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Fotoğraf -Ankara Arnavutluk Ankara Büyükelçisi Genti Gazheli-Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu
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      European StudiesRussian StudiesEnergy EconomicsAlbanian Studies
Soğuk Savaş sonrası küreselleşen dünyada, ülkeler arasındaki ilişki, ticaret hacimleri ve navlun ciroları her geçen gün büyümeye devam etmiştir. Küreselleşme, kapitalist ülkeler için daha büyük fırsatlar yaratmıştır. Piyasa ekonomisindeki... more
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      Azerbaijan EconomyTANAPTechnology EntegrationStock Market and Economic Development: A Case Study of India
Avrupa ülkelerinin batıya yönelimi ve sürekli bir pazar arayışının temel sebebi olan Marshall Planı sonucunda; Avrupa, bir taraftan Amerika’ya ekonomik bağımlılığı engelleme ve diğer taraftan Rusya’yı batıdan uzak tutma politikaları... more
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      AuditingRisk ManagementPipelineNatural Gas
The report addressed the issues of improving the efficiency of material support for complex capital-intensive projects by informatization of the tasks being solved. For the investment project “Production of spare parts for... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)Information SpaceTANAP
Çalışmada Azerbaycan’ın bağımsızlıktan sonraki dönemde Türkiye ile olan ekonomik ilişkilerinin gelişimi, mevcut durumu ve geleceğine yönelik beklentilerin bilimsel analizi yapılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda ilk önce iki ülke arasındaki ekonomik... more
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      TurkeyInternational Economic RelationsAzerbaijanTurkic Studies
Giriş İthalatta kaynak çeşitlendirmesine yönelmek,yerli kaynakların payını arttırmak, enerji verimliliği ve tasarrufuna odaklanırken nükleer enerjiyi de devreye alarak ithal kaynaklara bağımlılığı azaltılmak Türkiye Enerji politikalarının... more
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      Russian StudiesEnergy EconomicsRenewable EnergyEnergy
Xəzərin enerji resurslarının dünya bazarlarına nəql olunması sahəsində Azərbaycan və Türkiyənin əməkdaşlığı hər iki dövlətin mənafelərinin qorunmasına xidmət edir. Respublikamızın neft stra-tegiyasının həyata keçirilməsi regional... more
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      International RelationsTurkeyAzerbaijanBaku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline
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      European StudiesRussian StudiesEnergy SecurityEuropean Politics
Məqalədə Azərbaycan Respublikasının son dövrlər artan qaz istehsalından, enerji layihələrindən və bu layihələrin gələcək perspektivlərindən söz açılmışdır.Eyni zamanda Avropa enerji təhlükəsizliyi, böyük dövlətlərin Xəzər hövzəsində... more
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      Energy SecurityTANAPSouthern Gas CorridorShah Deniz
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      TANAPCaspian pipeline TANAP
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      EnergyGreek Foreign PolicyTANAPTAP
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      Turkey And EuropeNatural GasGas PipelinesTANAP
Ilgar Gurbanov, “Post-sanctions Iran: Implications for the Southern Gas Corridor and Opportunities for Azerbaijan”, European Centre for Energy and Resource Security, Issue 49, Oct/Nov. 2015, pages 4-8,... more
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      EnergyEuropean UnionOil and gasAzerbaijan
Abstract With this article, the Southern Gas Corridor project aiming to transport Azerbaijan's natural gas to Europe and along with the Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP), in particular Central Asia and Caucasus region,... more
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ÖZ Enerji, günümüzde uygarlığın devam etmesi ve kalkınmanın sağlanabilmesi için vazgeçilmez bir unsur ha-line gelmiştir. Bu sebeple enerji jeopolitiği ve enerji güvenliği kavramları tüm dünya ulusları için büyük önem arz etmektedir.... more
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      EnerjiTANAPTürk Akımı
Ilgar Gurbanov, "Southern Gas Corridor Gains New Momentum", The Jamestown Foundation, Eurasia Daily Monitor, Volume 13 Issue 108,... more
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      EnergyEuropean UnionPipelineOil and gas
The relations between Turkey and the Russian Federation continued to come under the influence of turbulent times and several variables. Turkey’s dependence on foreign energy field in which this process of energy production and Russia’s... more
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      Russian StudiesEnergyTurkeyPipeline
Güney Gaz Koridoru ve onun ana gövdesi TANAP, Avrupa ve Türkiye’nin enerji güvenliğine ancak uzun dönemde katkı sağlayabilir. Zira TANAP’ın ilk etapta sunabileceği arz miktarı sınırlı düzeyde olacak. Bu miktarın arttırılması için öne... more
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      Geopolitics of EnergyEnerjiTurkey's energy policiesEnergy Policy, Energy Security, Central Asia, Russia, Caucasus, Caspian Sea Region
8. Uluslararası Enerji ve İklim Forumu Kapsamında Enerji Güvenliği , Yeni Teknoloji ve Yatırımlara Genel Bakış
Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu
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    •   26  
      European StudiesInformation TechnologyEnergy EconomicsRenewable Energy
The western Balkans as a region is at the crossroads of the east-west energy transportation routes, and it is confronted with the simultaneous tasks of transforming its economic outlook and its energy infrastructure: a process that... more
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      Russian StudiesEnergySecurity StudiesEnergy Policy
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      EnergyPoliticsEuropean UnionPipeline
New Southern Gas Corridor Project Will Intensify the Regional Pipeline Race
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      Russian StudiesEnergyAzerbaijanGazprom
Soon after Industrial Revolution fossil energy resources became extremely one of the irrevocable essentials of humankind. Nowadays, use of fossil energy resources paved the way of several problems. Throughout last two hundred years of... more
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      Russian StudiesEnergyTANAP
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      TürkiyeTürkiye Dış PolitikasıEnerjiVladimir Putin
The past decade has witnessed the European Union paying specific attention to the issue of energy security. Whilst the Russia-Ukraine gas crises of 2006 and 2009 encouraged such a measure, the annexation of Crimea highlighted that energy... more
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      EU energy securityEnergy Policy, Energy Security, Central Asia, Russia, Caucasus, Caspian Sea RegionTANAPCaspian pipeline TANAP
TANAP nedir?

