, pero también prepara para las escenas finales de Odisea: la confrontación con las familias de los pretendientes muertos (véase vv. 117-152 y 362-363) y la reunión de... more
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Atti del Convegno Internazionale "Galaxia Tabucchi/Galassia Tabucchi", tenutosi a Lisbona il 9 e 10 aprile 2018.
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      Italian StudiesEpic Literature20th Century Italian LiteratureContemporary Italian Literature
The topic of this article is the described episode from the Odyssey in which Odysseus, after his long wanderings around the world, returns to Ithaca where he confirms his identity by shooting with a bow and arrow through 12 axes planted... more
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      Visual SemioticsGender and Sexuality StudiesStone axes (Archaeology)Bronze Age (Archaeology)
Archaic Greek epic exhibits a pervasive eristic intertextuality, repeatedly positioning its heroes and itself against pre-existing traditions. In this article, I focus on a specific case study from the Odyssey: Homer’s agonistic... more
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      Greek LiteratureHomerIntertextualityHesiodic Poetry
From Phillip Mitsis and Christos Tsagalis, Allusion, Authority, and Truth:  Critical Perspectives on Greek Poetic and Rhetorical Praxis (De Gruyter, 2010) pp. 51-76.
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      PenelopeClassical Greek PhilosophyGreek epic poetryIliad
In lieu of an abstract, here is a preview of the article. Women in the Homeric epics “remember” (μιμνήσκεσθαι) differently from men. This difference contributes to the distinctive quality of Penelope’s kleos in the Odyssey as well as,... more
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      HomerWomen in the ancient worldGreek EpicPenelope
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      Italian Studies20th Century Italian LiteratureAntonio TabucchiPenelope
La historia es conocida. ULYSES se ha retrasado pero finalmente ha llegado a ITACA. Mientras duerme en la playa y espera que alguien aparezca piensa, piensa que no quiere regresar, que no tiene sentido. A partir de esa negativa de ULYSES... more
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      James JoycePenelopeUlyssesItaca
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      Comparative LiteratureMythologyGreek LiteratureHistory and Classical tradition studies
Winner of Spain's national poetry prize, Francisca Aguirre is the author of the long poem Itáca (1972), a reconceptualization of the island home of Penelope and Odysseus. Aguirre's engagement with myth is both reactionary and revisionary... more
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      Spanish LiteratureHomerContemporary PoetryFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
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      ClassicsSex and GenderWomen's StudiesWomen's History
A revised version of this paper is now published as Nelson, T.J. (2021) “Intertextual Agōnes in Archaic Greek Epic: Penelope vs. the Catalogue of Women”, Yearbook of Ancient Greek Epic 5: 25-57 (https://doi.org/10.1163/24688487-00501002).
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHomerIntertextuality
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For the conference "Space Oddities - on the reception of the Odyssey in visual arts and culture from the late 18th century until today" I traced how the curators of the Athenian EMST-collection - as it was presented at Museum... more
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      GlobalizationInstallation ArtContemporary ArtStorytelling
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      PenelopeThe OdysseyPandareids
El presente estudio pretende ilustrar los aspectos innovadores que se manifiestan en la lectura de algunos ejemplos de reelaboración del mito de Penélope. Los poemas de la antología L’altra Penelope (2008) se revisten de connotaciones... more
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      PenelopeLiteratura española e hispanoamericanaMitologia griegaClaribel Alegría
Rappresentazione teatrale | 18 aprile 2013, Teatro Goldoni, Venezia È l'ultima notte di Ulisse a Itaca, prima della partenza per il secondo viaggio. Ulisse ha già deciso di ripartire, non l'ha detto a nessuno, ma tutti hanno capito la... more
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      HomerJames JoyceOvidDante Alighieri
Il saggio propone un’analisi testuale e contestuale del romanzo breve L’orizzonte (1966) di Carla Vasio, composto all’epoca del suo sodalizio col Gruppo 63. Pur aderendo a un paradigma modernista sperimentale del raccontare, Vasio non... more
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      Italian LiteratureFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies20th century Avant-GardePenelope
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Lassen Sie sich mitnehmen in die Welt der Antike, mitten hinein in das Liebesleben von Frauengestalten wie Medea, Hero, Sappho, Oenone, Penelope oder Phaedra. In Briefen an ihre Männer erleben wir tiefe Liebe, blanken Hass, Sehnsucht,... more
