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Altamura F., Cortese I.A., Pancotti A., 2013. Medaglie devozionali di S. Maria di Grottaferrata (Rm), in Bollettino della Unione Storia ed Arte 8, 3°serie, pp. 93-106. ISSN 0394-4727
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      ArchaeologyIconographyByzantine IconographyPost Medieval Numismatics
E' uno dei contrbuti del volume LE CHIESE CATTOLICHE NELLA MEDAGLIA D'ARTE curato da Adolfo Modesti
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMonastic StudiesNumismatics
Examples of Christian medals made for use in China are presented and dated.
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      ChristianityChinese StudiesMissionary HistoryHistory of Missions
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      Material culture of religionReligious MedalsPlateria
Polish literature on the subject of religious medallions is poor if we do not take into account quite a number of archaeological publications and entries on online forums, and foreign publications, in Polish libraries are almost... more
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      Pilgrimage and ArtMedalsAncient jewelleryArchaeology of pilgrimage
F. Altamura, A. Pancotti 2017. Medaglie devozionali dai Colli Albani (RM, Italia): una visione d’insieme (XVII-XIX sec.), in INCC 2016, Proceedings of the 8th International Numismatic Congress of Croatia, Fiume, pp. 149-169.
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsPost-Medieval Archaeology
In den Jahren 1996 und 2000/2001 fanden im Wiener Stephansdom baubegleitende Grabungen statt, in deren Rahmen unter anderem ein ausgedehnter frühneuzeitlicher, beigabenführender und in den Jahren 1783/1784 endender Bestattungshorizont... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyEarly Modern HistoryFunerary ArchaeologyHistorical medals
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      Medieval ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologySmall FindsReligious Medals
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      Modern NumismaticsReligious MedalsSaints medals
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      ReligionHistoryPhilosophy Of ReligionArt History
An examination of Jacques Wiener's masterful 1847 medal commemorating the 1846 Fête-Dieu in Liege, Belgium. The article highlights the history behind the feast, examines the medallic elements and notes a number of yet-unanswered questions... more
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      NumismaticsBelgian HistoryMedalsHistorical medals
In 2018 Bob Forrest donated his extensive collection of religious medals to the Ashmolean Museum's Heberden Coin Room. The collection, consisting of roughly 3500 objects, is particularly strong in its holdings of medals from nineteenth-... more
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      Material culture of religionPilgrimageNumismaticsCollecting and Collections
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      Saints' CultsModern NumismaticsReligious MedalsSaints medals
U radu se govori o svetačkim medaljicama pronađenim 2007. i 2008. godine tijekom izvođenja zaštitnih arheoloških istraživanja stare crkve sv. Jurja u Kruševu kod Obrovca. The paper discusses saint medals found in 2007 and 2008 during the... more
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    • Religious Medals
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      Christian IconographyCistercian StudiesCistercian spiritualityReligious Medals
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      ArchaeologyReligious Medals
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      ReligionHistoryNumismaticsTalismanic Art
Tríptico de una exposición sobre la antigua fábrica de medalles Ausió de Barcelona, activa entre c.1900-1970 con medalles, documentos, instrumentos del proceso de fabricación y fotografías hoy conservadas en el Gabinet Numismàtic de... more
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      NumismaticsMedalsHistorical medalsCommemorative Medals
Article deals with the history of the collection of the plaster casts of the “papal medals” from the Semyonovskoye-Otrada estate of the Orlov noble family In Russian Электронное издание:... more
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      Russian HistoryHistory of Collections19th- 20th- century Russian ArtRussian Art
in: Hippolytus. Neue Folge. St. Pöltner Hefte zur Diözesankunde 32,  2011, p. 160-168.
