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The paper discusses the social inequalities that appear in space, inequalities that integrate a group of people into the process of social exclusion. The area of the Municipality of Mykis of the Xanthi Regional Unit (RU), which is... more
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      Social SciencesSocial ExclusionUrban And Regional PlanningPomaks
ÖNSÖZ ESEFLE, teessür ve teessüfle belirtelim ki, bugün «komünist -siyonist» Bulgar devletinin yönetimi altında olupta meskün oldukları bölgelerin en «otokton» unsuru olan muhtelif Müslüman Türk zümreleri hakkında hür anavatan Türkiye'de... more
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      PomaksBulgaristanBulgaristan azınlıklarıBulgaristanda Komunizm Dönemi
Özet Anadil olarak Slavca konuşan ve müslüman bir topluluk olan Pomakların kökeni günümüzde de akademik bir tartışma konusudur. Literatürde mevcut verilerle Pomakların tarihlerini 6’ncı yüzyıla kadar götürülebilen çalışmalar... more
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      NationalismConversion to Islam in the Ottoman EmpireOttoman BalkansEthnicity
The etymology of the words “Akhryanе”, "Pomak" and "Palucene" (“Palcene”) - self-titles of the Armenians and Paulicians who changed their faith on the Balkans (in Bulgarian language).
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      Languages and LinguisticsArmenian StudiesArmenian HistoryArmenian Language
The Bulgarian Moslems in Years of Transition (1990-1997). Ethno-cultural Problems. Islam in Bulgaria is traditionally moderate, characterized by a tolerant attitude toward the difference of the “others” and their culture, and the... more
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      Minority StudiesPomaksIslam in BalkansDemocratic Transitions
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      Human GeographyPomaksΠομάκοιΠομακοχώρια
The meaning of the Macedonian word “tsar” (king).
The god-sun Ar, Areia (modern Thrace), and the Areians.
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      Armenian StudiesBalkan HistoryArmenian HistoryArmenian Language
While Islam has been firmly placed on the global agenda since 9/11, and continues to occupy a prominent place in media discourse, attention has recently begun to shift towards European Muslims, or – as some would prefer to say – Muslims... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRefugee StudiesIslam in EuropeReligious Conversion
Основен фокус на материала са селата в Северозападна Мала Азия с компактно българско население, съществували до организираното изселване през 1914 г. Досегашните разработки се базират единствено на български източници, които в по-голямата... more
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      Minority StudiesLate Ottoman PeriodEthnographic fieldworkBulgarian history
In the study an attempt is made to compare historically the situation of the Muslims in Greece, Bulgaria and Bosnia - three different models for the development of the "Balkan Islam" in post-Ottoman nation-states.
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      Minority StudiesSoutheastern EuropeNational SecurityPomaks
[ÖZET] Kültürel coğrafyaların biçim kazanmasında önemi haiz bir faktör olarak göç, bu haliyle salt bedenlerin veya işgücünün hareketliliği anlamına gelmemekte; göçmenlerin hareket güzergâhları boyunca ilerleyen bir doğrultuda, toplumsal... more
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      Ottoman HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryMigration
The present work represents a translation of a brochure named “Poor Pomaks” from Ottoman Turkish to Bulgarian. This brochure gives very interesting information about the forced conversion in Christianity of the Pomaks in 1913. Printed in... more
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      Ottoman HistoryBalkan StudiesOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
The concept of post-socialism evolved into an “area study” while its “era” content became mostly excluded from the discourse. This paper discusses the necessity of integrative approach in post-socialist studies to understand the... more
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      Balkan StudiesMigrationPostsocialismBulgaria
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ÖZ Balkan savaşlarından günümüze kadar Balkan topraklarında yaşamını sürdüren etnik gruplar, sürgünlerden din değiştirilmeye ve hatta isim değiştirilmeye zorlanarak, sistematik olarak asimilasyon politikalarına maruz kalmıştır. Panslavizm... more
