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Web services have the potential to dramatically reduce the complexities and costs of software integration projects. The most obvious and perhaps most significant difference between Web services and traditional applications is that Web... more
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      XMLWeb ServicesData CommunicationNotes
This paper proposes a new supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) based fault isolation system on the low voltage (415/240 V) distribution system. It presents a customized distribution automation system (DAS) for automatic... more
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      Distributed SystemFault ToleranceElectricityPLC
Please cite this article in press as: Ali, M.F.M., et al., Development of Java based RFID application programmable interface for heterogeneous RFID system. a b s t r a c t Developing RFID based applications is a painstakingly difficult... more
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      Information SystemsAssessmentRFIDEmbedded Systems
Over the last decade we have witnessed the emergence of technologies such as libraries, Object Orientation, software architecture and visual programming. The common goal of these technologies is to achieve software reuse. Even though,... more
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      Computer GraphicsProgramming LanguagesQuantum MechanicsSoftware
With the arrival of GPS, satellite remote sensing, and personal computers, the last two decades have witnessed rapid advances in the field of spatially-explicit marine ecological modeling. But with this innovation has come complexity. To... more
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      Spatial EcologyMarine EcologyStatistical AnalysisSoftware Architecture
Over the last decade we have witnessed the emergence of technologies such as libraries, Object Orientation, software architecture and visual programming. The common goal of these technologies is to achieve software reuse. Even though,... more
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      Computer GraphicsProgramming LanguagesQuantum MechanicsSoftware
CITATIONS 2 READS 92 2 authors, including: The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.... more
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      Water SupplyBest practiceWater balanceWater Use
La représentation des données techniques, leur échange voire leur partage entre acteurs du processus de construction, tout au long du cycle de vie du bâtiment, constituent des objectifs importants pour tous les intervenants de l'acte de... more
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      Data ModelingSoftware Integration
http://irc.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca G I S -b a s e d w a t e r b a l a n c e s y s t e m f o r i n t e g r a t e d s u s t a i n a b i l i t y m a n a g e m e n t o f w a t e r d i s t r i b u t i o n a s s e t s N R C C -5 0 8 0 7 H a l f a w y ,... more
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      Water SupplyBest practiceWater balanceWater Use
This paper shows one possible way to enhance power system software integration by combining RESTful Web services (RESTful WS) and the IEC 61970 set of standards. We also discuss the differences between SOAP and RESTful Web services in the... more
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      Power SystemData AccessPower system controlWeb Service
In this article, we attempt to document a technical overview on modern miniature unmanned rotorcraft systems. We first give a brief review on the historical development of the rotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and then move on... more
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      Flight ControlEmerging TechnologySoftware IntegrationElectrical Electronic Engineering
To integrate dynamic model based climate controlling in real-time with an environmental control computer a system integration interfacedBipsArchdwas developed. The three main objectives were: (1) to supply standard routines for... more
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      Process ControlSystem IntegrationMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental Control
We present a fully operable security gateway prototype, integrating quantum key distribution and realised as a system-on-chip. It is implemented on a field-programmable gate array and provides a virtual private network with low latency... more
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      Computer ArchitectureFPGACryptographyQuantum Cryptography
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      Product DesignProfessional DevelopmentEnd User DevelopmentCase Study
The Danish EDISON project has been launched to investigate how a large fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) can be integrated in a way that supports the electric grid while benefitting both the individual car owners and society as a whole... more
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      Demand ResponseElectric VehicleSoftware IntegrationVirtual Power Plant
The paper presents a software re-engineering approach that is being used by a consortium of eleven academic institutions facilitated by a software engineering group to re-engineer previously developed natural language processing modules... more
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      Software EngineeringNatural Language ProcessingMachine TranslationProduct Development
Economic ideas and processes are becoming increasingly integrated with more traditional engineering and hydrologic models of water management problems. Combining economic management concepts and performance indicators with an... more
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      European UnionWater Resources ManagementMultidisciplinaryWater Management
Various application domains require the integration of distributed real-time or near-real-time systems with non-real-time systems. Smart cities, smart homes, ambient intelligent systems, or network-centric defense systems are among these... more
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      Computer SecurityC4ISRSoftware Integrationdata distribution service DDS
Software integration is a crucial aspect of collaborative software applications and systems. It enables a number of different software applications, created by different developers, using different programming languages, and even located... more
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      Distributed ComputingMiddlewareMessage Oriented MiddlewareParallel and Distributed Computing
The ESTree db http://www.itb.cnr.it/estree/ represents a collection of Prunus persica expressed sequenced tags (ESTs) and is intended as a resource for peach functional genomics. A total of 6,155 successful EST sequences were obtained... more
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      Programming LanguagesGenomicsComputational BiologyFunctional Genomics
This paper describes the software architecture of an au- tonomous tour-guide/tutor robot. This robot was recently deployed in the “Deutsches Museum Bonn,” were it guided hundreds of visitors through the museum ...