Türkiye’nin enerji arz güvenliği bakımından TANAP’ın önemi nedir?

Türkiye’nin enerjide merkez ülke olma vizyonunda TANAP nasıl bir rol oynayacaktır?
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      EnerjiTANAPGüney Gaz Koridoru
Ilgar Gurbanov, “Southern Gas Corridor Raises Significant Financing, but Still Faces Provocations”, The Jamestown Foundation, Eurasia Daily Monitor Vol.15 Issue 50,... more
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      Energy PolicyEuropean Energy PolicyEnergy SecurityEuropean Union
Ilgar Gurbanov, "Resurrection of Nabucco Pipeline: Real or Myth?", Newtimes.az, 2015, http://newtimes.az/en/politics/3485/
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      EnergyEuropean UnionOil and gasAzerbaijan
If a firm manages to create a dominant position in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG) oil business this could, in the long term, open a door to the gas business, as it did in the Caspian zones in the 1990s, when the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan... more
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      IraqOil and gasGeorgiaAzerbaijan
Before 2003, Iraq’s oil industry had been state operated for 31 years. To allow foreign companies to invest in Iraq territories with long-term reliable contracts, legislation for the hydrocarbon sector and revenue sharing was proposed in... more
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      EnergyInternational Political EconomyEnergy SecurityTurkish and Middle East Studies
Soon after Industrial Revolution fossil energy resources became extremely one of the irrevocable essentials of humankind. Nowadays, use of fossil energy resources paved the way of several problems. Throughout last two hundred years of... more
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      Russian StudiesEnergyTANAP
The EU is making significant efforts to diversify its energy supply and deliver Caspian gas to Europe without Russian intervention. On the other hand, procedures between the EU and Azerbaijan show that Azerbaijan is interested in... more
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      EnergyTurkeySouth CaucasusAzerbaijan Economy
There is considered the role of TANAP pipeline in the Caspian region, conducted analysis of changing of the forces' balance, as well as geopolitical aspirations of the various international actors in the region in the article. The author... more
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      Russian StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisOil and gasAzerbaijan
Perspectives on Cancelation of South Stream Project -my answers to your questions regarding the Cancelation of South Stream Project for Prishtine Universiy International Politics Master Program
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      Russian StudiesMiddle East StudiesRussian PoliticsSyrian Studies
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      HistoryArmenian StudiesIranian StudiesHistory of Iran
Le cadre juridique du gazoduc Nabucco, dont l'objectif est de réduire la dépendance énergétique de certains Etats membres de l'Union européenne vis-à-vis de la Russie, a été finalisé le 8 juin à Kayseri (Turquie) avec la signature de... more
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      EnergyEnergy PolicyEuropean Energy PolicyCaucasus
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      EnergyInternational Political EconomyTANAPUluslararası Politik Ekonomi
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      AzerbaycanTürkiyeAvrupa BirliğiTANAP
Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu
13 Kasım 2017
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      Russian StudiesEnergyAzerbaijanCaspian/Azerbaijan (energy) security
Coğrafi konumu nedeniyle jeopolitik öneme sahip olan Gürcistan bölge ülkelerinin enerji politikalarının belirlenmesinde etkili olmaktadır. 1990’lı yıllardan itibaren Güney Kafkasya’da mevcut olan politik-ekonomik ortam ve bölgedeki... more
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      EnerjiKafkasyaTANAPRusya Ve Kafkasya
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      European StudiesRussian StudiesEnergy PolicyEurasia
Hayal olarak görülen ve gerçekleşmesine imkân verilmeyen Nabucco Projesi yoğun çabalara rağmen gerçekleştirilememiştir. Birçok nedenden dolayı gerçekleştirilemeyen proje yerine, projenin parçası olarak kabul edilen TANAP projesi gündeme... more
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      EnergyTurkeyGas PipelinesTANAP
The construction of the second branch of the Baku–Tbilisi–Erzurum gas pipeline began on 20 September in Baku. Azerbaijan announced that this is the official inauguration of the construction of the Southern Gas Corridor. The presidents of... more
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      Energy PolicyEuropean Foreign PolicyTurkey in World PoliticsAzerbaijan
An agreement was signed on 30 May in Ankara under which Turkey’s gas holding BOTAS increased its share in the planned Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) from 20% to 30%. This means that TANAP’s shareholders at present are: Azerbaijan’s... more
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      Energy PolicyAzerbaijanTurkey , Energy Security , NabuccoTurkey's energy policies
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      EnergyEnergy SecurityEuropean UnionTurkey
If a firm manages to create a dominant position in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG) oil business this could, in the long term, open a door to the gas business, as it did in the Caspian zones in the 1990s, when the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan... more
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      IraqOil and gasGeorgiaAzerbaijan
On the eve of the Shah Deniz Consortium’s announcement about the gas pipeline project selected to transport Azeri gas to Europe, regional political leaders and energy representatives gathered in Istanbul, on November 15th and 16th, for... more
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      European Energy PolicyTurkeyTurkey And EuropeOil and gas