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      PilgrimageNumismaticsReligious MedalsMaria Taferl
HEILIGER JOSEF AUF MEDAILLEN ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Anlässlich der im Jahre 2012 dem st. Josef gewidmeten Tagung in Zagreb wurden auch Bilder der Heiligen- und Wallfahrtsmedaillen, auf welchen sich sein Bild befindet, aus der Münzsammlung des... more
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      PilgrimageReligious MedalsSaint JosephThe Zagreb Archaeological Museum
Medalje blaženoga pape Pavla VI. iz zbirke kardinala Franje Šepera u Riznici Zagrebačke prvostolnice. Zusammenfassung: Die Medaillen des seligen Papstes Pauls VI. aus der Sammlung des Kardinals Franjo Šeper in der Schatzkammer des Doms zu... more
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      Religious MedalsPapal MedalsPope Paul VICardinal Franjo Šeper
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      Religious MedalsSaints medals
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      PilgrimageSaints' CultsNumismaticsReligious Medals
Altamura F., Pancotti A., 2014. Medaglie devozionali in contesti di butto dai Colli Albani - Roma, Italia (XVII-XIX sec.), in INCC 2013, Proceedings of the 7th International Numismatic Congress of Croatia, Opatija, Croatia, September... more
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      Post Medieval NumismaticsMedagliette devozionaliReligious MedalsMonte Porzio Catone
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      Modern NumismaticsReligious MedalsSaints medals
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      Religious MedalsTrsat
Book Review and Commentary: The Reformation Coin and Medal Collection of Concordia Historical Institute by Daniel Harmelink (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2016) Reformation coins and medals served as a visual witness and... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesLutheranismNumismatics
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      Saints' CultsReligious Medals
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    • Religious Medals
Il Giubileo Straordinario della Misericordia ha restaurato una delle più antiche tradizioni, andata in disuso da decenni: la produzione e distribuzione di Agnus Dei di cera. Gli Agnus Dei sono delle medaglie devozionali di cera che... more
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      Religious MedalsPapal MedalsAgnus Dei; Miracle Working Objects; Portrait Medal
Congress paper published in "Medailles", № 66, 2016
The article deals with the history of russian religious medals. The series by contemporary sculptor Andrey Mishin are the first religious medallic series in Russia.
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      ReligionContemporary ArtRussian HistoryRussian & Soviet Art
in: MIN‭ ‬40,‭ ‬2010, p. 10-16.
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      NumismaticsAmuletsReligious MedalsTalismans and Amulets
in: MIN 34, 2007, p. 15-28.
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      PilgrimageNumismaticsReligious MedalsArte Marchigiana
Historia de la devoción a la Virgen del Sagrario, patrona de la ciudad de Toledo, reflejada en las medallas devocionales fechadas entre los siglos XVI y XX.
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      JewelleryReligious MedalsMarian Devotions
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      MedalsHistorical medalsRenaissance Coins and MedalsCommemorative Medals
Es dona a conèixer una medalla inèdita de santa Tecla, emesa probablement per commemorar la construcció de la seva nova capella a la Catedral de Tarragona (1760-1775).
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      MedalsTarragonaReligious MedalsSanta Tecla
CRUCIFIXES FOUND UNDERNEATH THE DUBROVNIK CATHEDRAL The numerous numismatic items found during the excavations underneath the Dubrovnik Cathedral and “Pujiška pijaca” led by Josip Stošić in the 1980s included around 60 saints and... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyGravesMedieval Dubrovnik (Ragusa)Religious Medals
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      Dominican OrderReligious MedalsHistory of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)The Zagreb Archaeological Museum
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      Historical medalsReligious MedalsHistory of DubrovnikDubrovnik Coins
Exhibition catalogue, edited by Claudio Cerretelli, with contributions by Laura Ciampini, Paola Cordera, Filippo Gheri, Stefano Manavella, Valerio Mosso, Anna Pedrotti, Christine Seidel. La mostra, a cura di Claudio Cerretelli,... more
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      MedaglieRenaissance Coins and MedalsMedieval Wooden SculptureOreficeria Mediovale
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      Religious MedalsMédailles religieusesPost medieval small finds
Jacques and Leopold Wiener's large format 1852 medal issued to commemorate Bishop C. R. A. Van Bommel is examined in the context of Van Bommel's role in the independence movement and formative years of the Belgian nation. Early... more
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      NumismaticsBelgian HistoryMedalsHistorical medals
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      Archaeology of pilgrimageEarly modern RomeReligious Medals
Major exhibition about medals of the Dutch Golden Age (c. 1585-1713) held in Teylers Museum, Haarlem, The Netherlands
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      NumismaticsHistory of The Netherlands16th Century Netherlandish ArtDutch
This article resumes the recent counting of all the properties of the Belgian coin cabinet in Brussels. The total figure for the library is around 36,000 books (periodicals, sales, pamphlets) and 200,000 items, among which c. 80,000... more
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      NumismaticsHistory of CollectionsMedalsCoin Collections
This volume takes as its theme the devotional cultures of European Christianity, from the dawn of the French Revolution to that later revolution which was the Second Vatican Council. At one level it deals with what might be called, in... more
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      Cultural HistoryHagiographyPreachingSpanish Civil War
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      SculptureReligious artMedalsReligious Medals
Les médailles de dévotion catholiques inscrites en caractères chinois ont retenu l’attention de numismates depuis un demi-siècle (voir notamment Turk & Arber-Cooke 1967-1970 ; Cribb 1978, 1981 ; Thierry 1987, 2008, 2021). Ceux-ci ont émis... more
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      Catholic StudiesNumismaticsChristian MissionsHistory of Missions
The book presents the medals showing effigies of popes or issued by the popes from the Brukenthal National Museum's collection.
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      MedalsPapal HistoryPapacy (Early Modern and Modern Church History)Religious Medals