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როგორც ჰენრი ლეფებვრე ამბობდა, ისევე როგორც კაპიტალი, სივრცეც სოციალური პროცესია და სივრცეში, ისევე როგორც უშუალოდ სივრცის მეშვეობით ყოველთვის ხდება ძალაუფლების განხორციელება. ზუსტად სივრცის ათვისების შემდეგ ძალაუფლება იძენს... more
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      Space and PlaceAnthropology of spaceHenri LefebvreAndrei Tarkovsky
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While there are many flavors of UNIX around, open source Linux is popular. Why choose Gentoo? Reliability, customization, and a lean configuration.
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In Solaris, within the limits of heterotopic experience, several theoretical and ontological questions are examined through approaches on each character. Berton declares one of the main philosophical themes of the movie when he tells... more
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      HeterotopiaFilm AnalysisAndrei TarkovskySolaris
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Głównym zadaniem pracy jest wyodrębnienie nowego motywu w pisarstwie Stanisława Lema, który opierałby się na wzięciu pod uwagę punktu widzenia sztucznych, myślących istot. Jak dotąd były one przez badaczy traktowane jako lustro, w którym... more
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      Stanislaw LemSolarisSztuczna Inteligencja
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Entretien réalisé durant l’été 1970 et publié dans Kinovedčeskie zapiski, 1988, № 1.
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      Literature and cinemaCinemaAndrei TarkovskyColor Perception
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      PsychoanalysisComparative LiteratureEpistemologyEnglish Literature
Tarkovsky opposed to the movie editing and considered that the basis of the art of cinematography (movie art) is the internal rhythm of images. He considers cinema as a representation of distinctive currents or time waves, transmitted in... more
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      Andrei TarkovskySolarisCinematographic Techniques
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      Literature and cinemaIntertextualityStanislaw LemAndrei Tarkovsky
ITALIAN VERSION Lo scopo principale di questa tesi di laurea è quello di confrontare due traduzioni italiane del romanzo ''Solaris'', scritto da Stanisław Lem, dal punto di vista della traduzione del lessico, della sintassi e dello... more
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      Comparative AnalysisSolarisLibri MondadoriTeoria E Storia Della Traduzione
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      AtheismFilm StudiesMysticismFriedrich Nietzsche
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy of ScienceScience FictionStanislaw Lem
An analysis of Steven Soderbergh's cinematic remake of Andrei Tarkovsky's "Solaris" that makes use of Baudrillard's theories of simulacra and postmodernity. The paper advances the thesis that Soderbergh's film, while following the... more
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      Literature and cinemaPostmodernismCinemaJean Baudrillard
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      InfluenceRussian FilmTarkovskyAndrei Tarkovsky
In this thesis I analyse examples of intersubjectivity in five science fiction films, two books and one TV show, between humans, and with fictional aliens. I describe the visual and narrative forms these exchanges take – like speech,... more
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      AnthropologyPosthumanismFilm AnalysisScience Fiction
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityComputer EngineeringComputer Networks
Artykuł stara się sproblematyzować, w jaki sposób myślenie o czasie i jego doświadczenie zmieniło się w drugiej połowie XX wieku oraz odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy współcześnie można wciąż posługiwać się kategorią przyszłości. W tym celu... more
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      Future StudiesPhilosophyHumanitiesDeath Studies
This text examines and contrasts the 1971 science-fiction film Solaris by Andrei Tarkovsky with the 2002 film Solaris by Steven Soderbergh. Our text argues for the significance of simulation and simulacra in relation to the conceptual... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryCultural TheoryPhilosophy of Film
Les principaux aspects psychologiques et philosophiques détachés du film Solaris réalisé par Andrei Tarkovski, ainsi que les techniques cinématographiques utilisées par le réalisateur pour transmettre ses messages aux spectateurs. Dans «... more
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      Film AnalysisAndrei TarkovskyFilmPhilosophie
Tarkovski’s film is a drama of pain and partial recovery centered on the psychology of the Solaris station crew. Tarkovski wanted to address this way the deeply emotional and intellectual science-fantastic genre, considered by him to be... more
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      PsychologyAndrei TarkovskySolaris
În acest eseu evidențiez principalele aspecte psihologice și filosofice desprinse din filmul Solaris regizat de Andrei Tarkovski, precum și tehnicile cinematografice utilizate de regizor pentru a-și transmite mesajele spectatorului. În... more
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      HeterotopiaPersonal IdentityNoeticsDualism
"Doppiozero", 26/5/2018
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      Artificial IntelligenceJorge Luis BorgesScience FictionStanislaw Lem
En este trabajo se estudia el tema del doble en dos obras clásicas de la literatura de ciencia ficción: "Blade Runner", de Philip K. Dick y Solaris, de Stanislaw Lem. El marco utilizado para este estudio es el psicoanálisis. Para ello,... more
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      PsychoanalysisComparative LiteratureLiteratureScience Fiction
The image motifs of Andrei Tarkovsky explicate the basic characteristics of his film aesthetics. Tarkovsky regards filmic image-mise en scène in general-as sculpting in time, that differentiates itself from the narrative continuity of the... more
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      PerceptionAristotlePhilosophy of TimeImmanuel Kant
In one of his lectures which Slavoj Zizek gave in the recent past, he modestly explained Lacan’s vision regarding how to deal with oneself. He asserted that the Freudian formula and obsession to know oneself is in itself pathology. Slavoj... more
