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Los artículos compilados en el presente volumen corresponden a la I Reunión de la Red de Estudios en Política Subnacional Argentina (REPSA), realizada los días 2 y 3 de julio de 2015 en el Honorable Senado de la Nación, bajo el título... more
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      ArgentinaSubnational PoliticsSubnational GovernmentsSubnational Democracy
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      Comparative PoliticsSubnational PoliticsSubnational Comparative PoliticsSubnational Democracy
Aunque recientemente ha aumentado el interés por los regímenes democráticos subnacionales, poco se ha profundizado sobre esta temática a nivel municipal. Es por esto que esta investigación surge del interrogante sobre qué pasa en términos... more
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      MunicipiosConurbano BonaerenseSubnational DemocracyDemocracia subnacional
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      DemocracyMexicoMappingMultilevel modelling
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      DemocracySubnational DemocracyElectoral Management Body
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      Subnational PoliticsSubnational Comparative PoliticsSubnational Democracy
This paper explores how governors' political objectives affect the distribution of public resources by state governments in Mexico. State and regional governments control significant shares of public spending in many Latin American... more
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      Fiscal federalism and decentralizationSubnational Comparative PoliticsSubnational Democracy
Los artículos compilados en el presente volumen corresponden a la I Reunión de la Red de Estudios en Política Subnacional Argentina (REPSA), realizada los días 2 y 3 de julio de 2015 en el Honorable Senado de la Nación, bajo el título... more
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      ArgentinaSubnational PoliticsPolíticaDemocracia
Los artículos compilados en el presente volumen corresponden a la I Reunión de la Red de Estudios en Política Subnacional Argentina (REPSA), realizada los días 2 y 3 de julio de 2015 en el Honorable Senado de la Nación, bajo el título... more
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      ArgentinaSubnational PoliticsPolíticaDemocracia
La bibliografía sobre variaciones democráticas a nivel subnacional incluye un buen número de estudios sobre provincias (y sus equivalentes en otros países), pero muy pocos sobre municipios (Benton 2016; Sznek 2015). La intención de... more
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      DemocracyMunicipalitiesLocal/Municipal governmentSubnational Comparative Politics
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    • Subnational Democracy
This chapter provides a review of the uneven processes and multiple pathways associated with localized illiberal structures and practices in large federal democracies, addresses the comparative and analytical challenges arising from this... more
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      Comparative PoliticsDemocratizationFederalismSubnational Politics
At the end of the twentieth century, Latin American states began processes of transition and democratic expansion. Two decades later, these processes seem to have been partially achieved through mostly competitive subnational governments... more
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      Contract LawLocal GovernmentSubnational PoliticsDescentralización
n this article the conceptualization of “subnational authoritarianism” is discussed 􏰌􏰎􏰏􏰁􏰄􏰂􏰄􏰆􏰇􏰈􏰉􏰊􏰄􏰏􏰁􏰒􏰓􏰁􏰌􏰁􏰋􏰌􏰃􏰄􏰁􏰃􏰐􏰑􏰏􏰓􏰔􏰁􏰕􏰖􏰄􏰁􏰃􏰐􏰌􏰐􏰄􏰁 of Queretaro serves to show how the governor dominates the rest of powers and local public institutions, with... more
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      Local mediaMedia systemsSubnational Democracy
This chapter offers a comparative historical analysis of the nature and scope of variations in political rights at the subnational level in the worlds six largest federal democracies--Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and the United States in... more
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      Comparative PoliticsDemocratizationFederalismSubnational Politics
This chapter offers a historical reconstruction of the process that the political regime of the Colombian Pacific has undergone during the period in which the National Front was dismantled (1975–1991) and the period after the 1991... more
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      Subnational GovernmentsSubnational DemocracyPublic PolicyAnalytical narratives
Las Cortes judiciales son órganos colegiados de conducción del Poder Judicial, y tienen poder de decisión sobre temas que afectan proyectos de gobierno o políticas públicas, lo que las convierte en actores relevantes tanto para la... more
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      Judicial PoliticsSubnational Politics
La literatura de estudios judiciales comparados sostiene que en Argentina los jueces de las Cortes cambian con frecuencia, y que son inducidos a retirarse a través de estrategias y presiones informales. Este trabajo argumenta que los... more
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      Subnational PoliticsSupreme CourtSubnational DemocracyArgentine provinces
Edited by Andres Cendales, John James Mora, Hugo Guerrero and Angela Pinto, Analytical narrative on subnational democracies in Colombia: Clientelism, government and public policy in the Pacific region is an exciting addition to the... more
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      Subnational GovernmentsSubnational DemocracyAnalytical narratives
The analysis offered in this book throws a number of critical and suggestive conclusions about the reality of the Colombian sociopolitical scenario, all this from the specific study of a very interesting regional context: The Colombian... more
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      Subnational PoliticsSubnational GovernmentsSubnational DemocracyAnalytical narratives
Latin America has once again become void of female presidents and only 13.4% of local posts were occupied by women in 2016. Paraguay is no exception.
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      Latin American StudiesGender StudiesComparative PoliticsLatin American politics
América Latina se ha quedado (de nuevo) sin presidentas y las mujeres ocupan sólo el 9,49% de los cargos políticos a nivel intermedio subnacional. Paraguay no es ninguna excepción.
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      Latin American StudiesGender StudiesComparative PoliticsLatin American politics
Las Cortes judiciales son órganos colegiados de conducción del Poder Judicial, y tienen poder de decisión sobre temas que afectan proyectos de gobierno o políticas públicas, lo que las convierte en actores relevantes tanto para la... more
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      State Supreme CourtsComparative Judicial PoliticsSubnational DemocracyArgentine provinces
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      Comparative PoliticsSubnational PoliticsSubnational Comparative PoliticsSubnational Democracy
In this chapter of the work an introductory approach to the problem that involves the phenomenon of clientelism in the process of construction of democratic regimes is presented. The analysis is limited to the subnational contexts of the... more
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      Subnational GovernmentsSubnational DemocracyPublic Policy
It is well known that nationally democratic states sometimes harbor pockets of subnational authoritarianism. However, political scientists have yet to address whether and under what circumstances authoritarian states harbor democratic... more
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      Subnational PoliticsMexican PoliticsSerbian PoliticsOPPOSITION PARTIES
El presente artículo se adscribe a una agenda de investigación académica que pone en discusión la relación existente entre la legitimidad política y la regulación del sistema de partidos en América Latina. En este sentido, la... more
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      Political LegitimacySubnational PoliticsParty PoliticsPartidos políticos