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interdisciplinary project music, art, and ancient Greek studies with music by Hans Adolfsen, Andrea Lorenzo Scartazzini, and Marianne Schuppe and art and performance by Krassimira Drenska, Anne-Dominique Hubert, Karin Käppeli von Bülow,... more
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      ArtPerformance ArtPerformativityOdyssey
L'articolo è la rielaborazione in lingua italiana dell'intervento «Of fragments and footnotes: Absence and Invention of the Text in Roberto Bazlen» ed è contenuto in Diego Bertelli, «Viaggio al termine della scrittura: Calvino Pasolini... more
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      MythologyAestheticsHomerVisual Studies
The abortive messages that Dolios almost but never conveys from Penelope to Laertes and from Laertes' farm to Penelope in Books 4 and 24 of the Odyssey allude to alternative versions of Odysseus's nostos in which Odysseus returned to... more
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      HomerHomeric poetryPenelopeThe Odyssey
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Contemporary ArtContemporary South African ArtDerridaMaterial Practice
Public Lecture Organised by: Department of Classical & Modern Greek Philology, Charles University in Prague, and the Union of Classical Philologists - Jednota klasických filologů (JKF) in the frame of Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMythologyHomerOrality-Literacy Studies
Abstract: Helen and Penelope: The visions of the eagle and the geese. A comparison of the omen and dream episodes: Od. xv:160-178 and Od. xix.535-555 In the Odyssey, Helen and Penelope experience similar portents in their respective... more
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      HomerWomen in the ancient worldVisions And DreamsFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
The union of feminine and masculine elements is a common motif in cosmological narratives across cultures. Mythological accounts of the beginning of the world often imagine the production of things and concepts through sexual and erotic... more
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      HomerRapeGender and SexualityFertility
Katz’s study of narrative patterns in the Odyssey accents the ambiguity and indeterminacy of Homeric Penelope, accenting the ‘liminal’ quality of her role to undermine her fame (kleos) as paradigmatic faithful wife.
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      Narrative MethodsPenelopeWomen in MythHomeric epic
Per Mireia Rosich En molts mites i contes de fades el fet de filar apareix com un símbol de creació: crear la trama de la pròpia vida. Filar, cantar o ballar 1 són, en aquests relats, accions màgiques, creen i mantenen vida. Mitologies i... more
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      MythologyIconographyArt HistoryGreek and Roman Gods & Goddesses
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      ClassicsHomerDream workSigmund Freud
Exhibition catalogue entry on Domenico Beccafumi, 'Penelope,' c. 1514, Seminario Patriarcale, Venice
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      HomerPenelopeSienaGiovanni Boccaccio
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    • Penelope
To, Odisej, ti zamudnežu piše Penelopa tvoja. Nič ne odpiši nazaj! Rajši mi pridi ti sam! Troja, odurna danajskim ženám, poteptana na tleh je! Priam in Troja tegà sploh nista vredna bila. O, da takrat, ko s svojim brodovjem je... more
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      PenelopeLatin poetryOdysseusOvid, Heroides
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      HomerTextual CriticismRapeSilence
This article proposes a new view of the mysterious incident in which Odysseus wears Leukothea’s veil to make it safely ashore in Odyssey 5, arguing that it bears directly on one of the epic’s fundamental themes, the reunion of the hero... more
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This article offers insight into Alberto Savinio's play Capitano Ulisse (Captain Ulysses, 1934), with a particular focus on its representation of Penelope. An analysis of the play, in combination with an examination of some of Savinio's... more
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      Italian TheatreGreek MythOdysseyPenelope
Dose perturbations, backscatter dose perturbation factor (BSDF), and forward dose perturbation factor (FDPF) near high-Z material interfaces have been reported to be intense and significant in kilovoltage photon beams. Validity of... more
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      Monte CarloPenelopeMeddical Physics, DosimetryDose Perturbation
This study investigates Southern Brazilian traveestis' manipulation of the Portuguese grammatical gender system. During field work, it was verified that feminine forms are the preferred choice in the group. However, ideological and bodily... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage and GenderLingusitic AnthropologyPenelope
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      OdysseyPenelopeLuigi Malerba