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      RomanPomaksEthnic TerrorismPomak
This article presents the story of hand-woven Pomak fabric and the associated traditions, which have been transmitted from mother to daughter and father to son. The research relates to certain applications of traditional, social, and... more
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      TurkeyTraditional CraftsPomaksWeaving
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      Balkan StudiesRomanian StudiesRomani StudiesMuslim Turkish Minority of Western Thrace
Kültürel açıdan heterojen devletlerde din, dil, ırk ve etnisite sorunlarını sosyo-ekonomik sınıf ya da ideoloji sorunlarından daha çok görürüz. Heterojen toplumlarda, topluluk ile devlet sınırlarının bir olmayışı bir devlet oluşturma... more
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      NationalismTurkish NationalismBulgarian PoliticsMinorities in Turkey
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      Ottoman HistoryPomaks
ÖZ Doğusundan batısına, güneyinden kuzeyine, Anadolu'nun her yöresinde do-kuma kültürüne rastlanmaktadır. Bunların bazıları halı, kilim gibi yaygılar vb. şeklinde kirkitli dokumalar; büyük bir kısmı da giysi, örtü, ev süsleme eşyası vb.... more
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      TextilesTraditional textilesFabricsPomaks
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      Muslim Turkish Minority of Western ThracePomaks
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      PomaksBalkanlarOsmanlı İmparatorluğuGoralılar
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      Cross-Cultural PsychologyAcculturationPomaks
Günümüz Bulgaristan coğrafyasında yaşayan Pomakların göç kaderi 1877’den 1920 yıllarının ilk yarısına kadar devam eden süreçte Türklerin göç kaderinden farklı değildir. 1923 yılından sonra Bulgaristan yetkililerinin Pomaklar ile ilgili... more
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    • Pomaks
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      Muslim Turkish Minority of Western ThracePomaks
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      EthnomusicologyPlace and IdentityMigrationIdentity (Culture)
Many anthropologists, including Zdenek Salzmann, claim that cultural change proceeds at a much slower pace in societies that are only slightly affected by new technological developments (Salzmann 1973, 16) than in more developed ones.... more
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Balkan coğrafyası sakinleri, nüfusları nispeten az olmakla birlikte, çeşitlilik bakımından oldukça zengindir. Balkanlarda, bugünkü Yunanistan'ı da sınırları içerisine alan coğrafi bölge, Türk milleti için tarihî, siyasi, sosyal ve... more
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      PomaksTürk DiliÇağdaş Türk LehçeleriTürkoloji
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      PomaksBalkanlarTürkiye Dış Politikası// HISTORY AND POLITICS // Tarih ve Siyaset// Türk Dış Politikası,Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi, Afriavrasya Stratejileri, Ortak Barış ve Ortak Güvenlik Siyaseti.
Antropoloji ve sosyolojide toplumsal yapıyı anlamak için kullanılan anahtar kavramlardan biri olan ‘Sosyo-kültürel dizge’, herhangi bir değişimin diğerlerinde de değişime neden olduğu üç ana bileşenden (maddi, toplumsal, ifadesel) oluşur.... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyImmigrationCultural Musicology
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      NationalismRacial and ethnic discriminationPomaksModern Greece and Minorities
Corinna Leschber (2020): Rezension von D. Stern, M. Nomachi, B. Belić 2018. "Linguistic Regionalism in Eastern Europe and Beyond. Minority, Regional and Literary Microlanguages", Peter Lang, Berlin. In: Săpostavitelno... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesEastern EuropeLanguages and Linguistics
Περίληψη: Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι η διερεύνηση των υφιστάμενων προβλημάτων, των αναγκών και των περιορισμών στην παιδεία των Πομάκων της Ξάνθης. Γίνεται μια προσπάθεια ανάλυσης των αιτιών οι οποίες οδήγησαν στην, εδώ και δεκαετίες,... more
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      EducationMinority LanguagesPomaksintegrated development
Comprehensive study of Slavic and Albanian language and cultures in Golo Bordo, Albania.
