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      International RelationsInternational SecurityUluslararası GüvenlikUluslararası İlişkiler
The aim of this paper is to analyze the concept of 'non-appropriation' in outer space from a legal point of view. The Outer Space Treaty in its Article II provides that outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, is not... more
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      Property RightsRoman LawInternational Space LawSpace Law
Asteroid mining has been a focus of a number of studies in the fields of future studies, law economics, as well as geology, and robotics. Legal aspects of space mining have been and still are a topic of many academic debates, as well as... more
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      International Space LawSpaceSpace LawSpace Mining
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      Space SciencesEthicsApplied EthicsAsteroids
An article discussing the legal and ethical issues associated with mining and extracting resources from near Earth asteroids, by Hamza Hameed, legal contributor at the Space Law Resource website
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      EthicsAsteroidsInternational Space LawLegality
Considering the worsening climate change, in the future outer space might be our last Noah’s Ark. Now, humans must look to space as an opportunity to support growing resource requirements. Asteroids are rich in metals, which could be... more
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      International LawPublic International LawInternational Space LawTrust law
This paper examines what I call post-planetary ecologies, basically the logics of ecological thinking that will emerge once the human lifeworld begins to meaningfully establish itself in outer space, a major step towards which will occur... more
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      Ecological AnthropologyScience FictionEco-criticismSpace Mining
İn this article we examine asteroid or space mining issue which will be the first step for the space colonization which has been a dream for men. İn this work we explain how asteroids is selected and how mine will be excavated from them.... more
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      Space MiningAsteroid Mining
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      International RelationsOuter Space LawDeep Space MissionsSpace Mining
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      International TerrorismInternational LawInternational Space LawNon-state actors
ABSTRACT: This Note addresses a fundamental ambiguity in the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act of 2015 (“CSLCA”). It is unclear whether the statute authorizes U.S. citizens to extract natural resources from asteroids and... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyNatural ResourcesInternational LawCommons
Building upon the provisions of the Outer Space Treaty (OST), the Moon Agreement (MA) was intended to initiate discussions on a detailed international regime for the exploitation of the natural resources of the Moon and other celestial... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawInternational Space LawSpace Exploration
In situ resource utilization is a valid and crucial element of manned space missions and extraterrestrial colonization plans that increases chances of their success. Mars – the planet most accurately resembling Earth – is an exceptionally... more
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      WaterMarsGeology of MarsSpace Mining
Is it easier to imagine the end of almost anything than the end of capitalism? The recent viral spread of the “save the economy” meme suggests that apocalyptic myths foretelling the end capitalism are now a potent force within... more
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      Critical TheoryFuture StudiesSpace and PlaceScience Fiction
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      War StudiesAncient Greek PhilosophySpace ExplorationSpace Race
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      Outer SpaceSpace MiningOuter Space TreatyWorld Space Week
Geçtiğimiz yıllarda tüm Dünyanın gündeminde olan Avatar filminde insanların başka bir gezegene gidip oranın kaynaklarına sahip olabilmek için verdikleri savaşı izlemiştik. Eskiden hayal ettiğimiz çoğu şeyin günümüzde gerçekleşme fırsatını... more
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      MadencilikSpace MiningUzay MadenciliğiPlanetary Mining
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    • Space Mining
Ze względu na duże zróżnicowanie i zakres zjawisk wynikających z wzrastającego udziału nowych technologii we współczesnym świecie rozdziały tworzące książkę zostały podzielone na cztery części. Pierwsza z nich skoncentrowana jest na... more
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      MarketingSociologyHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Information Technology
Recently, there have been great developments in space research and studies. It is debatable whether the current accounting information system will fully meet the needs that may arise in specific topics such as the calculation,... more
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      AsteroidsAstronomySpace TourismAccountancy
Geçtiğimiz yıllarda tüm Dünyanın gündeminde olan Avatar filminde insanların başka bir gezegene gidip oranın kaynaklarına sahip olabilmek için verdikleri savaşı izlemiştik. Eskiden hayal ettiğimiz çoğu şeyin günümüzde gerçekleşme fırsatını... more
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      MadencilikSpace MiningUzay MadenciliğiPlanetary Mining
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      Outer Space LawAir and Space LawSpace MiningLaws of the Maritime, Air and Outer Spaces
This paper was presented before ESA astronaut Frank De Winne, for the course of Questions in Space Studies. In the paper, a European position is suggested in relation with China. The historical background, policy, and international... more
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      Global GovernanceGlobalisation and DevelopmentEuropean UnionInternational Space Law
La percepción de factibilidad de iniciativas en el espacio ultraterrestre más allá de la órbita terrestre, como la minería espacial, el establecimiento de bases permanentes en objetos celestes y la “extensión territorial” de los estados... more
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      International Space LawCommercial Uses of Outer SpaceOuter Space LawSpace Mining
This paper was written for the course of Space Sciences and Exploration, during the Master of Space Studies. The paper provides an overview of the threats and opportunities with regard to near-Earth asteroids. From asteroid impacts and... more
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      Space SciencesRemote SensingAsteroidsAsteroid science
A exploração de recursos naturais no espaço exterior, incluindo minerais, está cada vez mais próxima de se tornar tecnologicamente possível e deixará de ser mera ficção científica. Projetos apontam para a exploração de recursos naturais... more
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      Space MiningLaws of the Maritime, Air and Outer SpacesCommercial Space Mining
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      International RelationsInternational Space LawUluslararası İlişkilerSpace Law
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    • Space Mining
A short article on the ethics of space mining in the magazine of the Institute of Physics (IoP).

