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This study investigated the proposition of relaxation offered by performing the Muslim prayers by measuring the alpha brain activity in the frontal (F3-F4), central (C3-C4), parietal (P3-P4), and occipital (O1-O 2) electrode placements... more
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      PhysiologyMethodologyElectroencephalographyComparative Study
De islam is een monotheïstische religie die ontstaan is in de zevende eeuw op basis van openbaringen aan de profeet Mohammed. Centraal staan het heilig boek, de Koran, en de vijf ‘zuilen’: de geloofsbelijdenis (shahada), het gebed... more
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      IslamShariaMohammed ArkounZakat
To survive in harmony with oneself and the environment is the wish of every human being. However, in present times greater physical and emotional demands are constantly placed upon many areas of life. As a result, many people suffer from... more
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      Yoga PhilosophyIslamic StudiesAttitudeStudents Attitudes
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      Gender StudiesDeathMourningIslamic Studies
The semantical analysis of the salat (صلوة) concept in Holy Qur’ān
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      SalatQuran and Tafsir StudiesQuran semantics
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      PrayerIslamic StudiesIslamSalat
This book, AL – KHUSHUU’ IN SALAAH, comprises of 65 productive tips to excel in khushuu’ and it has been categorized in to 3; Before Salaah, During Salaah and After Salaah.
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      Salatal khushu' in salatconcentration in salatconnecting with Allah
Many people are unclear about rulings related to praying while sitting (Muslim prayer) and we often see a common pattern of mistakes. Though there are a few books available in other languages, not much is written in English. In this book,... more
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      Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)WorshipUsul al FiqhScientific islamic prayer ritual
Le cinque preghiere giornaliere, il secondo pilastro dell’Islam, costituiscono il cuore della vita spirituale e della devozione islamica. La preghiera, istituita per creare un intenso ricordo di Dio, se compiuta attraverso specifici... more
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      Islamic SpiritualityQuran and Sunnah StudiesScientific islamic prayer ritualSalat
Pertama shalat istisqa merupakan sunnah Rasulullah SAW dan juga dilakukan oleh para sahabat Rasulullah SAW sepeninggal beliau. Shalat istisqa adalah shalat sunnah meminta hujan kepada Allah Azza Wajalla ketika semua makhluk hidup di bumi... more
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      FıkıhUshul FiqhSalatistisqa
Bu yazılarda Kuran'da geçen bazı TEMEL KAVRAMLARa, bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Bu bilgiler yine Kuran ayetlerinde açıklanmıştır. Her ilgi duyan insan, tüm gerçekleri Allah kelamı olan ayetlerden öğrenebilir. Gerçek bu iken, din adamlarının... more
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      Quranic StudiesIslamSalatNamaz
Buku saku bacaan salat
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Prominent figures in Turkish culture mostly come from the Sufi tradition. Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi, Yunus Emre, Haji Bektash Veli and Haji Bairam are Sufis that come to mind first. The two areas that Sufis are most successful and ahead... more
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      Yunus EmreIlahiMevlidAlevi - Bektaşi
Believing in supernatural is a part of being human. As such there are about 4,300 religions in the world. These can be broadly classified into Abrahamic religions originating in West Asia, Indian religions originating in the Indian... more
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Ragib El-İsfehanî meşhur Müfredat kitabında salât kelimesinin aslı, ateşte yanma, ateş ile kızartma ve ateş ile ısınma manasından geliyor diyorsa da; Fuad Abdülbaki Mu’cemül-Müfehres’te ve İbn Manzur Lisanül Arab’da; ateşte yanma,... more
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      SelamSalatNamazNamaz Vakitleri
Islam for English Speakers A Guide to Establishing the Prayer in Islam is a booklet based on the evidence derived from Quran and Sunnah describing the Prayer (Iqamatul Salat) of Muslims from Adhan to the Remembrances customarily recited... more
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      Muslims in EuropeMuslims and prayer in congregationWhite British MuslimsIslam and Muslims in Britain, Chaplaincy, Religion in Public Life
Every religion seeks to realize the true path to realize God and salvation both in this life and in the hereafter. There are differences among various religions concerning their rituals, doctrines, worships, or teachings which reflect the... more
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This article discuses two texts of the prophetic tradition (hadith) commanding Muslim woman to pray at home rather than in mosque. The first hadith says that women are advised to pray at home. The second hadith states that, it is... more
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      SalatKontekstualtekstualfiqh al-hadits
