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      Cultural HistorySociologyRussian StudiesFolklore
Chaco Canyon, NM, USA, was the center of an Ancestral Puebloan polity from approximately 850-1140 CE, and home to a dozen palatial structures known as "great houses" and scores of ritual structures called "great kivas". It is hypothesized... more
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      Political theatreSouthwestern ArchaeologyAncestral Pueblo (Archaeology)Archaeoacoustics
Dieser Aufsatz liest das während des Ersten Weltkriegs begonnene Lustspiel-Fragment Timon der Redner als einen Versuch HofmannsthaIs, ausgehend von der Geld-thematik und Figurentypik bei Shakespeare zu einer kritischen Inszenierung des... more
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      PoeticsSigmund FreudPolitical TheologyPolitical theatre
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      New Deal (U.S. history)Political theatreBroadway Musical Theatre
In 2017, performance licenses for two shows in the M1 Singapore Fringe Festival were denied just days before their opening. Undressing Room Naked Ladies were flagged for ‘excessive nudity which included scenes of audience-participants... more
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      BiopoliticsPolitical theatreArt and CensorshipTheatre and Performance, Singapore Studies
This article discusses two of Harold Pinter's political plays, One for the Road and Party Time as examples of dystopian drama which criticise the contextual background of 1980s Turkey and 1990s Britain respectively. This reading... more
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      Harold PinterPolitical theatreDystopia
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      SociologyPolitical theatreTheatre and Performance Studies
Taking up drama, scene creation, or performance building in literacy education is a rich area of possibility. This article describes two engaging methods in practice and theory.
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      EducationDramaContemporary ArtsPolitical theatre
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      Critical TheoryGender StudiesQueer StudiesPerforming Arts
En France, est-ce injurier quelqu’un que de taxer son propos d’antiaméricanisme ? Voilà la question à laquelle l’auteur de cette communication entend apporter quelques éléments de réponse en passant par une analyse de la pièce de théâtre... more
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      French LiteraturePhilosophyTheatre StudiesLiterature
Theatre critics and historians have done valuable work to canonize the scripts of Depression-era Living Newspapers, but little scholarly attention has been paid to the modes of contingent and affective labor that structured daily life for... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryNew Deal (U.S. history)Precarity
This article discusses a production of Shading the Crime by Christine Roberts, co-directed by the authors for Lusty Juventus Physical Theatre in 1998. The play is set in a Special Police Unit where gender-specific torture is used to... more
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      Theatre StudiesPaulo FreirePolitical theatreTotal Theatre
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    • Political theatre
Collective Creation in Contemporary Performance examines collective and devised theatre practices internationally--with emphasis on Russia, Europe, and North America--from the late 20th century, into the present. Building upon the... more
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      Collective BehaviorRussian StudiesMusical TheatreTheatre Studies
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural Studies
This collection aims to provide an interdisciplinary analysis of political performance, juxtaposing ethnography and anthropological theory to highlight how dimensions of aesthetics and politics can interrelate to create new forms of... more
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      Social MovementsAnthropologyPerforming ArtsTheatre Studies
This article intends to situate Zimbabwean political theatre within the discourse of national identity. National identity is deployed here as denoting any given set of myths, stories and beliefs propagated to justify a dominant group in... more
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      Cultural StudiesEssentialismNational IdentityPolitical theatre
In November 2011, on the brink of a new wave of conflict over Egypt’s future, an obviously energized audience crowded into Cairo’s Rawabet Theatre for The Tahrir Monologues, a documentary play celebrating the Eighteen Days leading to... more
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      Postdramatic theatrePolitical theatreEgyptian RevolutionEgyptian and Arabic theatre
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      Digital MediaIntermedialityPolitical theatre
Revue électronique d'études sur le monde anglophone 12.2 | 2015 : 1. La syntaxe du discours direct en anglais / 2. " The Dyer's Hand " : Colours in Early Modern England Abstracts Français English Produite en 1916 par les Provincetown... more
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      Political theatreTrifles by Susan Glaspell
There is some hesitation in theatre scholarship to confront and engage with the resurgence of political theatre in the 21st century, despite the vast numbers of political plays that have been performed in a variety of genres on the... more
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      Contemporary British TheatreCaryl ChurchillJacques RancièreContemporary Drama
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      MarketingComedyDrama EducationActive Learning
This article is an adapted version of a text originally published in Turkish in the historical materialist journal PRAKSIS in 2016, and translated into English by the author. It focuses on performative protest acts and the role of the... more
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      Theatre StudiesCensorshipDramaturgyPerformativity
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      World War IPolitical theatreThe 1910'sUnited States
This article examines the potential role that media technology can play in the presentation of documentary material onstage. Using Théâtre du Soleil’s Le Dernier Caravansérail/The Last Caravanserai (2005) as a case study, this article... more
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      MultimediaPolitical theatreAsylum seekersHypermedia
Theatre Journal Copyright © 2005 by The Johns Hopkins University Press. All rights reserved. Theatre Journal 57.1 (2005) 140-141, ...
