Roman theatre
Recent papers in Roman theatre
Publication of the most important mosaic find from Mainz. Description of its saving, reconstruction and meaning. Originally part of a bath building near the Roman theater of Mainz, it perhaps commemorated an entertainment happened there... more
The figure of Nero has yet to be fully historicized, without moralistic prejudices and rehabilitative interpretations. To circumscribe the survey to the History of Theatre is not at all restrictive. The spectacular context is strategic in... more
Compilation of the scientific and the restauration work at the roman theatre of Augusta Raurica (from 1992 - 2007).
Le voci dell'oratore. Oratoria e spettacolo nell'excursus quintilianeo De pronuntiatione [I.O. XI,3], in Scena e spettacolo nell'antichità, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studio (Trento, 28-30 marzo 1988), Firenze 1989, pp. 253-267;... more
El teatro es un proceso de comunicación que tiene como objeto al ser humano en todos los sentidos; pero el individuo no sólo sirve para dar sentido al teatro, sino que es su condición de posibilidad: nace en el creador de la obra... more
The theatres of Rome, Pompeii and of the provinces of the empire in the Augustan Age (and beyond) are analysed, through exempla, within a contextual framework that includes the history of mentality, the iconographic programmes and the... more
Popular Spectacles in Rome from the Late Republic to the Early Imperial Age. The aim of the present contribute is to provide an outline of the theatralical forms in Rome during the first century BC, collecting literary texts with... more
In intere epoche della storia culturale d'Occidente è stato più famoso e letto di Plauto; ha avuto molto presto la ventura di diventare un testo scolastico; le sue commedie hanno continuato a circolare anche nel Medioevo e la sua pièce... more
Actes de Colloque, Augst (CH), 18.–21.09.2013
SOMMARIO 5 EDITORIALE PARTE PRIMA STUDI 9 L'area archeologica del teatro romano di Milano. Monumento e valorizzazione di Raffaella Viccei 57 La figura di Odisseo da Omero ai drammaturghi del quinto secolo a.C. di Fabio Copani 83 Mattatori... more
Comme les cirques, stades, théâtres et odéons, l’amphithéâtre de Nîmes appartient à la catégorie des édifices de spectacle que les Romains construisent dès la période républicaine et multiplient jusqu’à la fin de l’Empire. Héritiers des... more
Recenti indagini archeologiche hanno permesso una rilettura delle strutture dello "Zairo”, in Prato della Valle, e l’acquisizione di nuovi dati sulle tecniche edilizie usate.
The frieze bearing representations related to agonistic themes was located above the porta regia of the theatre of Hierapolis (Phrygia). It celebrated the exaltation of local games, called the Apolloneia Pythia. In this article we suggest... more
en C. Fernández Martínez, M. Limón Belén, J. Gómez Pallarés, J. del Hoyo Calleja, eds., Ex officina. Literatura epigráfica en verso, Sevilla 2013, pp. 275-301.
e Messene theatre, built in the rd century BC and abandoned in the late th century AD, was used for both performances and political assemblies, according to literary and epigraphic testimony. e cavea, which is divided in eleven cunei,... more
The way a Roman theatre is presently known, interpreted, sensed or reimaged is entrusted, above all, to our faculty of sight. And yet the Roman theatre was not simply a building to be seen. It was also a place full of sounds and a place... more
Cette pièce, attribuée à Sénèque par la tradition manuscrite, est la seule tragédie romaine à sujet historique qui ait été conservée. Elle raconte la répudiation d'Octavie (fille de l'empereur Claude, sœur de Britannicus) par Néron et les... more
I. Enn. trag. fr. CII , 207 Joc., pp. 11-14.. II. Acc. trag. 554 D., pp. 14-19. III. trag. inc. inc. XIII, 26 Ribb.3, pp. 19-25.
Declamazione e spettacolo nella tarda antichità. Atti della giornata di studi del Festival della declamazione e delle forme spettacolari del tardo-antico (Salerno/Paestum, 3-5 maggio 2018)
Popular Spectacles in Rome from the Late Republic to the Early Imperial Age. The aim of the present contribute is to provide an outline of the theatralical forms in Rome during the first century BC, collecting literary texts with... more
Seneca's Medea tragedy alters Euripides' version both in depicting Medea's murders onstage, but also in splitting the two children's killings into two separate events. This article provides a diachronic and phenomenological close reading... more
This paper examines Latin epitaphs which particularly focus on the career of mime actresses. These epitaphs have a personal attachment to the mimes and give us an opportunity to look at their lives in a different direction. While... more
In the framework of the study of Christian buildings in the ruins of amphitheaters, theaters, stadiums and Roman circuses, becomes appropriate to develop some reflections mainly aimed helping to explain the symbolic dimension acquired by... more
During the excavations that led to the discovery of the Roman Theater of Sessa Aurunca in Campania, a Roman fresco was found in excellent condition of conservation. This fresco represents the Genius Theatri. It is a unique of its kind,... more
Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté Cet ouvrage réunit dix contributions de chercheurs sur les réponses qu'on donne aujourd'hui à la question des origines rituelles de la comédie ancienne et de son articulation avec l'histoire des... more
Questa articolo, nata durante la Pasqua 2002, e dedicata alia memoria di nonna Rosa.
Πρακτικά συνεδρίου: International Congress Art & Humanities Scientific Conference in Florence, The magic of the Renaissance, 26-27 Οκτωβρίου 2020, Φλωρεντία, Νοέμβριος 2020, σσ. 81-90. Our study forms part of a wider project seeking... more
An exploration of the ways in which Republican tragedy might be considered 'Roman', of the implications of an imported 'national' literature, and the introduction of some new approaches. Approaches adopted include: comparison with recent... more
La découverte inattendue du théâtre gallo-romain de Lousonna-Vidy a mis en évidence des particularités notables, soulignant tout son intérêt. Elles permettent de soulever nombre de problématiques nouvelles comme l’influence d’une forme de... more