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      BiomechanicsPhysical EducationMuscleExercise
This volume is a record of the 2011 Building Bridges seminar for theological dialogue between Muslim and Christian scholars. Chaired by Rowan Williams (at the time Archbishop of Canterbury) and held in Doha, Qatar, the seminar explored... more
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      SpiritualityPrayerSufismChristian Spirituality
Bu makalenin amacı, Mardin camilerinde icra edilen bir salât-ı kemâliyye örneğini, bölgedeki şifahi kaynaklara dayalı olarak tanıtmak ve müzikal analize tabi tutmaktır. Salât-ı kemâliyye, dinî musikide, Hz. Peygamber’i ve onun ehl-i... more
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      Islamic MusicSalatCami MusikisiDini Musiki
1) Allah Kur’anda binlerce yerde kendini övüyor. Şirki (kendisine eş koşulmayı) en büyük günah olarak gösteriyor. Bu, Allah için bir bencillik ve dolayısıyla bir nakısa değil midir? 2) Kur’anda: İnsanları ve cinleri sadece bana ibadet... more
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      Islamic StudiesReligious StudiesImanAhiret
İslam, her iki dünya saadetini elde etmeyi hedef olarak gösteren bir dindir. Dinimiz, iki dünya mutluluğunu elde etmenin yolu olarak müntesiplerinden bir takım görevlerin yapılmasını istemiştir. Bu görevlerin en önemlilerinden birisi,... more
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      SalatKaza Namazları
Masuknya waktu salat menjadi syarat sahnya salat. Jika tidak dilaksanakan tepat pada waktunya, maka salatnya tidak sah. Waktu – waktu pelaksanaan salat telah diisyaratkan oleh Allah swt dalam ayat – ayat Al-Quràn , yang kemudian diperinci... more
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      AstronomyIlmu FalakPrayer TimesSalat
Salat is a formal prayer practice by all Muslims. When performing salat, it involves with several movements namely standing, takbeer, bowing, prostration and sitting. The study was to quantify and compares the muscle activity (surface... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMuscleExerciseElectromyography
A series of five very brief introductions to each of the Five Pillars of Islam, including some Christian reflections.
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      PilgrimagePrayerIslamChristian-Muslim Dialogue
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      Islamic StudiesIslamic SpiritualityReligius and Islamic StudiesSalat
Selain itu, pendapat yang menegaskan akan wajibnya berjamaah adalah berpegang pada ayat yang memerintahkan shalat secara berjamaah, wa aqimus-shalah wa atuz-zakah, war-ka’u ma’ar-raki’in. Lakasanakan kalian shalat dan tunaikan zakat,... more
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      Salatsalat fardu berjamaah
2010 yılında Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi adına gerçekleştirdiğim 10 günlük yolculuğun özeti.
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      DiyarbakırHasankeyfılısu BarajıSalat
Le cinque preghiere giornaliere, il secondo pilastro dell'Islam, costituiscono il cuore della vita spirituale e della devozione islamica. La preghiera, istituita per creare un intenso ricordo di Dio, se compiuta attraverso specifici... more
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      Islamic SpiritualityIslamic MedicineQuran and Sunnah StudiesIslamic spirituality techniques and counseling
Tawasul Europe Centro per la ricerca ed il dialogo Le cinque preghiere giornaliere, descritte dallo Sheikh Albani in modo meticoloso, costituiscono la Sunna del Profeta (pace e benedizioni su di lui) che ogni credente è chiamato a... more
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      Prophet MuhammadQuran and Sunnah StudiesSalatMuslims Prayer
Buku ini merupakan kajian tentang hadis tematik seputar masalah-masalah keislaman yang berhubungan dengan hadis tentang thaharah, tayammum, mandi janabah, ibadah sholat, halal dan haram, kewajiban melakukan amal ma'ruf nahyi munkar,... more
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Bu makalenin amacı, Mardin camilerinde icra edilen bir salât-ı kemâliyye örneğini, bölgedeki şifahi kaynaklara dayalı olarak tanıtmak ve müzikal analize tabi tutmaktır. Salât-ı kemâliyye, dinî musikide, Hz. Peygamber’i ve onun ehl-i... more
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      Islamic MusicSalatCami MusikisiDini Musiki
Piše: Haris Islamčević Namaz (molitva u islamu) je druga temeljna muslimanska dužnost i po značaju dolazi odmah iza očitovanja vjere u Svevišnjeg Allaha. On je temelj vjere, stup čvrstoga uvjerenja i vrhunac djelâ kojima se približava... more
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      Essence of Prayer In IslamCOLUMNSSalat
Buku penjelasan tata cara istisqa, yaitu meminta hujan dalam Islam. Buku ini kami ringkas dari kitab Shalatul Istisqa Fii Dhau-i Al Kitab Was Sunnah, karya Syaikh DR. Sa’id bin ‘Ali bin Wahf Al Qahthani, dengan beberapa faidah tambahan... more
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Prayer Time: Between Practice and Experimentation This article explores variations in the practice of canonical Islamic prayer, ṣalât, among Muslims in France. The author shows how the contexts where prayer is performed – individually or... more
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