Sampling Rate
Recent papers in Sampling Rate
Written by a natural scientist, this book is an essay on universal consciousness, which the author explores using a comparative approach borrowed from the neurosciences and Physics. A super sentient being, God is relative to a level of... more
This paper describes with the help of MathCad, the main considerations, according to datasheet, in order to sample analog waveforms in continuous way, including basic signal conditioning, sample and hold, required A/D resolution and... more
This paper presents an algorithm for Electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis to detect and classify ECG waveform anomalies and abnormalities. This is achieved by extracting various features and durations of the ECG waveform such as RR interval,... more
Wideband analog signals push contemporary analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) systems to their performance limits. In many applications, however, sampling at the Nyquist rate is inefficient because the signals of interest contain only a... more
In this paper, a general purpose wireless Brain- Machine -Brain Interface (BMBI) system is presented. The system integrates four battery-powered wireless devices for the implementation of a closed-loop sensorimotor neural interface,... more
This paper presents an algorithm for Electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis to detect and classify ECG waveform anomalies and abnormalities. This is achieved by extracting various features and durations of the ECG waveform such as RR interval,... more
The design of switched-current decimators for wide bandwidth video filtering applications is presented. Applying topologies with only one input commutator to switched-currents allows the design of high speed polyphase input branches with... more
This paper deals with reconstruction filters and appropriate prefiltering techniques in the volume rendering. Sampling, resampling and reconstruction of continuous functions are used in many different fields. To satisfy conditions of... more
The ambiguity function, which is used to determine the target resolution and parameter estimation capabilities of a radar, of discrete-time signals is discussed. Both continuous-time, continuous-frequency and discrete-time,... more
This paper introduces the concept of direct digital down-conversion via subsampling and digital quadrature tuning. In theory, a bandpass filtered intermediate frequency (IF) signal can be sampled by an analog-to-digital converter (ADC)... more