Roman Circus
Recent papers in Roman Circus
Chariot races were the earliest, most popular, and longest-lived of all forms of ‘spectacles’ in the Roman world. This essay surveys the spatial and architectural framework of the Circus Maximus, the primary chariot racing venue at Rome,... more
ABSTRACT: From the moment that executions of Christians in Roman spectacles buildings began to take place, the amphitheatre, as being the generic of such public buildings, becomes one of the paradigmatic settings of Christian identity.... more
This paper deals with criminal piracy in Constantinople during the early Byzantine times and linked to the Circus factions illegal activities
Sundials in Roman and Byzantine Mosaics (1st – 9th Century AD). A scientific monograph. The sundials on ancient mosaics have not been the subject of scientific studies so far. The author has gathered together in this publication the... more
Sundials in Roman and Byzantine Mosaics (1st – 9th Century AD). A scientific monograph. The sundials on ancient mosaics have not been the subject of scientific studies so far. The author has gathered together in this publication the... more
This article focuses on a fragmentary standing statue of a male figure now preserved in the archaeological museum at Sousse, where it is exhibited as a »Dioscurus«. Through comparison with images in numerous media, the marble fragment is... more
Le présent volume est consacré à l’hippodrome romain d’el-Bass à Tyr (Liban sud). Cet hippodrome est aujourd’hui considéré comme l’un des monuments de ce type les mieux conservés du monde romain. Par rapport à la ville antique, l’édifice... more
What is people, populus, δήμος ? This basic question has been neglected by those who study the Late Empire's population, popular games and popular riots. The article shows that the «people» of each city comprised a distinct social... more
En évoquant le milieu du cirque à Liège au milieu du XIXe siècle, Xavier De Reul (1830-1895), géologue et romancier), décrit et dénonce à la fois, dans un style "coruscant", les sévices dont les forains sont victimes et le mépris qui les... more
Book summary: "L’état de fébrilité du public lors des courses de chars de la Rome antique apparaît, à certains égards, comme un lieu commun dans de nombreux passages de la littérature ancienne parvenus jusqu’à nous. Néanmoins,... more
Because of their highly public personas but lowly origins and status, Roman charioteers were frequently the subject of bitter invective from elite authors. These authors’ outrage was magnified by many charioteers’... more
Invitation du Service Culturel de Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon. Les cirques, les stades, les théâtres, les odéons et les amphithéâtres, édifices de spectacle qui autrefois contribuaient à embellir les villes du monde romain, se fondent ou se... more