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This paper describes a proposal for a Second Screen solution designed for the Brazilian Digital Television System - SBTVD. Our solution allows users to access and to interact with additional content related to the broadcasted program... more
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    • Second-screen
As concerns have grown over the decline of TV viewership, especially among younger viewers, many networks have begun transmedia extensions in an attempt to increase audience engagement for their programs, and with second-screen... more
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In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich die wissenschaftliche Forschung dem noch recht jungen Phänomen der Second-Screen-Nutzung bereits intensiv gewidmet. Die Frage nach den konkreten Praktiken der Second-Screen-Nutzung, also wie mit den zwei... more
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      Television StudiesTwitterMobile CommunicationTelevision
This study focuses on second screening for news, a hybrid media process that combines watching news on television and a second, web-connected screen (i.e., smart-phone, lap- top). Based on U.S.-national, 2-wave panel data, the paper (a)... more
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      Political ParticipationPolitical communicationSecond-screen
We live surrounded by computing devices, but applications are mostly confined to run on a single device. It should be possible to make better use of the multiple devices around us by coming up with ways of integrating and combining... more
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      Human Computer InteractionUbiquitous ComputingMobile TechnologyPervasive Computing
La actual multiplicidad de dispositivos para acceder a la comunicación, la información y el entretenimiento ha generado, entre otros efectos, una complejidad creciente en los modos de consumo por parte de las audiencias. La convergencia... more
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      Transmedial StorytellingElectronic reading, on-line reading, reading on the Internet and digital competenceMultitaskingDigital reading
The Walking Dead ha traspasado el ámbito del cómic y la serie televisiva para convertirse en un verdadero universo transmedia. Intercreatividad y viralización han expandido y modificado este universo, potenciando el contenido generado por... more
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      Group, Social, Audience-Participation Creation Modes/MeansUser-Generated ContentTransmedial StorytellingFandom
Dissertação apresentada à Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo para obtenção do título de Mestre em Comunicação. Área de concentração: Teoria e Pesquisa em Comunicação Orientadora: Prof.a Dra.... more
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      JournalismDigital MediaSocial MediaTelevision
Discute a produção de sentido na convergência entre televisão e redes sociais na transmissão da 86ª edição do Academy Awards. Mais do que o aspecto técnico da utilização de TICs concomitante ao ato de assistir TV, aborda as implicações na... more
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      Digital MediaSecond-screen
Recent years have witnessed a growth in cinematic second screen technologies, many of them linked to horror films. Drawing upon companion apps for the horror films App and Sadako 3D 2, this article considers discourses around horror... more
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      Digital MediaHorror FilmInteractive and Digital MediaHorror Cinema
Twentieth century’s visual convention have been deeply transformed. As first, according to the “remediation” paradigm (Bolter & Grusin, 1998), then following the grassroots authorship paradigm (Jenkins, 2006). The paper outlines a new... more
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      Cultural StudiesInformation ScienceVisual StudiesMedia Studies
Las aplicaciones desarrolladas para dispositivos móviles pueden mostrar rasgos que se aproximan a las fronteras de la gamificación. De ello parte un análisis de los mecanismos de juego presentes en apps vinculadas a TVE que tienen... more
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      Digital ContentGamificationMobile appsInteractivity
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      Mass Communication and New MediaSecond-screenAppNuevas Tecnologías De La Información Y Comunicación
Taking off from the Media Talk approach, this paper examines the communicative work of a Swedish sports webcast football show, Superlive, as an emerging form of web-based media format called Web-TV. This analysis is situated in a context... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMediated Discourse AnalysisLanguage and Media DiscoursesSports broadcasting
The proliferation of two screen or connected viewing on multiple devices (smartphones/iphones, laptops, tablets/ipads) simultaneously are reshaping the ways that TV broadcasters programme, schedule, and deliver programmes and content.... more
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      Social MediaPublic Service BroadcastingSocial Networking Sites (SNS)Mobile Communication
-- Purpose: Advances in technology allow fans to consume live broadcasts of sports events almost anywhere via personal computers, tablets and smartphones. These devices are also frequently utilized as “second screens” to communicate with... more
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      AdvertisingSports ManagementSport MarketingAdvertising and Media
Este trabalho procura discorrer sobre as transformações que a convergência midiática possibilitou, combinando as mídias tradicionais e a tecnologia mobile para aumentar a experiência do espectador/usuário através de um fenômeno imersivo... more
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    • Second-screen
This article examines emerging industry discourses around multitasking and mobile phone use inside US movie theaters. By disciplining or encouraging certain second-screen practices, sectors of the American film industry have developed... more
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      Media IndustriesEveryday LifeMultitaskingMobile phones in everyday life
Some of the most influential conversations about television shows are happening via Twitter, in a process dubbed Social TV. Content analysis of publicly available conversations of The Walking Dead was facilitated through AMC’s Story Sync,... more
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      Content AnalysisSocial MediaTwitterSocial TV
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      Media MultitaskingSecond-screenTelevision Sports
The article analyzes contemporary patterns of news watching, concentrating on the experience of watching news through multiple platforms and second screens (i.e., not only via TV sets but across additional new media channels), and while... more
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      CommunicationInternet StudiesSocial MediaSecond-screen
This paper presents a study on the use of the smartphone while watching
TV by a sample of 30 university students from Portugal and Spain in order to explore triggers, motivations, gratifications and attention distribution.
