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Khristiansky Vostok 9/15 (2021) 77–94
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      Near Eastern StudiesMiddle East StudiesManuscript StudiesSyriac Studies
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      PhilologyDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Jewish StudiesHistorical Linguistics
A new translation of the Odes of Solomon by Samuel Zinner and Mark M. Mattison, with annotations. Updated version uploaded 20/1 2021.
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Coptic StudiesSyriac StudiesNew Testament and Christian Origins
* * * now available online * * * https://gedsh.bethmardutho.org/index.html The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (GEDSH) is the first major encyclopedia-type reference work devoted exclusively to Syriac... more
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      ChristianityLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
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      AramaicDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Book of JobPeshitta
PhD Dissertation defended on the 28th April 2021
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      ReligionHistory of ReligionCosmology (Anthropology)Asceticism
This is an English version of משה שוֹשן, הדרך ללוד – סיפורו של ניצול: בריחתו של רבן יוחנן בן זכאי מירושלים על פי מדרש איכה רבה א, ה The article presents an analysis of the story of the escape of R. Yohanan ben Zakkai from Jerusalem as... more
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      RabbinicsMidrashRabbinic LiteratureMidrashic Literature
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      HagiographyNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyTalmudEducation History
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      Biblical StudiesHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonJewish - Christian RelationsHistory of Biblical Interpretation
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityZoroastrianismEarly Christianity
Throughout Rabbinic literature—the Talmud and the Midrash—a mysterious creature known as the Salamandra is mentioned. This creature is also mentioned by various early philosophers and scientists. It is reported to have been created in... more
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      HistoryGreek LiteratureTalmudJewish Mysticism
Scripture assigns to Melchizedek the distinguished title of royal priest (Gen. 14:18). Apart from this ascription and a few details related to his encounter with Abraham, the only two references to Melchizedek included in the Hebrew... more
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      The Letter to the HebrewsHistory of Biblical InterpretationRabbinicsBiblical Interpretation
In this article it is argued that the Qiblah passages in the Qur’an, which are commonly understood as referring to the direction of the prayer, are directly engaging with and interpreting the Shema passages in Deuteronomy and their... more
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      SemioticsJewish LawJewish StudiesSemitic languages
A small biography of Aphrahat
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianitySyriac literatureAphrahat
The present chapter traces how the rabbis in the tractate of Hagigah developed the biblical commands concerning cultic pilgrimage into laws for a bygone Jerusalem temple pilgrimage to see and be seen by God. Our investigation points to... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryJewish StudiesDisability Studies
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      TalmudEarly ChristianityMonastic StudiesEastern Christianity
On the occasion of the 80 th birthday of Sebastian P. Brock, Sankt Ignatios Theological Academy & Stockholm School of Theology, Sweden, are hosting a major conference on " The Future of Syriac Studies. " Sebastian Brock has agreed to be... more
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac (Languages And Linguistics)Syriac ChristianitySyriac literature
The article presents a contemporary view of the study of piyyut, demonstrating that Jewish po- etry of late antiquity (in Hebrew and Aramaic) was closely related to Christian liturgical poetry (both Syriac and Greek) and Samaritan... more
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      Syriac literaturePiyyutSamaritan StudiesRabbinic Literature, Syriac Patristic
This essay focuses on liturgical texts that incorporate in sophisticated ways materials concerning the creation of the universe in rituals of atonement and consecration of holy places of worship. I argue that the employment of accounts... more
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      RitualSyriac ChristianitySyriac literaturePiyyut
Comprehensive list of prominent literary phenomena in chapters of Mishnah, including: Anaphora, Epiphora, Segues among chapters, Anadiplosis, Inclusio, Wordplays, and Keywords
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      Rabbinic LiteratureMishnahMishnaRabbinic Literature, Syriac Patristic
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      HistoryPsychologyJewish LawGender Studies
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      History of ReligionHistory of EducationTalmudHistory of Religions
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      HagiographyJewish MysticismEarly ChristianitySyriac Studies
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      TheologyNew TestamentEarly ChristianityBiblical Studies
The article presents the discovery of a new manuscript containing extracts from the Syriac version of the «Hundred Chapters» of St. Diadochus of Photice. The article provides the identification of the chapters along with their incipits as... more
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      Syriac StudiesRabbinic Literature, Syriac PatristicSyriac PatrologyTranslation Greek Into Syriac
This volume gives a bilingual Syriac-English edition of Saint Jacob of Sarug’s homily on the Chariot which the Prophet Ezekiel saw. The Syriac text is fully vocalized, and the translation is annotated with a commentary and biblical... more
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      PatristicsAsceticismOrthodox TheologySyriac Studies
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      TalmudJewish - Christian RelationsRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
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      ReligionHistoryJewish StudiesHistory of Religion
These slides (presented in 2018) give a brief overview and sample of the literature known as the Pseudo-Clementines, while providing some arguments for the originality of the Syriac text. (N.b.: a sense of humor is required.)