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      Software ArchitectureUser InterfaceEveryday LifeProbabilistic reasoning
MULINO, an ongoing project financed by the European Commission, has released the prototype of a Decision Support System software (mDSS) for the sustainable management of water resources at the catchment scale. The software integrates... more
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      Sensitivity AnalysisDecision support systemEuropean CommissionMathematical Sciences
In object-oriented terms, one of the goals of integration testing is to ensure that messages from objects in one class or component are sent and received in the proper order and have the intended effect on the state of the objects that... more
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      Relational DatabaseComputer SoftwareData ModellingDatabase Query
The UPnP(Universal Plug and Play) architecture offers pervasive peer-to-peer network connectivity of intelligent appliances in dynamic distributed computing environment. This paper shows that internal software integration of robot and... more
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      MiddlewareMobile Peer-to-Peer NetworkRobot ControlSoftware Integration
initiative that fosters distributed collaborations in biomedical science by utilizing information technology innovations. Morphometry BIRN is one of its testbeds and has the goal to develop the ability to conduct clinical imaging studies... more
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      Information ScienceInformation TechnologyImage ProcessingComputer-Based Learning
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceAssessmentEmbedded Systems
This report outlines the evolution of computational geometry, highlights its past accomplishments, and discusses strategic directions for the future. It complements a recent report by Chazelle et al. on the impact of computational... more
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      Computer SoftwareProgram TransformationRobot SoccerDomain Specificity
The overall safety integrity of a safety critical system, comprising both software and hardware, is typically specified quantitatively, e.g., in terms of failure rates. However, for software, it is widely accepted that there is a limit on... more
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      Software ReliabilitySafety Critical SystemsSoftware Integration
The purpose of this paper is to explore use case maps as a medium for integrating task analysis and usability requirement into the traditional software requirement engineering process. The paper responds to major gaps in user interface... more
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      UsabilitySoftware Integration
Mobile manipulation involves mobility and manipulation. For the design of a suitable framework for mobile manipulation it is essential to consider the characteristics of the two systems that constitute the mobile manipulator, the mobile... more
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      Software AgentsMobile RobotsMulti Agent SystemsSoftware Integration
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      Supply Chain ManagementProductionTime SeriesMultidisciplinary
Software integration has been a solution to the problem of connecting dissimilar systems for many years. Integration is still a challenging issue. EAI is defined as the process of integrating enterprise systems with existing applications.... more
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      BusinessInformation TechnologySoftware ArchitectureEnterprise Systems
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      Computational IntelligenceEvolutionEmergenceNatural Selection
for parallel computing and as a general language for scientific and engineering simulation and modeling" (1997). Northeast Parallel Architecture Center. Paper 17.
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      Distributed ComputingUser InterfaceComputer SoftwareWeb Technology
A new kind of Web-based application, known as Enterprise Mashups, has been gaining momentum in the last years: Business users with no or limited programming skills are empowered to leverage in a collaborative manner existing Mashup... more
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureUser InterfaceMobile DeviceCost effectiveness
Background: Medication reconciliation at transitions in care is a national patient safety goal, but its effects on important patient outcomes require further evaluation. We sought to measure the impact of an information technology-based... more
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Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate the benefits of pitch insulation and ceiling insulation for air-conditioned buildings in the tropical climate of Malaysia. These are performed via computer simulations using a... more
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      EngineeringStructural EngineeringRenewable EnergyMeteorology
BIM stands for Building Information Model. The idea of BIM-based CAD is not new: it has always been foreseen as the ideal way to represent buildings digitally, but it has never been mainstream for commercial products until recently. The... more
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      Information TechnologyGraphic DesignProcess IntegrationProject manager
The use of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products creates a software integration problem. whether a single COTS software component is being integrated into a software system, or the whole system is being built primarily from COTS... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer ArchitectureSoftware ArchitectureDatabases
Applications are often designed to take advantage of the potential for integration with each other via shared information. Current approaches for integration are limited, affecting both the programmer and end-user. In this paper, we... more
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      Ubiquitous ComputingContext-Aware ComputingKnowledge Based SystemsSoftware Integration
This paper deals with the cellular manufacturing system (CMS) that is based on group technology (GT) concepts. CMS is defined as identifying the similar parts that are processed on the same machines and then grouping them as a cell. The... more
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      Applied MathematicsDecision MakingOperations ResearchFuzzy Logic
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are in operation in the U.S. for more than 30 years and used as a tool to alleviate urban freeway congestion. For new HOV projects a need exists to study the feasibility of implementation as well as... more
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      Performance AssessmentTraffic ManagementEconomic ImpactEnvironmental Impact
s twin Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs), Spirit and Opportunity, began searching the surface of Mars for evidence of past water activity. To localize and approach scientifically interesting targets, the rovers employ an onboard navigation... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringField RoboticsSoftware IntegrationElectrical And Electronic Engineering
The Danish EDISON project has been launched to investigate how a large fleet of electric vehicles (EVs) can be integrated in a way that supports the electric grid while benefitting both the individual car owners and society as a whole... more
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      Demand ResponseElectric VehicleSoftware IntegrationVirtual Power Plant
The purpose of this project is to provide a new system for browsing a dance video database by using dance characteristics. A set of features describing dance is proposed, to quantify various aspects of the choreography, from the gestures... more
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      VideoInterface DesignDanceData Visualization
Background: Medication reconciliation at transitions in care is a national patient safety goal, but its effects on important patient outcomes require further evaluation. We sought to measure the impact of an information technology-based... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine TranslationLanguage TranslationSoftware Integration
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      Computer SoftwareProgram TransformationRobot SoccerDomain Specificity
This paper presents computational models of creative designing. It commences with describing notions of creative designing within individuals, groups and then societies. In doing so it moves from absolute to situated cognition approaches.... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCreativityMultiagent SystemsSituated Cognition
When initiating a training course, an instructor is faced with the complex task of retrieving the appropriate exercises and building the relevant sequence (a teaching module) to help the trainees gradually acquire a given skill, either as... more
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      Selection CriteriaReal TimeSoftware IntegrationSimulation Software