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      Eastern EuropeClimate ChangeEconomic TheorySocial Protection
The present paper investigates the link between the shadow economy and FDI using the Granger panel causality test. For that purpose we use the shadow economy and FDI data for 145 countries of five data points 1999/2000, 2001/2002,... more
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      EconomicsForeign Direct InvestmentPanel DataShadow Economy
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      Informal EconomyUnited KingdomShadow EconomyBusiness Start-Up
To tackle undeclared work, a voluntary disclosure initiative was implemented for a 6-month period in 2019 to enable those voluntarily disclosing to the Lithuanian State Tax Inspectorate (STI) their past undeclared work to have the... more
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      BusinessManagementLabor EconomicsPublic Administration
To advance understanding of the reasons for informal sector entrepreneurship, this article evaluates the determinants of cross-country variations in the extent to which enterprises are unregistered when they start operating. Reporting the... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipSociologyEconomic Sociology
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      EconometricsApplied EconomicsShadow EconomyFinance Economics
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      Informal EconomyShadow EconomyEgyptian EconomyPolicy Alternatives
Urinboyev, R., 2017. Migration and Transnational Informality in Post-Soviet Societies: Ethnographic Study of ‘Po rukam’ Experiences of Uzbek Migrant Workers in Moscow. In: A.-L. Heusala and K. Aitamurto, eds. Migrant Workers in Russia:... more
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      Rural SociologyCentral Asian StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesSocial Norms
Мақолада айрим иш берувчилар солиқ тўлашдан бўйин товлаш мақсадида амалиётда қўллайдиган меҳнатга ҳақ тўлашнинг норасмий усуллари тадқиқ этилган, ушбу ҳодисанинг сабаб ва оқибатлари ўртасидаги алоқа ҳамда даромад «ранги»нинг ишчи-ходим,... more
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      Shadow EconomyInformalityправотеневая экономика
We explore the determinants of the Greek shadow economy, its interaction with the official economy, and its relationship with corruption. In doing so, we undertake — for the first time — an interdisciplinary review of economic and... more
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      Shadow EconomyGreeceGreek Financial Crisis
В данной статье представлены различные методы оценки размера теневой экономики. Каждый метод оценивается, обсуждаются его сильные и слабые стороны, а также результаты, которые дает каждый метод. Цель этой статьи состоит из трех частей:... more
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    • Shadow Economy
This study develops a method that uses surveys of company managers to measure the size of a shadow economy. Our method is based on the premise that company managers are the most likely to know how much business income and wages go... more
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      Shadow EconomyBaltic States
In recent decades, the field of entrepreneurship studies has become increasingly interested in the relationship between entrepreneurship and the informal economy. This paper reviews this burgeoning sub-field of entrepreneurship studies... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomic SociologyEconomicsDevelopment Economics
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      EconomicsPolitical ScienceApplied EconomicsUnderground economy
This volume presents three studies on the VAT. The first study is a VAT primer for lawyers, economists, and accountants who rarely talk to each other about tax issues, particularly in the Netherlands. The different views illuminate the... more
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      Economic policyShadow EconomyMember States
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      RecyclingDiscard StudiesVictorian cultural studiesShadow Economy
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      Development EconomicsPolitical EconomyGovernanceDevelopment
Even today, approaches to the study of the 'shadow' and 'informal' economies , including the criminal variety, fail to recognize that these phenomena are situated in a growing process of hybridization 1 between legal and criminal... more
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      Migration StudiesShadow EconomySocial and Political Sciences
Those engaging in tax non-compliance have been conventionally explained as rational economic actors partaking when the benefits outweigh the costs, and thus public administrations have sought to enforce compliance using a deterrence... more
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1 ln GDP per capita 2 ln GDP per capita ^2 3 Trend growth 4 principal component growth 2008-2011, final version 5 Convergence 6 economic permissiveness 7 traditional religion 8 racism 9 higher education of the younger generation... more
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      GlobalizationGlobalisation and DevelopmentShadow Economy
L’analyse économique de la corruption dans le cadre des marchés publics est assez peu développée. Le phénomène de la corruption est le plus souvent envisagé par les économistes soit de manière globale, soit en relation avec les... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical CorruptionShadow Economy
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipManagementEconomic Sociology
However much we appreciate the enormous scientific contribution by Professor Ronald Inglehart, who initiated the international data collection of the World Values Survey, our re-analysis of the very World Values Survey data [“roll-outs”... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityComparative Religion
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد أثر تبني نظام الدفع الالكتروني على تخفيض حجم كل من الاقتصاد الخفي والتهرب الضريبي في الجزائر، ولتحقيق ذلك تم الاعتماد على عينة ميسرة مشكلة من 42 مفردة من خبراء الاقتصاد والمحاسبة، الأساتذة الجامعيين وموظفي... more
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      Informal EconomyUnderground economyTax EvasionShadow Economy
Introduction: Informal Economies as Varieties of Governance Why Read Informality in a Substantivist Manner? On the Embeddedness of the Soviet Second Economy Informal Economy: The Invisible Hand of Government Estimating... more
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      ManagementSociologyDevelopment StudiesSocial Sciences
Основные результаты данного исследования таковы: А) Описано множество аспектов реальной экономики: 1) Все существующие войны разделены на три вида и описаны экономические последствия каждого вида войны. 2) Описано, как можно стать... more
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      International EconomicsBusiness & SocietyWelfare StateThe economics of crime
Abstract Although tackling informal employment is being accorded ever greater priority by governments across the western world, critical reviews of how public policy is addressing this issue are notable by their absence. This paper begins... more
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      Economic SociologyInformal EconomyShadow EconomyPublic Policy
From the erosion of state legitimacy in Lebanon to the use of smartphones in Kyrgyzstan, from a Polish suburb to the music scene in Azerbaijan, this volume attempts to explain why, in a variety of world regions, a substantial number of... more
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      SociologyEastern European StudiesEconomic GeographyAnthropology
This volume presents three studies on the VAT. The first study is a VAT primer for lawyers, economists, and accountants who rarely talk to each other about tax issues, particularly in the Netherlands. The different views illuminate the... more
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      Economic policyShadow EconomyMember States
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      Shadow EconomyAzerbaijan Economy
This report evaluates the extent, nature and drivers of the undeclared economy in Serbia and is followed by a report that will provide recommendations regarding how this sphere can be tackled.