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      Syriac StudiesApocrypha/PseudepigraphaSyriac (Languages And Linguistics)Syriac Christianity
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      History of EducationHistory of ReligionsJewish - Christian RelationsLate Antiquity
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      HistoryCultural TheoryRabbinic Literature, Syriac Patristic
Comprehensive list of 7 literaray phenomena in Mishnah: anaphora, epiphora, chapter segues, anadiplosis, inclusio, paranomasia, leitwort

רשימה מקפת של 7 תופעות ספרותיות במשנה: אנפורה, אפיפורה, מעברי פרקים, שרשור, משחקי לשון, מילים מנחות
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      TalmudRabbinicsRabbinic LiteratureBiblical and Talmudic textiles
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEconomic History
Lo femenino ha sido un tópico recurrente en los autores de la patrística y ha ocupado gran lugar en sus obras exegéticas, poéticas o históricas. Sin embargo, el interés de estos autores no solo se dirigió al análisis de cuestiones... more
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      Patristic ExegesisPatristics and Late AntiquityRabbinic Literature, Syriac PatristicHistoria Cultural
We will examine texts from the Mishnah Berakhot and Bavli Berakhot whose message seems subsersive, going against the grain of the apparent overall aims of the broader context. By means of close reading I will show that the apparently... more
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      TalmudTheological HermeneuticsRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
This paper examines the macro-redaction of a tractate, Berakhot. In previous work I have shown how the conclusion of the Toseftan tractate sums up the major themes of the tractate and integrates them into a cohesive conceptual framework.... more
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      RabbinicsRabbinic LiteratureMishnahMishna
Conference “Judaism in the 7th and 8th Centuries”, Princeton University, 12-13 November 2017.
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      Hebrew LiteratureEthicsJewish StudiesMiddle East Studies
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesJewish Studies
Much of Mishnah Tractate Sotah consists of digressions from the titular topic. Going beyond the standard explanation of pre-existing collections included by the redactor for mnemotechnical reasons, this article will demonstrate the... more
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      TalmudTheological HermeneuticsRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
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      Jewish LawRabbinicsRabbinic LiteratureRabbinic Literature, Syriac Patristic
The edition includes a study on the East Syriac hymnological collection Warda (13th-16th cent.)+ 35 hymns in the Syriac original and Russian translation.
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      ChristianityMythology And FolkloreMusicChurch Music
מחבר המאמר הוא ד"ר לתלמוד מאוניברסיטת פוטסדאם בוגר הישיבות 'חברון' ו'מיר'. המאמר אינו מציית לכללים החברתיים-כלכליים של העולם האקדמי (בורדייה/ 'אין חבוש מתיר עצמו מבית האסורים'). המאמר מבקש לבחון את הדרך בה אנו קוראים ומפרשים את התלמוד... more
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      HistoryJewish StudiesTargumTalmud
This paper presents a series of examples revealing some significant aspects about the technique of the Greek translation of Ephrem’s mēmrā on Niniveh and Jonah (Syriac text by Edmund Beck, 1970; editio princeps of the Greek text by... more
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      Greek LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristicsGreek Language
רבים תוהים מדוע המשנה במסכת שבת מקדימה למשנה המרכזית של 39 מלאכות (פ"ז מ"ב) את ששת הפרקים הראשונים, העוסקים בחלקם בהכנות לקראת שבת ובחלקם בענייני הוצאה. במאמר זה נבחן הסברים שונים שהוצעו לסדר הפרקים כאן, ונתמקד בפתיחה 'במה' המופיעה בארבעה... more
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      TalmudRabbinicsRabbinic LiteratureTannaitic Literature
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      History of ReligionHistory of EducationTalmudJewish Mysticism
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac (Languages And Linguistics)Syriac ChristianitySyriac literature
The doctoral thesis examines a universal history by the 7th-century East Syriac (The Church of the East) author John bar Penkaye “Book of the Main Points, or The History of the Temporal World” in the context of East Syrian literary... more
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      Eastern ChristianityApocalypticism In LiteratureSyriac Studies7th Century Middle East
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      Jewish LawHebrew LiteratureJewish StudiesHebrew Language
הזמנה לערב עיון - השקת ספרי מרבדי משנה
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      TalmudRabbinicsMidrashRabbinic Literature
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      PatristicsJewish - Christian RelationsLate AntiquitySyriac Studies