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      Political theatreLiterature of the 1930sAmerican Theatre of the 20th Century
The Hotel, Leonard Woolf’s only play, was published in 1938. Despite his best efforts, Woolf never succeeded in having his play performed. Woolf’s work brings to the forefront such essential debates as the question of the individual’s... more
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      Avant-Garde theatreAction TheoryPolitical theatreNishida Kitarō
s English Français In 1968, Jean Vilar invited the Living Theatre to the XXII th edition of the Avignon Festival. This invitation of the American anarchist company was part of the new policy of Vilar who was eager to open his festival to... more
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      Political theatreExperimental Theatre1968Living Theatre
Open-air preaching is a neglected practice in much homiletical literature.This is also true in the literature which explores preaching as performance. It is, however, a long and varied practice. More than this, it can be explained as an... more
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      Performance StudiesPreachingPolitical theatreHomiletics
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      German StudiesPerforming ArtsTheatre StudiesPerformance Studies
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      Contemporary DramaPolitical theatreContemporary British DramaTrevor Griffiths
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      Contemporary British TheatreBertolt BrechtPolitical theatreIn-Yer-Face Theatre
This book develops an approach to both method and the socio-political implications of knowledge production that embraces our embeddedness in the world that we study. It seeks to enact the transformative potentials inherent in this... more
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      Teaching and LearningPerformance StudiesPraxisBreath - Body - Voice
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesPolitical theatreModern Turkey
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      TerrorismContemporary DramaBertolt BrechtPolitical theatre
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      Postdramatic theatrePolitical theatrePerformance TheoryExperimental Theatre
The primary concern of this essay is to trace the conditions of possibility for what we came to understand as non-representational approaches to performance. In particular, in its first part, the essay considers the emergence of the "... more
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      Performance StudiesAntonin ArtaudJacques DerridaPolitical theatre
The nature of surveillance is changing. It is becoming gamified. This article charts a shift in thinking about surveillance culture, from the panopticon models advanced by Jeremy Bentham and Michel Foucault to current analyses of the... more
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      Performance StudiesSurveillance StudiesCanadian TheatrePolitical theatre
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      Performance StudiesNeoliberalismPolitical theatreINDIAN DRAMA & THEATRE
Taking as my starting point the assumption that art is a social practice, and how it is made and perceived is always determined by the socio-political and economic context, I would like to propose that a festival be regarded as an art... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesInstitutional TheoryPolitical theatre
I believe that a genuine and effective campaign for art as a democratic instrument can only succeed if the methods and conditions of producing art are rendered more democratic; and the programme of social emancipation ought to begin with... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesPolitical theatreInstitutional Critique
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      International Relations TheoryPolitical theatrePolitics and PerformanceArt and International Relations
George MacLeod is best known as the founder of the Iona Community. In this article, however, I discuss the practice of his open-air preaching. To do this I draw upon performance studies and argue that MacLeod's open-air preaching was an... more
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      Performance StudiesPreachingPolitical theatreHomiletics
This essay deals with the life and work of distinguished Syrian playwright Sa'dallāh Wannūs with special emphasis on his concept of the theatre of politicization (masraḥ at-tasyīs) which originated directly in the aftermath of the Six Day... more
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      Arabic LiteratureBertolt BrechtPolitical theatrePopular Literature
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      Political theatreLope de VegaTeatro LatinoamericanoLiteratura española del Siglo de Oro
"L'auteur de cet ouvrage explore l'écriture si particulière de René Kalisky, un des dramaturges belges les plus importants de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. Dans son théâtre, Kalisky prend l'histoire à bras le corps et n'hésite pas à... more
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      HistoryTheatre StudiesJewish StudiesTheatre History
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      DirectingPolitical theatreModern German TheatreAIDS plays
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      Theatre StudiesPostcolonial TheatrePostcolonial TheoryPolitical theatre
’Nothing is less reliable, nothing is less clear today than the word “archive”,’ observed Jacques Derrida in his book Archive Fever: a Freudian Impression (1996). This paper reflects on the unsettling process of establishing (or... more
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      Theatre StudiesDigital HumanitiesPublic ArtTransitional Justice