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      Art HistoryHistory of CollectionsFlemish PaintingPatrimonio Cultural
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      History of CollectionsHistory of Colonial MexicoCollecting and CollectionsSpanish Colonial Peru
Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de... more
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      Latin American StudiesRhetoricArt TheoryVisual Rhetoric
En la actualidad existe un conjunto de palacios y jardines históricos, diseminados por la geografía española, denominados "Sitios Reales". Tales lugares son centros turísticos de éxito y han sido objeto de numerosos y excelentes estudios... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPhilip IVSpanish MonarchyHistoria Moderna
La colección Estudios y Documentos somete a revisión externa por destacados especialistas los originales de los libros que publica.
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      Philip IVMonarquía HispánicaFelipe IVSiglo XVII
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      History of CollectionsItalian Renaissance ArtTomb SculptureLombard Art
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      Collecting and CollectionsPhilip IVPeter Paul RubensDiego Velazquez
Los primeros años del reinado de Felipe IV son una época de transición, en la que el rey tuvo que afrontar la reorganización de la Monarquía tras el valimiento de los Sandoval. Los procesos iniciados en 1621 contra el duque de Osuna y el... more
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      Church HistoryPhilip IVMonarquía HispánicaSpanish Monarchy
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      Medieval FranceHeresy and InquisitionPhilip IVTrial of the Templars
La muerte de Felipe III inició una etapa que tradicionalmente se ha interpretado más desde la ruptura que desde la continuidad. Desde esta perspectiva, lo que Felipe IV y sus ministros emprendieron en 1621 fue una justificación de su... more
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      Philip IVMonarquía HispánicaSpanish MonarchyFelipe IV
RESUMEN: La formación de las colecciones reales españolas se nutrió en gran medida de piezas importadas de otros territorios, especialmente de Italia en el caso de las antigüedades. La compra e importación de estos materiales no era una... more
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      International RelationsHistory of CollectionsPhilip IVCollectionism
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern EuropeSpain (History)England
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval FranceHistory of Religion (Medieval Studies)
Las relaciones hispano-venecianas durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVII no han sido un tema bien discutido. De esta forma, antes de zambullirnos en un mundo, desconocido hasta ahora, debemos ocuparnos del funcionamiento de ambos... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCourtsDiplomacy17th century Europe
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      Political HistoryEarly Modern ItalyPhilip IVSardinia
This paper studies how seventeenth-century writers in Spain elaborated different conceptions of interiority in connection with the intimacy they imagined between the king and his favorite or privado. Authors in the days of Lerma, Uceda... more
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      HistoryPsychology17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyPolitical Theory
Il tema del seminario è la messa all'indice del De Indiarum Iure (1629-1639), il ruolo dei Consultores della Congregazione dell'Indice e gli effetti della censura papale.. Sulla base di fonti finora poco studiate dael'Archivio della... more
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      Latin American StudiesPhilip IVHistory of the Papal State (early modern age)Urban VIII Barberini
In 1667, during a visit to Madrid's Buen Retiro palace, the French cleric Jean Muret saw "a treasury of all the most precious things that the Indies produce." This evocative account of American riches is little more than a footnote in... more
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      Art HistoryHabsburg StudiesHistory of CollectionsHistory of Colonial Mexico
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      Cultural StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsDiplomacyBaroque art and architecture
In the first half of the Seventeenth century the Spanish Monarchy employed massive diplomatic energies towards the Holy See in favour of the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin. In particular, starting from the... more
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      Cultural HistoryDiplomatic HistoryTheologyEarly Modern History
This is a study of the influence of female members of the households of the queen consorts of Philip III and Philip IV of Spain—the world in which the meninas of Velázquez's famous painting lived out their lives. Male aristocrats like the... more
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      Women's HistoryCourtsHabsburg StudiesCourt history
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      Spanish paintingPhilip IVSpanish Renaissance and Baroque ArtImmaculate Conception
La figura de don Manuel de Moura y Corte Real (Madrid, 1592(Madrid, -1651, II marqués de Castel Rodrigo, empezó a emerger en la historiografía gracias a su papel como mecenas del genial arquitecto Francesco Borromini y agente de la... more
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      Habsburg StudiesPortraitureBaroque art and architectureCultural Diplomacy
