Science and Faith Dialogue
Recent papers in Science and Faith Dialogue
Der am Institut für Evangelische Theologie der Universität Osnabrück lehrende Systematiker Gregor Etzelmüller (E.) legt eine theologische Anthropologie vor, die ihren interdisziplinären Sitz im Leben im Heidelberger Marsilius-Projekt... more
Francis Schaeffer articulated the valuable notion of “freedoms and limitations” for one’s stance toward reading the creation account in Genesis. The literary insights of CS Lewis strengthen and support Schaeffer’s arguments, and together... more
Les dons de l'Esprit Saint sont comparables à des cadeaux qu'il faut prendre le temps de découvrir afin de pouvoir apprécier les joies qu'ils apportent et l'amour de ceux qui les ont donnés. Le Concile Vatican II est l'un des dons de Dieu... more
PREVIEW ONLY - READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: This essay argues for the rationality of truth claims arising from religious faith over against the contention that such claims are, at best,... more
How can the Christian in the pew read the Genesis 1 creation account and comprehend the 6 days of creation? This essay explores how an engagement with Genesis 1 on its own terms suggests that a figurative interpretation of the creation... more
An exegetical study of the Eden narrative as an etiology of kingship, and of Adam as humankind's first universal king.
Tesis Teológica, Facultad de Teología de la UCA, Buenos Aires, 2007 La moderna cosmología pronostica una disolución final de la armonía física universal, y la ulteriorior imposibilidad de generación de vida. En contraste, la esperanza... more
Call for papers for a special stream of the ANZATS 2022 Conference: Future Theology (Sydney, 3-6 July) Proposals due by 31 March. Full papers of new and emerging scholars due by 30 April. Faith & Science Convenors: Doru Costache &... more
In the record of the Bible, God created time as the first element; which is day and night (24hours) and then created mankind on the six day. This means God created time first and created mankind last. God created the entire universe... more
Revisión de pasajes bíblicos sumando a la Biblia (Revelación Especial) los avances de diferentes ciencias (Revelación Natural).
In this essay I will argue that a strong defense of Scripture as the inspired Word of God must include a defense of Noah’s Flood as a historical event. Next, I will argue that the views other than the Caspian Basin theory have serious... more
The Golden Rule
Да ли је атеизам логички врхунац развоја људске свести и као такав став супериоран у односу на веру? Можемо ли атеизам схватити као једини рационални закључак који стоји насупрот ирационалној вери, или је он сам својеврсна форма веровања?... more
This Paper, as the title indicates, is meant to look at the topic of ‘Design/non-design’ as well as the question of, “If a Designer designed the Universe, is there a point to science?” To treat this topic with due diligence we introduce... more
In origins discussions, many people appeal to the “figurative” nature of the account of creation week without really knowing how figurative language is processed. An introductory understanding of conceptual metaphor theory (a... more
What does it mean to be human? What is the nature of humanity? These questions are vital for any Christian theologian to ask, but what direction should one go to understand the nature of humanity? Our current cultural climate there is a... more
Book review of : Courant (Elsa), Poésie et cosmologie dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle: nouvelle mythologie de la nuit à l’ère du positivisme. – Genève: Librairie Droz, 2020. – 808 p. – 1 vol. broché de 15 × 22 cm. – 46,45 €. – isbn... more
La vicenda di Galileo è paradigmatica dell'apparente conflitto tra scienza e fede tanto per gli elementi che entrarono in gioco, quanto per la risonanza che il caso ebbe nella storia successiva. Nell'articolo si cerca di fare il punto... more
While faith seeks understanding, reason and science themselves rely on implicit assumptions about the intelligibility of the world. This article argues that these assumptions presuppose the existence and the attributes of the creator God... more
Autore: Andrea Giacobazzi
Fonte: La Tradizione Cattolica Data: n°108 (2018 n°3)
Fonte: La Tradizione Cattolica Data: n°108 (2018 n°3)
A working bibliography for my upcoming book, Flat Earths and Fake Footnotes: The Strange Tale of How the Conflict of Science and Christianity Was Written Into History.
Philosophers and theologians are debating for a long time the enigmas concerning life and death. Most people believe that our body's soul makes us alive, and when the soul leaves our body, we are dead, but there are other points of view.... more
Book review of :
Boccaletti (Dino), The Waters Above the Firmament : An Exemplary Case of Faith-Reason Conflict. – Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020. – xi, 121 p. – 1 vol. relié de 18 × 24 cm. – 79,49 €. – isbn 978-3-030-44167-8.
Boccaletti (Dino), The Waters Above the Firmament : An Exemplary Case of Faith-Reason Conflict. – Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020. – xi, 121 p. – 1 vol. relié de 18 × 24 cm. – 79,49 €. – isbn 978-3-030-44167-8.
This article, in its first part, summarizes Noam Chomsky's ideas about human nature and their ethico-political consequences, language and its origin and the scope and limitations of science. Then, in the second part, and based on the... more
La mort d'Stephen Hawking deixa al seu darrere la pretensió de conèixer i plantejar una «teoria del tot», un perquè de tot plegat que vagi més enllà dels plantejaments clàssics de la física. Hawking pretenia que els descobriments de la... more
In a document penned under the direction of its then-president Cardinal Jo-seph Ratzinger, the Vatican's International Theological Commission observed that many neo-Darwinian materialists and their Christian critics share a... more
The Reverend John Augustine Zahm, CSC, (1851--1921) was a Holy Cross priest, an author, a South American explorer, and a science professor and vice president at the University of Notre Dame, the latter at the age of twenty-five. Through... more
Attempts at Catholic bioethics are thus dismissed as veiled efforts to smuggle irrational religious prejudices into what should be a reasonable discussion. Such a perspective, however, misinterprets the Church´s rich understanding of the... more
This is a brief conceptual analysis of the limitations of 'scientific' empiricism which I tried to convey without any possible scientific or philosophical jargon which are commonly used by scientists or philosophers and which are... more
El caso Galileo es paradigmático en cuanto a la posible conflictualidad de las relaciones entre fe y ciencia, no sólo por el conjunto de aspectos que entraron en juego en el proceso histórico concreto, sino también por la resonancia que... more
Stanley Jaki"s thought forms part of the contemporary debate about the Science-faith interaction. In that area of investigation his position can be deemed to be very original, as he contrasted and contested all those worldviews supporting... more
A class held by Teaching Department of GKKK Pekanbaru on 27th October 2018.
Scientism is a relatively recent phenomenon in human history. However, it presents courageous claims along with the unfounded conviction that modern science, modelled according to natural sciences is the only source of true knowledge (Ian... more
This paper presents a discussion and an attempt to evaluate theological thomistic position on the issue of creating the world out of nothing on the example of treatise De Creatione by Antonio Piolanti (1911–2001) from the book Dio nel... more
La caridad no solo permite la tolerancia sino el reconocimiento de la belleza del otro aún en sus debilidades. La unidad que proviene de partes menos complejas podría tratarse en este caso de un ente espiritual conformado por una nueva... more
A Class held by Bidang Minat BEM STT SAAT on 3rd November 2017.
Publicado en Estudio Agustiniano 54 (2019) 167-184
Le scientifique chrétien élabore sa compréhension de la réalité à partir de deux sources : la révélation générale dans le monde d’un côté, la révélation spéciale dans l’Écriture de l’autre. La science et la théologie sont des réponses... more
Recognizing the need to identify ways in which conservation researchers and practitioners can work constructively with faith leaders and communities to conserve biological diversity, the Religion and Conservation Biology Working Group of... more
A biblical-theological perspective on the coronavirus pandemic.