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      DialectologySlavic LanguagesBalkan StudiesKinship (Anthropology)
In this paper I examine how ‘silence’, as voiceless and non verbal expression, becomes a main idiom of Greek-Pomak marginality, as signified by the social subjects themselves. I aim to reveal in what ways ‘silence’ consists a dominant... more
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      Balkan StudiesMuslim MinoritiesPomaksAnthropology of Religion
Presenting first results from a field research in Northwestern Anatolia in 2009.
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      Minority StudiesModern Ottoman HistoryLate Ottoman PeriodEthnographic fieldwork
The present volume aims at exploring the overall patterns of linguistic regionalism throughout Eastern Europe, casting also a comparative glance beyond this specific cultural setting into neighboring Western European regions. A wide array... more
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      Balkan linguisticsDialectologyMinority LanguagesSlavic Linguistics
Анализ речи родопских болгароговорящих мусульман о традиционном свадебном обряде позволяет выявить характерные семантические и морфологические парадигмы, сохранность персонажного кода и тенденцию к деабстрагированию наименований обрядовых... more
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      PomaksDiscursive AnalysisWedding Riteethnolinhuistics
Pomak meselesi, Bulgaristan’ın bağımsızlığını kazanmasının ardından en öncelikli konulardan biri olmuştur. 20. yüzyıl içerisinde Pomakları asimile etmeye yönelik girişimlerde bulunan Bulgar karar alıcılar, her ne kadar 1989’da Jivkov... more
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      BulgariaMinority RightsPomakspomaks in Bulgaria
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      EthnolinguisticsBalkan linguisticsPhoneticsDialectology
Nowadays that nationalism is the prevalent political ideology and the cause for ethnic tension and secession movements globally, the issue of ethnic, national and religious identities has attracted considerable scholarly attention among... more
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      Balkan HistoryBulgariaNational IdentityMinorities
During the late 19 th century in the region of Xanthi in Greece, the tradition of dealing with the monoculture of tobacco combined with livestock farming contributed to the development of a rural family economy by the people of Pomaks.... more
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      Urban HistoryVernacular ArchitectureUrban TransformationUrban Social Geography
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologyPomaksMuslims
Bu çalışma, Etnomüzikoloji disiplininde geliştirilen göçmen müziği kuramları çerçevesinde İzmir ve Manisa’da yaşayan Pomak toplulukların çalgı eşlikli ve eşliksiz seslendirdikleri “Pesna” geleneklerini ele alarak Pomak kimliğinin göç... more
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      Anthropology of MusicEthnomusicologyImmigrationPomaks
Şu elinizdeki broşürün neşredilmesine sebebiyet veren pek çok amiller vardır. Bu amil ve saik Bulgaristan komünist yönetimi altındaki Pirin Makedonyasıyla Rodop'ta meskun 2 milyondan müteşekkil Müslüman - Türk toplumunun 1970 yılından bu... more
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      PomaksBulgaristanBulgaristanda Komunizm DönemiBulgaristanda Miliyetçilik
“Muslim and Orthodox Resistance Against the Berlin Peace Treaty in the Balkans”, War and Diplomacy: The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 and the Treaty of Berlin, Ed. Hakan Yavuz, Peter Sluglett, Salt Lake City 2011, pp. 125-143.
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman BalkansMacedonian QuestionPomaks
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    • Pomaks
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      EthnographyIslamic StudiesReligious SyncretismMuslims in Europe
1. Γεωπολιτική της Επαναστάσεως του 1821 2. Γεωπολιτικές παράμετροι του Μακεδονικού Ζητήματος 3. Η στρατηγική της Ελλάδος στο Αιγαίο Πέλαγος, 1830-1922 4. Το Κυπριακό Ζήτημα ως δίλημμα δημογραφικής ασφαλείας 5. Η ιστορική ταυτότητα των... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsInternational RelationsGeopoliticsCyprus Studies
From the Germans of Danzig (now Gdansk, in Poland) to the Turks of Rhodes: the «Europa etnografica» map (1:6.000.000) of the Atlante internazionale del TCI (1st ed., 1927). For a later version of this map (3rd ed., 1929) you can see... more
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      LanguagesHistoryGeographyHuman Geography