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      CourtsCourts and Elites (History)Philip IVVelazquez
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      Early Modern HistoryHabsburg StudiesPedro Calderon De La BarcaHistoire du cérémonial
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      PortraitsSculptureCultural DiplomacyGianlorenzo Bernini
La aparición del valimiento en 1598 generó el establecimiento de un sistema de gobierno bajo la supervisión de Felipe III y la ejecución de Lerma. Esta cuestión ha sido estudiada desde diferentes perspectivas, aunque se ha mantenido un... more
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      Philip IVMonarquía HispánicaFelipe IVSiglo XVII
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      Art HistoryArchitectureSpanish paintingSpanish Art
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      Philip IVMonarquía HispánicaFelipe IVSiglo XVII
The Royal Palace of Madrid houses in its collections a superb modellino in bronze of the Obelisk of Piazza Navona (Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, Roma) made in the Seicento, both fontana and bronze model, by the Baroque artist G. L. Bernini.... more
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureGianlorenzo BerniniSeicentoPhilip IV
As Cortes portuguesas e o Parlamento inglês foram assembleias representativas de suma importância ao longo da Época Moderna. Em 1581, Portugal passou a ser governado por Felipe II de Espanha e, em 1603, o trono inglês foi herdado por... more
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      Portuguese StudiesEarly Modern EuropeParliamentary StudiesParliamentary History
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      Philip IVMonarquía HispánicaFelipe IVNobleza
King Philip II of Spain (1527-1598), among the most important art collectors of the Renaissance, was a patron as learned and refined as demanding and stringent in his tastes; these did not always coincide with those of his contemporaries.... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHabsburg StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtPatronage (History)
dans "Droits antiromains. Juridictionalisme catholique et romanité ecclésiale XVIe-XIXe siècles. Actes du colloque de Lyon (30 septembre – 1er octobre 2016)", textes réunis par S. De Franceschi et B. Hours, Lyon, LAHRA, 2017, pp. 75-92
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      Diplomatic HistorySpanish StudiesEarly Modern HistoryDiplomatic Studies
From the last decades of the sixteenth century and continuing to the end of the seventeenth, the city of Milan was characterised by a particular confluence of political and religious ideologies: reformed Catholicism, represented in the... more
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      Baroque art and architecturePhilip IVRoyal FuneralsHistory of Milan
Philip IV of Spain is often understood to have secluded himself in the company of a small group of ministers and courtiers to whom he delegated his favour and authority. Yet, evidence from palace records, as well as from journals, like... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCourtsEarly modern SpainPhilip IV
This article aims to study the role of Friar Antonio de Sotomayor, dominican, Philip IV’s confessor and general inquisitor as a paterfamilias for his lineage. His activity is a good example of the nepotism, which was practised by many... more
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      Early Modern HistoryFamily studiesInquisitionEarly Modern Europe
Entre los muchos problemas a los que D. Gaspar de Guzmán trató de dar respuesta, se encontraba el de los profesionales de la carrera de las armas que, de forma voluntaria (sobre todo con motivo de la disolución de sus unidades y adquirir... more
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      Military HistorySeventeenth CenturyHistory of WarEarly modern Spain
This essay considers the embassy of Philip IV’s ambassador to the electoral conclave that chose Leopold I as Holy Roman Emperor in 1658. In broad terms, it considers the place of the Austrian monarchy within Spanish international... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly modern GermanyHoly Roman Empire
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      Philip IVVirgilio MalvezziCount Duke of Olivares
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    • Philip IV
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      Philip IVAmbassadorsBuen Retiro PalaceFulvio Testi
(ESP): Cuando en 1645 el Gran Turco decidió tomar el reino de Candía de una vez y por todas, la Monarquía Hispana se planteaba como un aliado indispensable para los venecianos. No obstante, los problemas internos que sacudieron a la... more
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      Ottoman EmpireCrete during the Venetian RuleThirty Years' WarPhilip IV
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      NobilityBaroque art and architectureItalian Baroque artCultural Diplomacy
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      Gianlorenzo BerniniRenaissance and Baroque Architectural DrawingsPerspectivePhilip IV
The sharp ascent of Capetian power between the reigns of Philip II Augustus (r. 1180–1223) and Philip IV the Fair (r. 1285–1314) is an axiom of medieval French history. In the mid-20th century, French and American institutional historians... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistoriographyMedieval FrancePhilip IV
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      ScandinaviaLiteraturaDenmarkPhilip IV
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      Post Medieval NumismaticsPhilip IVHistory of the Low CountriesMedieval and Modern Numismatics