Phoenicians in Spain
Recent papers in Phoenicians in Spain
A lo largo de todo el Mediterráneo han aparecido piezas de procedencia egipcia. También en el Mediterráneo Occidental, incluyendo las costas levantinas de la Península Ibérica. Con el presente trabajo he querido hacer un estudio del cómo,... more
"The present paper pretends to be an approach to the Phoenician’s social implementations mechanism in the Iberian Peninsula area. Through the study of the initiatives taken by the temples and the aristocracy in their interaction with... more
Dotado de una extraordinaria riqueza en metales y estratégicamente ubicado entre las rutas comerciales del Atlántico y el Mediterráneo en el momento de la expansión colonial griega y fenicia, Tarteso floreció entre los siglos VIII y VI a.... more
This paper presents the results of the preventive archaeological excavations carried out in 2008 in the Archaic Phoenician cemetery of Hoya de los Rastros (Ayamonte, Spain) and later interdisciplinary studies as well. Five cremation... more
This paper argues that Tartessos was the result of Phoenician colonialism in the south of the Iberian Peninsula arranged by temples as political and economic agencies of the Tyrian palace. Problems of identity are discussed, as well as... more
The emergence of Phoenicia as a distinct cultural entity is generally accepted to have taken place in the twelfth century BC, apparently having suffered little damage at a time of hostile activity on the Levantine littoral, both to the... more
In this paper, we present the findings from the surveys and the excavations carried out at Mesa del Tejar and the Barrio de la Villa in the town of Ayamonte (Huelva). These archaeological interventions allow us to determine the extent of... more
In the last decade the investigation of handmade pottery (“impasto”) in the Phoenician sites of Western and Central Mediterranean received a noteworthy impulse. Despite the frequently incomplete state of preservation of vessels, the... more
En este artículo presentamos someramente los hallazgos arqueológicos que hemos realizado recientemente en Ayamonte (Huelva): una necrópolis fenicia arcaica fechada, a priori, entre los siglos VIII-VII a. C. así como materiales... more
In this paper we study the metallurgical materials from Mesa del Tejar and Barrio de la Villa, the Phoenician settlement of Ayamonte (Huelva, Spain). These materials, crucible for the alloy of copper and tin ore (bronze) and iron slags,... more
In this paper, we will produce the fi ndings of the surveys and excavations carried out at Mesa del Tejar and the Barrio de la Villa in the town of Ayamonte (Huelva). These archaeological interventions allow us to determine the extent... more
Un recorrido por una selección de asentamientos fenicios arcaicos fruto de la expansión colonial y un análisis del fenómeno expansivo dentro de las propias colonias basándonos en los resultados arqueológicos, buscando patrones de... more
Can you imagine Gods and devots, bereaved and deceased together, sharing table, drink and food? The scene outlined by some material contexts from Phoenician-Punic sacral and funerary environments allows us to speak about the regularity... more
A partir los inicios del siglo VIII cal BC el C14 entra en la denominada “meseta” hallstática, en la cual la curva de calibración es casi plana. Por esta causa, la cronología de la Edad del Hierro en el Mediterráneo se hace dependiente... more
O atual redescobrimento sobre a identidade fenício-púnica vem trazendo à luz importantes aspectos sobre a organização espacial dessa cultura. Muitas escavações vêm ocorrendo no sul da Península Ibérica dialogando com outros assentamentos... more
El objeto de este trabajo es el estudio del simbolismo de las aves en el ámbito tartésico y fenicio-púnico en la península ibérica durante el Bronce Final y el Hierro I. Se han recogido y analizado aquellas piezas con representaciones de... more
IX Congreso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos, Mérida (Extremadura, España), 22-26 de octubre de 2018
Keywords: Epigraphy. Phoenicians. Punics. Iberian Peninsula. West Mediterranean. Abstract: This article reviews Phoenician and Punic inscriptions found in and around the Iberian Peninsula, which have been discovered or published in... more
At the ligth of the new evidences, phoenician colonization in Iberian Peninsula is discussed as the result -encouraged and controled by the Tyrian royal house- of at-home economic and demographic pressures. Neither market, nor private... more
Este libro analiza el recorrido historiográfico que ha convertido a Tartessos en un problema histórico y aporta todas las nuevas claves que nos ayudarán a desvelar lo que hasta ahora podemos saber sobre este momento primigenio de la... more
... en tales vertidos son simila-res a las de los restos documentados en las áreas sacras destinadas a la preparación de las ofrendas y al culto, y completamente ... De ser verosímil tal propuesta, bajo los apelativos Baal, Melqart o... more
A más de 3000 millas náuticas de su patria, ahora el Líbano, los fenicios fundaron alrededor del 800 a.C. una colonia en la desembocadura del Guadiana en el Océano Atlántico, su colonia más occidental. Restos de su ocupación salieron a la... more
"The archaeological site of “Castillo de Doña Blanca” has provided us with abundant Phoenician materials at all its occupation levels. The most ancient, datable at least in the VIII century B.C., include several different ceramic pieces... more
The presence of a Phoenician colony from the 8th-7th centuries b.C. in Ayamonte and Castro Marim, raised the question of the location of ports and anchorages in the Guadiana estuary. The river Anas and its mouth was one of the main routes... more
Despite growing interest in ancient networks, Phoenician settlement has not been a major topic of recent archaeological research in the Aegean. This contrasts with an unbiased nineteenth-century belief in ancient Greek authors who refer... more