Slavic Ethnogenesis
Recent papers in Slavic Ethnogenesis
“Polish Aryans”. Between the Scientific Foundations of the Myth and the Mythological Roots of Science in the 19th-Century Slavic Discourse The article is devoted to reflection on the role of the Aryan discourse in the research of... more
Ivangorodsky Kostiantyn. The Ethnic History of East Slavs in the contemporary historiography (Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian discourses). In the study are analyzed modern historiographic discourses of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus,... more
Celem niniejszej pracy jest omówienie powstania oraz okoliczności zmierzchu koncepcji wandalskiej na ziemiach polskich, w świetle polskiej historiografii średniowiecznej i wczesnorenesansowej. Idea Polski-Wandalii w skali milenijnych... more
Дисертаційне дослідження присвячене вивченню системи влади у політичних утвореннях Слов’янського Полаб’я і реконструкції причин та характеру її трансформацій від кінця VIII до перших десятиліть X ст. Основною суттю цих змін було раннє... more
The analysis of the Polish chronicles of the Old Polish Period (around 1200-1795) leads to the conclusion that Polish scholars, far from being the creators of the theory of Sarmatian ethnogenesis of Poles, used it in a very creative way.... more
Bref article de vulgarisation sur l'ethnogenèse des Slaves. Epreuves non corrigées.
Brief popular science article on the ethnogenesis of the Slavs. Uncorrected proofs.
"Histoire Antique et Médiévale", n°50, juillet-août 2010.
Brief popular science article on the ethnogenesis of the Slavs. Uncorrected proofs.
"Histoire Antique et Médiévale", n°50, juillet-août 2010.
The article deals with the emergence of the Slavic ethnic identity in the territory of Ancient Rus’. While seeking for a (hypothetical) answer to this question, the author focuses on contacts that existed during the 10th century between... more
Etnogeneza Słowian i innych narodów euroazjatyckich. Nowe spojrzenie na temat naszego pochodzenia i dziedzictwa. Początek odkłamywania słowiańskiej historii.
In this paper, we introduce a novel method for map registration and apply it to transformation of the river Ister from {\it Strabo's map of the World} to the current map in the World Geodetic System. This transformation leads to the... more
Ethnic history and musical folklore. In:
В кн. под ред. А.С. Герда, Г.С. Лебедева. Славяне. Этногенез и этническая история. Л. , 1989
В кн. под ред. А.С. Герда, Г.С. Лебедева. Славяне. Этногенез и этническая история. Л. , 1989
On the author`s page: The name is the main constitutive element and the most important... more
The article presents a comprehensive critique of the argument in favour of the discovery of the remains of Nicolaus Copernicus. It analyses the arguments based on genealogical, historical and most of all genetic considerations, including... more
The author tries to summarize the recent results in various fields of investigation—linguistics, history, archaeology, DNA analysis—referring to southeast Europe, mainly regarding the Romanian-Slavic relations. He also briefly resumes the... more
The study aims to present some comments to an age-old issue of “original settlements of the Slavs”, or the “homeland of Slavs”. The primary goal is to highlight several paradoxes that emerge within the interpretation of existing... more
The paper deals with the meaning of the term «Moravians» used in written sources of the 9th century. Short research review reveals various interpretations of the origin and fundaments of the Moravian society. Some of them have their roots... more
The paper represented a first attempt to sketch a history of the earliest relations between the Slavs, Romanians and Albanians in the so-called ‘ethnogenetic period’ of the great migrations. The topic was later developed in two ample... more
У статті здійснено спробу дослідження можливості впливу етнокультур-них факторів на перебіг державотворчих процесів на землях полабських слов'ян у VIII-ІX ст. З цією метою комплексно проаналізовано найбільш дискусійні аспекти... more
The Primary Chronicle (The Tale of Bygone Years) is believed to have incorporated and preserved the very archaic West Slavic segments from the unknown historical source belonging to the Great Moravian or Pannonian literary tradition of... more
The topic of the ethnogenesis of the Slavs, both in the Middle Ages and in the 19th and 20th cen-tury, often concentrated around a few classic moments. The concept of Christian history and Biblical wandering was followed up by a concept... more
Ivangorodsky K. Balts component in the Concept of East Slavic ethnogenesis by Valentin Sedov. The ethnic specific of East Slav associations never lost the scientific actuality, without regard to the enormous studios devoted to this... more
The following study paper discusses the topic of the medieval Slavic country, Sclavinia, as described in the first Polish Chronicle of Gallus Anonymus from the beginning of the 12 th century. We trace the development phases and changes... more
The aim of the article is to discuss the origins and circumstances of the decline of the Vandalian Concept on Polish lands, in the light of Polish medieval historiography. The idea of Poland-Vandalia was highly influential for creation of... more
Стаття присвячена дослідженню етногенезу слов’янського населення Верхньої Лужиці та уточненню північно-західних кордонів Білої Хорватії. Виходячи з аналізу писемних джерел, зокрема, уривків з твору Константина Багрянородного “Про... more
Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук
A map of Slovienia and an Italian novel: two useful starting points in order to understand the ethnogenesis of a people and the link between language and cultural identity, as much as the one between cultural phenomena and the individual... more
Ivangorodsky K. The problem of Urheimat Slavs localization in modern Belarusian historiography. Historians have always perfectly understood: solving the problem of the Slavs ethnogenesis foremost depends on establishing the place of their... more
Ivangorodsky K. The neoeurasism in perception of modern historiography and views of А. Dugin on ethnogenesis of East Slavs. After the communist ideological dictate in historiographic sphere of modern post-soviet countries failed, have... more
Landscape & Ethnos: Reading Gumilev-Introduction the 3rd installation of a revision in progress further & deeper contextualisation in the first comprehensive English language study of Gumilev's work and its implications across sciences &... more
Ivangorodsky K. Ethnic interpretations of «Slavic» Archaeological Cultures in contemporary Belarusian historiography. Introduction. Modern Belarusian researchers analyze the problem of ancient Slavs, primarily as a component of Belarusian... more
Artykuł jest próbą podsumowania ostatnich badań dotyczących problemu pochodzenia Słowian, przede wszystkim na polu trzech dyscyplin: historii, archeologii i językoznawstwa. Brak podejmowania badań interdyscyplinarnych oraz głęboko... more