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      Applied EthicsSpaceSpace ColonizationSpace Ethics
A major design feature to consider from the initial pioneering works until reaching full mine production of icy regolith at the South Pole of Moon will be the ramp. This will allow the access of equipment and personnel in and out of the... more
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    • Space Mining
Asteroid mining has been a focus of a number of studies in the fields of future studies, law economics, as well as geology, and robotics. Legal aspects of space mining have been and still are a topic of many academic debates, as well as... more
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      International Space LawSpaceSpace LawSpace Mining
One hundred and seventy-five years ago, in his book titled The Condition of the Working Class in England, Engels wrote about the ways in which the mine workers were exploited within the capitalist system. Classical economists believed... more
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      Friedrich EngelsMine workingIncreased Production in CoalSpace Mining
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityDeep Space MissionsSpace Mining
Article body is in Spanish Abstract A.H. Maslow’s theses on a structure of levels of needs that motivate human actions has branched into the International Relations arena, in the form of tailored models. These approaches diverge from... more
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      Space MiningOuter Space TreatyInternational Outer Space Law
It sounds like the stuff of science fiction, but thanks to recent technological advances, countries around the world are preparing for the possibility of mining asteroids as they rocket past Earth. Last year the US passed the "SPACE Act... more
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      Space PolicySpace ExplorationSpace MiningAsteroid Mining
AS the world’s mineral resources diminish, scientists are looking to the skies for the next big mining discovery. Asteroids contain an abundance of key resources and metals that are essential for terrestrial development and celestial... more
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      Space LawSpace MiningAsteroid Mining
The Policy and Market Context for International Space Resources Development: European Perspective
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      International Space LawSpace PolicyCommercial Uses of Outer SpaceOuter Space Law
The time for thinking on mining operations on or underneath the surface of the Moon is coming closer that we expect. With the successful results of private launching of orbital space crafts, and the collection of samples from the Moon's... more
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      Lunar Mining, Moon MiningSpace Mining
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      Mineral explorationHeliumSpace MiningDyna
L’opera affronta gli aspetti civilistici di un settore che sarà centrale per il futuro fabbisogno mondiale: l’industria mineraria spaziale. L’estrazione di risorse minerarie dai corpi celesti, ed in particolare dagli asteroidi vicini... more
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      Outer Space LawSpace LawMining LawAir and Space Law
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    • Space Mining
Desde o ano de 2017, o governo dos Estados Unidos vem publicando diretrizes e normas que buscam regulamentar uma nova incursão ao território lunar. Entre elas estão a “Ordem Executiva de Incentivo ao Apoio Internacional à Recuperação e... more
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      International LawInternational Space LawSpace LawDireito Internacional
An optimal combination of mechanical means and microwave energy to break rock material could prove beneficial for space applications in terms of large scale production drilling or rock removal processes. In the present paper, application... more
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      MiningApplied EconomicsSpace MiningMining Technology
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      International RelationsDeep Space MissionsSpace MiningMars Exploration
Mining activity is currently facing a series of challenges, among which the limitation of personnel due to the sanitary restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic has become a forced reference for the rethinking of all exploitation... more
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      Space MiningControl RoomsIndustrial Internet of ThingsMine Automation
La actividad minera está enfrentando en la actualidad una serie de retos, entre los cuales la limitación de personal debido a las restricciones sanitarias impuestas por la pandemia del COVID-19 se ha convertido en un forzoso referente... more
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      Autonomous VehiclesMachine Learning Big DataSpace MiningControl Rooms