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      TechnologyDigital MediaUses And GratificationsSmartphones
In today’s world where industries, service and technology converge, the change in human behaviour can clearly be seen. Change in TV watching behavior which is the subject of this study, can also be addressed in this regard. TV watching... more
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      New MediaTelevision StudiesSocial MediaInteractive and Digital Media
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      Mobile appsHannibalSocial TVSecond-screen
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      TechnologyDigital TvSecond-screen
In comparison with the generation of the so-called Millennials, born roughly between 1980 and 2000, the Post-Millennials could be said to be the first “true” digital natives of human history, since they are exposed to computers,... more
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      Convergence CultureVideo StreamingPost-CinemaMonsters
Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0), sendo permitidas reprodução, adaptação e distribuição desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados. RESUMO O artigo se... more
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      Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesSecond-screen
Este artigo tem como tema a experiência da segunda tela, ou seja, o hábito da audiência de assistir televisão conectada à internet numa navegação orientada pelo conteúdo da TV. O objetivo geral é analisar se a prática da segunda tela... more
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      Social TVTelevisãoSecond-screenSegunda Tela
Second-screening and live-tweeting alongside broadcast television generates new concerns with respect to online abuse. We present an investigation into the nature of Twitter-facilitated second-screening posts relating to Thelma’s Gypsy... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman Computer InteractionNew MediaDigital Humanities
Television viewing coupled with audience interaction through a second screen has gained popularity as second screen capable devices have become more pervasive and affordable. In this paper, we investigate the nature of television... more
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      Social ComputingSecond-screen
İletişim teknolojilerinin gelişerek yaygınlaşmasıyla birlikte, bireyler internet ve mobil cihazlarla daha fazla etkileşime girmektedir. Bu etkileşim gün geçtikçe değişim ve gelişim göstermiş ve izleyicileri birer kullanıcıya... more
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      New MediaTwitterYeni medyaSecond-screen
Live text commentary has, in recent years, emerged as a prominent mode of reporting sports actions to an online audience in real time. Prior studies have mainly adopted a textual analysis approach in examining this written genre of sports... more
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      Football (soccer)Technology AcceptanceNigeriaFootball Fan Behaviour
Second screening is widespread worldwide, particularly in younger populations. We analyze a survey of college students in Brazil and the United States to compare second screening frequency, types, platforms, and motivations between the... more
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    • Second-screen
Capítulo do livro Ensaios sobre Televisão e Telejornalismo (2014). Autoras Marina Empinotti, Rita Paulino, Natália Porto.
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      Jornalismo DigitalTabletJornalismo MóvelJornalismo Móvel, Rotina De Produção, Mobilidade
The live global interactive simulcast of the final February 2014 performance of Death and the Powers in Dallas, Texas made innovative use of satellite broadcast and Internet technologies to expand the boundaries of second-screen... more
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      MultimediaOperaBroadcast & Multimedia TechnologyTheater and film
This article intends to establish an understanding of the use of mobile devices as a ‘second screen’ for TV experience, from the Design perspective. From theoretical and practical points of view, the relationship between Internet and TV... more
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      TVTelevisionMobile DeviceMobile Devices
Bu çalışma kapsamında, öncelikli olarak sosyal televizyon ve ikinci ekran kavramının önemi üzerinde durulmakta, daha sonra sosyal sorumluluk projeleri için ikinci ekranın ne şekilde araçsallaştırıldığı ele alınmaktadır. Örnek diziler... more
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      New MediaSocial ResponsibilityMass Communication and New MediaYeni medya
This is the introductory article to the Themed Section of Participations. The section focusses on the growing trend toward the creation of a cinema that escapes beyond the boundaries of the auditorium whereby film-screenings are augmented... more
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      Media StudiesTheatre StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Theory
Introducción: Este trabajo se centra en analizar las posibilidades y ámbitos de participación ciudadana en la esfera pública que se desprenden de las dinámicas de remediación entre televisión e internet, particularmente en lo que respecta... more
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      Internet StudiesParticipationThe InternetInteractivity
‘Vive Poniente’, aplicación desarrollada por Canal+ para el seguimiento de la tercera temporada de la serie Juego de Tronos, permite conocer los nuevos espacios de comunicación digital de las segundas pantallas en España. ‘Vive... more
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      Social TelevisionComunicación AudiovisualGame of ThronesSecond-screen
:Este artigo pretende discutir as novas relações de produção e consumo que começam a ser estabelecidas a partir do fenômeno da Social TV. Após diversos autores terem clamado pelo fim da TV (Machado, 2011), a social TV se configura como... more
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      Television StudiesTwitterConvergenceSocial TV
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      Social MediaTelevisionTransmediaSecond-screen
Traditional television broadcasting has shown a significant change with the convergence to the new media environment. This convergence has changed the traditional ways of television content production and consumption. The audience has... more
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      New MediaSocial MediaMedia ConvergenceSecond-screen
The recent proliferation of a reality TV genre that focusses on welfare recipients has led to concerns that prime-time media experiences are exacerbating misconceptions, and stifling critical debate, around major societal issues such as... more
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      Reality TVSecond-screenSocial Media Analytics
In this paper, the concept of second screen applications designed for better television advertising is proposed. To create a pleasant experience for users, the advertisements are moved from the television to second screens, delivered at... more
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      User Experience (UX)AdvertisingSecond-screenSmart Tv