Philip IV
Recent papers in Philip IV
La aparición del valimiento en 1598 generó el establecimiento de un sistema de gobierno bajo la supervisión de Felipe III y la ejecución de Lerma. Esta cuestión ha sido estudiada desde diferentes perspectivas, aunque se ha mantenido un... more
The Royal Palace of Madrid houses in its collections a superb modellino in bronze of the Obelisk of Piazza Navona (Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, Roma) made in the Seicento, both fontana and bronze model, by the Baroque artist G. L. Bernini.... more
As Cortes portuguesas e o Parlamento inglês foram assembleias representativas de suma importância ao longo da Época Moderna. Em 1581, Portugal passou a ser governado por Felipe II de Espanha e, em 1603, o trono inglês foi herdado por... more
King Philip II of Spain (1527-1598), among the most important art collectors of the Renaissance, was a patron as learned and refined as demanding and stringent in his tastes; these did not always coincide with those of his contemporaries.... more
dans "Droits antiromains. Juridictionalisme catholique et romanité ecclésiale XVIe-XIXe siècles. Actes du colloque de Lyon (30 septembre – 1er octobre 2016)", textes réunis par S. De Franceschi et B. Hours, Lyon, LAHRA, 2017, pp. 75-92
From the last decades of the sixteenth century and continuing to the end of the seventeenth, the city of Milan was characterised by a particular confluence of political and religious ideologies: reformed Catholicism, represented in the... more
Philip IV of Spain is often understood to have secluded himself in the company of a small group of ministers and courtiers to whom he delegated his favour and authority. Yet, evidence from palace records, as well as from journals, like... more
This article aims to study the role of Friar Antonio de Sotomayor, dominican, Philip IV’s confessor and general inquisitor as a paterfamilias for his lineage. His activity is a good example of the nepotism, which was practised by many... more
Entre los muchos problemas a los que D. Gaspar de Guzmán trató de dar respuesta, se encontraba el de los profesionales de la carrera de las armas que, de forma voluntaria (sobre todo con motivo de la disolución de sus unidades y adquirir... more
This essay considers the embassy of Philip IV’s ambassador to the electoral conclave that chose Leopold I as Holy Roman Emperor in 1658. In broad terms, it considers the place of the Austrian monarchy within Spanish international... more
(ESP): Cuando en 1645 el Gran Turco decidió tomar el reino de Candía de una vez y por todas, la Monarquía Hispana se planteaba como un aliado indispensable para los venecianos. No obstante, los problemas internos que sacudieron a la... more