Roman Catholic Canon Law
Recent papers in Roman Catholic Canon Law
This paper deals with the relation between God and the secular legal systems of Western liberal democracies. It provides a normative argument for the compatibility of God and secular legal reasoning. In our age, in which believing in God... more
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In recent years, religious institutes have sought to ensure the
viability of their institutional ministries so that they can continue
to serve even without ongoing support from the sisters and
brothers themselves.
viability of their institutional ministries so that they can continue
to serve even without ongoing support from the sisters and
brothers themselves.
ABSTRACT This article offers a chronological overview of the canonical norms issued by the Catholic Church between 1917 and 2021 on the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable persons.
Based on Samuel Scott's Digesta in English, published in 1932, I have translated it into 13 European languages with the deeple translator and made it available in the online legal theory journal of the Eötvös Lóránd University Faculty of... more
This article analyses the debates about mixed marriages held within the Roman Curia (and especially the Roman Inquisition) between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries, integrating these debates with the normative and prescriptive... more
I discorsi del Papa al Tribunale della Rota Romana offrono al giurista spunti per una riflessione sempre più aderente alla verità e di conseguenza più attenta ai diritti dei fedeli e agli altri beni protetti dall'ordinamento canonico. Tra... more
This articles offers practical guidelines for religious institutes facing decline in an uncertain and changing world. In this difficult but grace-filled time, a community can live today's challenges with the same courage, fidelity and... more
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en español, traducción del inglés estadounidense).
The paper is a comparison of the canonical provisions on private juridical persons and private associations particularly with regard to their purpose, nature, establishment, membership, administration of temporal goods and cessation.
Late Medieval Papal Legation is a result of long term study of papal legates in the late medieval period. Even though this crucial institution of the reform papacy of the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries kept its standards as... more
The study examines the particular law of the Maronite Church subsequent to the 1990 Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches with a special focus on the effect of the law in extra-territorial jurisdictions.
The focus of this paper is an over-arching comparison of CCEO’s and CIC’s canonical provisions regarding the consecrated life which echoes the work of Jobe Abbas, OFM Conv. It may be deemed as a springboard for a more comprehensive... more
The master’s thesis for MA Society, Law and Religion focuses on the procedural law reform introduced by the publication of Pope Francis’ motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus in 2015. Since the marriage procedural law reform, scholars... more
A Christian martyr for the gospel of social justice, and a man of deep spirituality and great ethical stature, Óscar Romero, archbishop of San Salvador during years of brutal government and paramilitary repression, is a towering figure in... more
150 years ago, during the First Vatican Council, the Constitution Pastor aeternus was published. In this text Pope Pius IX declared the pope to be infallible when he defines a dogma ex cathedra. This was possible because of the... more
This is a presentation given at the Catholic Church – Oriental Orthodox Churches International Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue 27 January – 2 February 2019 in Rome. It provides an overview of the canonical notion of marriage in... more
The Church of England’s recent study on Christian–Jewish relations, "God’s Unfailing Word" (Dec 2019), calls for Christian repentance about historic antisemitism, turning away from past offences to reshape our future together. One prime... more
The canonical concept «sui iuris Church», whose positive implementation was brought about with the promulgation of The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches (CCEO), has come to reflect, in canonical language, the historical tradition and... more
One of the contributions of the 1983 Code of Canon Law is the introduction of the so called «doctrinal canons». Canon 600 offers a regulation of the evangelical counsel of poverty in which the teaching of Vatican II and the canonical... more
New Testament Church Structure – Paul and his Coworkers – An Alternativ Theological Education – A Critique of Catholic Canon Law This volume contains the English translation of the chapter on the church structure from the author’s... more
En el adjunto sólo tienes los ministros sagrados o clérigos y las estructuras de gobierno de la Iglesia, de los que soy autor.
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Sumario : 1. Eficacia y coherencia en el ejercicio de la potestad ejecutiva. 2. Notas so-bre el concepto de acto administrativo. 3. Potestad ejecutiva y seguridad jurídica de los fieles.
DRAFT of paper for Theology of Canon Law. Thesis that process and penal law, with the ends of of the application of censures, penalties, and penances, are tools for the salus animarum. Therefore, the salus animarum is not only an... more
Studio sulla configuraciones canonica dei movimenti ecclesiali - Analise dell'essenza teologica dei movimenti. Rapporti fra movimenti e forme di vita consacrata
This article intends to explore briefly the steps that lead to the appearance of the summary Rite on the medieval Ius Commune, highlighting the role of Canon law, and in particular the legislative interventions of Pope Clement V, in the... more
Ульянов О.Г. О времени зарождения на Руси концепции «Москва – Третий Рим» («Donatio Constantini Magni» и «Повесть о белом клобуке») // Терминология исторической науки. Историописание. М.: ИВИ РАН, 2010. С. 196-214.
This study describes the canon's inter-textual use of apocryphal and pseudepigraphal sources which come from the tradition of the Septuagint and were later utilized by the Assyrian Church of the East. These writings also improve our... more
The paper offers a comparison of the canonical discipline of the Eastern and Western Churches, both Catholic and Orthodox. It further focuses on the pastoral response of these Churches to the divorced and remarried and offers suggestions... more
canonical aspects of religious life
Quand il est à Rome, le pape François déjeune chaque jour au milieu de bonnes soeurs dont il partage le modeste repas. Signe de la vie simple qu’il s’est choisie en référence à François d’Assise, dont il fut le premier pape à adopter le... more
esde sus inicios, la Iglesia ha buscado la unidad valorando siempre la diversidad. En este esfuerzo por sentir y vivir con un solo corazón, la comu- nidad de los seguidores de Jesús está llamada a hacer un camino de diálo- go, escucha... more
Keterangan mengenai kedudukan hukum perseorangan di dalam Kitab Hukum Kanonik Gereja Katolik
This is an entry on Orthodox Canon law in the arguably largest English language reference work on Orthodoxy. Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, ed. John A. McGuckin 1 (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011)
This article surveys the general framework of the law of sanctions or penal law in the Roman Catholic Church, the largest Christian church. The recent and devastating crisis of clergy sexual abuses of minors has challenged the whole... more
Pope Francis brought out changes in the Penal Laws of the Church through his Apostolic Constitution "Pascite Gregem Dei" dated 23rd May 2021, by which he reformed the sixth book of the Code of Canon Law Dei. The article deals with the... more
Taking the historical context into the consideration the territory of the Spiš See was limited to the north by the borders of the Kingdom of Poland and to the south by the Hnilec valley. On the west its territory was bordered by the High... more