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      PhilosophyFilm StudiesLiterature and cinemaJacques Lacan
Almost all collaborations start with an invitation and an instigation. It was after agreeing to work together on an exhibition that would rework, reconfigure and reflect on two previous exhibitions at the Centro Pecci around Soviet and... more
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      Installation ArtSpatial PracticesContemporary ArtPost-Soviet Studies
About the main psychological and philosophical aspects detached from the film Solaris directed by Andrei Tarkovski, as well as the cinema techniques used by the director to convey his messages to the spectator. In the "Introduction" I... more
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      Film AnalysisAndrei TarkovskySolaris
Colección Signo e imagen/Cineastas. Ed. Cátedra, Madrid, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-376-2666-6 408 páginas. · Ficha de la editorial: https://catedra.com/libro.php?codigo_comercial=195082 Quizá Andrei Tarkovski haya sido uno de los últimos... more
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      Andrei TarkovskyRussian CinemaSolarisAndrei Tarkovski
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      Electronic EngineeringWireless CommunicationsTelecommunicationLinux (Ubuntu)
Based on the Deleuzean engagement with Lem’s Solaris as the issue of contact with what goes beyond the anthropocentric finitude, the article formulates a category of “solarism”, useful in diagnosing the problems of contemporary philosophy... more
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      Eastern European StudiesAestheticsPhilosophy of TechnologyPosthumanism
Tarkovsky opposed to the movie editing and considered that the basis of the art of cinematography (movie art) is the internal rhythm of images. He considers cinema as a representation of distinctive currents or time waves, transmitted in... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryScience Fiction FilmFilm History
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Objects – from natural to domestic – constitute an essential element in various cinematic image motifs of Andrei Tarkovsky, as depicted in his films Solaris (1972), Mirror (1975), Stalker (1979), Nostalgia (1983) and Sacrifice (1986). In... more
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      AristotlePoetryEpistemology (Anthropology)Painting
Objects – from natural to domestic – constitute an essential element in various cinematic image motifs of Andrei Tarkovsky, as depicted in his films Solaris (1972), Mirror (1975), Stalker (1979), Nostalgia (1983) and Sacrifice (1986). In... more
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      AristotlePoetryEpistemology (Anthropology)Painting
Tarkovsky s’est opposé au montage et a considéré que la base de l’art cinématographique (l’art du film) est le rythme interne des images. Il a considèré le cinéma comme une représentation des courants distinctifs ou des ondes de temps,... more
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      Andrei TarkovskySolarisCinematographic Techniques
Farzin Souri of Fantasy Academy aka 3feed.ir
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesIn-depth InterviewsScience Fiction and Fantasy
From Wells’ greyish, tentacled Martians to the humanoid aliens of Star Trek, the extraterrestrials that have appeared in (especially Western) science fiction books, TV shows, and movies have usually had anthropomorphic features. Most of... more
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      Science FictionAliensSolarisEuropean Science Fiction
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityComputer EngineeringComputer Networks
Il saggio è parte dei contributi introduttivi al settimo seminario del ciclo “Idee per la rappresentazione” dedicato al tema "Visualitò". Considerando l'architettura “in quanto immagine” il saggio da un lato si riferisce all'immagine... more
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      Visual SemioticsAby WarburgSolarisTarkovskij
LAS ARISTAS DEL DUELO DESDE UNA LECTURA PSICOANALÍTICA: SUEÑO, ALUCINACIÓN Y OBJETO. Una lectura clínica del duelo a partir de la película Solaris de A. Tarkovsky El presente trabajo se enmarca en la práctica de investigación Cine y... more
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      Andrei TarkovskyLacanian psychoanalysisCinema StudiesPsicoanálisis
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      Stanislaw LemLiteraturaSolarisFilozofia
Le film est un drame psychologique se déroulant à bord d'une station spatiale en orbite autour de la planète Solaris. Les trois membres de l'équipage ont des problèmes psychologiques. Le psychologue Kris Kelvin est envoyé là pour évaluer... more
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      Andrei TarkovskyFilmSolaris
https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-6408-4 This book develops the so-called “solaristic ontology” of film by building a philosophical system based on an inquiry into the nature of film, being and reality. This... more
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      Philosophy of FilmFilm-PhilosophyFilm and PhilosophyFilm Aesthetics
Tarkovsky recognizes these differences, saying that there is a contradiction with Lem's initial idea, because he was interested in the problems of inner life, spiritual problems, so to speak, and Lem was interested in the collision... more
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      Stanislaw LemAndrei TarkovskySolaris
Indigenous communities the world over have nurtured trans generationally , homological values , based on a nondestructive covenant with nature and a sense of nondual identity, underlying casual variations in natural forms, created... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
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      PsychoanalysisColonialismJacques LacanScience Fiction
Solaris, de Andrei Tarkovsky (1972), ha sido reconocida ampliamente como una obra maestra del arte cinematográfico. Basada en la novela homónima de Stanislav Lem, las líneas que siguen querrán defender la profundidad del trato que la... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceErnesto Laclau and Chantal MouffeStanislaw LemAndrei Tarkovsky
Die Filmkunst Andrej Tarkowskijs wird am ehesten durch sein Bildmotiv gekennzeichnet. Nach Tarkowskij manifestiert sich im filmischen Bild die "Beobachtung von Lebensfakten, die in der Zeit angesiedelt sind, die entsprechend den Formen... more
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      Image AnalysisCinemaFilm AestheticsSacrifice