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      BusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsEconomicsDevelopment Economics
The aim of this report is to compare social identity (ID) card schemes in the construction sector in different European countries to make recommendations for the design of a social ID card scheme in the construction sector in Romania.... more
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      BusinessManagementEconomicsLabor Economics
By employing comparative data, this paper addresses a central question: why is tax collection in Tajikistan lower than in other transitional countries? It presents a comparative analysis of the role of weak institutions and a shadow... more
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      Central AsiaTajikistanTax EvasionShadow Economy
A significant part of China-Pakistan cross-border trade falls within the category of shadow economy. Most Pakistani traders in Xinjiang cannot afford to ship containers through the Khunjerab Pass and rather carry the goods purchased in... more
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      Border StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyPakistanXinjiang
Using Schatzki’s practices framework as a lens, this paper reports on the practices of university students accessing learning resources at a research-intensive university in South Africa. Using a mixed methods approach, 1001 survey... more
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      Teaching and LearningMedia StudiesNew MediaEducational Technology
To help countries make progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 8.3.1 ("Proportion of informal employment in non-agriculture employment, by sex"), this paper presents an integrated strategic policy... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsEconomic SociologyEconomicsLabor Economics
The paper uses estimates, provided by the Central Statistical Office, of standard units of labour to examine how immigrants working (illegally) in the shadow economy affect the employment of (legal) labour in the official economy. The... more
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      DemographyEconomicsPopulation DynamicsResearch
"Американский историк Джеймс Хайнцен специализируется на советской истории сталинской эпохи, уделяя немало внимания теневой экономике периода. Свою книгу он посвятил теме коррупции, в частности взяточничества, в СССР в период позднего... more
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      European HistoryRussian StudiesSoviet HistoryHistory of the USSR
The aim of this introductory article is to provide a critical overview of how informality has been defined and measured, together with selected findings on its extent and character, and a summary of competing views regarding its role in... more
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      BusinessSociologyEconomic SociologyEuropean Studies
Reflecting on the results of the shadow economy survey, as conceptualized by Putnis and Sauka and implemented in Ukraine in 2019 for the first time, the goal of the current article is twofold. First, it offers an overview of the results... more
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      EconomicsAnthropologyEastern EuropePostsocialism
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      BusinessSociologyEconomic SociologyEastern European Studies
У монографії досліджено загальні засади функціонування інституту фінансового моніторингу в Україні, узагальнено міжнародний та вітчизняний досвід формування і розвитку інституту фінансового моніторингу у сфері запобігання та протидії... more
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      Anti-money launderingShadow Economy
Tackling undeclared work is often less effective because there is a fragmented and uncoordinated approach across the multifarious government bodies responsible for tackling undeclared work and a limited involvement of social partners, as... more
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      Labor EconomicsIndustrial RelationsEmployment RelationsLabour Law
This study develops and estimates an index of the size of shadow economies in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and analyses the factors that influence participation in the shadow sector. The index can be used to track shadow economies... more
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      EconomicsTax PolicyTax EvasionShadow Economy
Analiza e ekonomisë në hije ose e ekonomisë së fshehur është thelbësore për politikëbërësit në çdo vend të botës. Duke pasur parasysh madhësinë e ekonomisë në hije, rëndësia e matjes së ekonomisë në hije në Kosovë është edhe më e... more
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      KosovoInformal EconomyShadow Economy
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      BusinessSociologyEconomic SociologyEuropean Studies
Little attention has been paid to why consumers choose to purchase goods and services from the informal economy. Similarly, few studies have been conducted on consumer behaviour in relation to informal markets during the COVID-19... more
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      ManagementMarketingEconomicsConsumer Economics
Автор дает классификацию и обзор правовых актов, принятых или способствующих искоренению коррупции. В статье анализируются не только правовые акты, специально направленные на предотвращение коррупции, но также другие правовые акты и... more
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      Shadow EconomyAnticorruptionInformalityправо
Architectural space is expressed by the union between matter and light, texture and perception, mediated by surfaces, materials, volumes and colours. The relationship between light and space has been known even from the early builders,... more
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      Shadow EconomyArcheoastronomyArchitecture and Public SpacesLight rays
This chapter describes the various intertwining social and technological macro forces which sustain the illegal optical disc piracy in the Philippines and Vietnam. Owing to limitation of data on Vietnam, the chapter focuses more on the... more
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      BusinessSociologyPolitical SociologySociology of Religion