Roman Comedy
Recent papers in Roman Comedy
This paper wants to demonstrate the not casual similarity between Plautus'Asinar-ia 205 and Terence's Andria 545 arguing for the possibility that Plautus'Asinaria 205 was interpolated. Diàbolo desidererebbe trascorrere un'altra notte... more
Varie interpretazioni sul titolo di una commedia di Plauto che i manoscritti intitolano comme "Mostellaria" (codd. BCD) o "Mustellaria" (cod. A). This paper examines the performance dynamics of onstage texts in Plautus’ comedies. Examples of rare “epigraphic texts” are compared with the more common motif of in-play “perishable texts.” The... more
Surveys the king names that appear in Plautus's comedies and considers the geopolitics and history they appealed to in the audience, especially as compared with the king names and geography of the Life of Aesop, and in connection with the... more
Abstract accepted for a paper I *would have delivered* at the 2020 CAMWS meeting in Birmingham, AL. The conference was canceled due to COVID-19.
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The theme that unites the first four papers in this collection (counting the two elements of the second paper as two separate papers for the purposes of this summary only) is the view of Geta as very much the nexus-figure for three... more
Willing to challenge the classical tradition, Richlin (2005) adapted the Latin play Persa by Plautus to a contemporary context using American slang and pop culture. Richlin aims at making Roman comedy performable, popular and funny again... more
The paper aims at examining different types of talk represented in the plays by Plautus and Terence. To this end, it combines Goffman's participation framework with tools of Conversation Analysis, which serve to offer a more nuanced... more
Tłumaczenie uhonorowano nagrodą miesięcznika Literatura na wiecie za najlepszy przekład poezji (2003). Plaut (Titus Maccius Plautus), poeta rzymski z przełomu III i II wieku p.n.e. jest autorem 21 zachowanych komedii, które prezentują... more
Aristofanas, Plautas, Menandras, Terencijus.
Tłumaczenie uhonorowano nagrodą miesięcznika Literatura na wiecie za najlepszy przekład poezji (2003). Plaut (Titus Maccius Plautus), poeta rzymski z przełomu III i II wieku p.n.e. jest autorem 21 zachowanych komedii, które prezentują... more
What might it mean to use books rather than read them? This work examines the relationship between book use and forms of thought and theory in the early modern period. Drawing on legal, medical, religious, scientific and literary... more
Abstract and handout for my paper from the "Fleshing Out Words: Poetry on Objects" conference hosted by the University of Warwick (March 9, 2019).
La categoria del doppio nelle commedie plautine trova, come è noto, una sua prima e immediata declinazione negli intrecci fondati sulla presenza in scena dei simillimi, intesi come realtà speculari che, rischiando di determinare, in... more
Le voci dell'oratore. Oratoria e spettacolo nell'excursus quintilianeo De pronuntiatione [I.O. XI,3], in Scena e spettacolo nell'antichità, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studio (Trento, 28-30 marzo 1988), Firenze 1989, pp. 253-267;... more
The paper focusses on the central topic of friendship in the ‘Trinummus’ and observes the emerging paradoxes in the text’s staging of relationships between individuals. As it is well known, a specific aspect of this comedy is the... more
Teză de doctorat. Universitatea din Iași, Facultatea de Filosofie și Litere.
Neste capítulo, tenho o objetivo de apresentar minha tradução em versos, anotada e comentada, do prólogo da comédia Poenulus (O Pequeno Cartaginês, como tradicionalmente se traduz), do comediógrafo Tito M. Plauto (254-184 a.C.), um dos... more
A paucity of identifiable archaeological material makes it difficult to locate slavery in the archaeological record, but the figurines of slave characters in Roman comedy represent a rich, untapped resource. One character in particular,... more
"In sum, Plautus: Casina is an exceptional and extraordinary book. It exceeds my high hopes. I recommend it warmly to every teacher, student, library, and director interested in teaching, reading, or staging Plautus’ play."
Abstract from the book: "Τίτου Μάκκιου Πλαύτου, Το 'στοιχειωμένο' σπίτι (T. Maccius Plautus, Mostellaria)", Ioannina 2014.
Еуклионстарец Стафиластарица Еуномијамајка на Ликонид Мегадорбрат на Еуномија, постар човек Антраксготвач Конгрионготвач Стробил -роб Ликонидов Ликонидмладич, син на Еуномија Федрадевојка, ќерка на Еуклион Место на дејство: Атина
Society in the 3 rd /2 nd Centuries. The period of the Punic Wars (roughly speaking, the mid-3 rd to the later-2 nd century BC) witnessed far-ranging changes at Rome. At the beginning of this period Rome was a moderately powerful... more
Git repositories for various projects devoted to Social Network Analysis (SNA) of character interactions in Roman Comedy. ° Social Networking Analysis (SNA) project: ° Prototype... more
Slides from my presentation at the Stanford Archaeology Center "New Research on Ancient Mobility and Connectivity" Conference
Plautus’ Roman comedy Menaechmi (The Two Menaechmuses) of c. 200 BC anticipates in fictional form the famous Rosenhan experiment of 1973, a landmark critique of psychiatric diagnosis. An analysis of the scenes of feigned madness and... more
Blackwell Companion to Plautus, eds. Dorota Dutsch and George F. Franko.
This is a comparison of Agathon’s role in Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae and Plato’s Symposium. Firstly, I examine the Platonic version, and the unique, idiosyncratic part Plato gives Agathon to play, as a host to all, and a hostage to... more
Il volume racconta il monumento nei suoi dettagli, dalle origini greche alla sua trasformazione nel quartiere catanese chiamato “Grotte”, fino alla sua riscoperta nella metà del ‘700 e alla progressiva liberazione dalle case che nel tempo... more
La pubblicazione del volume è stata finanziata con i fondi di Ateneo 2019 dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "Sapienza" nell'ambito del progetto "Tipologie di interferenza grafica nel mondo antico" (TIGMA) / "Types of Graphic... more
Notes for my lectures on Middle and New Comedy, for an undergraduate course once taught in our department. Topics treated include: the evolution and changes of comic forms during the 4th century B.C.; themes, plots, and characters in... more
Αντικείμενο του συγκεκριμένου άρθρου αποτελεί ένας από τους τυπικά επαναλαμβανόμενους χαρακτήρες της Νέας Κωμωδίας και της Ρωμαϊκής fabula palliata, ο adulescens amans, του οποίου η δράση κινητροδοτείται από τον έρωτά του για μια mulier,... more
This volume in Portuguese collects 16 chapters about Plautus' Amphitryon and some of its receptions from Vital de Blois to the 21st century. 468 pages, published by Kotter / Ateliê Editorial.