Stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation (SAEC) plays an important role in delivering realistic teleconferencing experience. However, the problem of stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation is challenging due to the requirement of uniquely... more
Stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation (SAEC) plays an important role in delivering realistic teleconferencing experience. However, the problem of stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation is challenging due to the requirement of uniquely identifying two acoustic paths. In this paper, we present a novel method of selective time-reversal block transformation that significantly reduces the misalignment without noticeably affecting the audio quality. The proposed method employs a magnitude detector so that input blocks of one channel with average magnitude less than a specified threshold are time-reversed in order to decorrelate the other channel. Simulation results show that the proposed method achieves higher convergence rate, better spatial information with less audio distortion compared to the well-known half-wave rectifier method.
Abstract: One of the central goals of the KP-Lab project is to co-design pedagogical methods and technologies for knowledge creation and practice transformation in an integrative and reciprocal manner. In order to facilitate this process... more
Abstract: One of the central goals of the KP-Lab project is to co-design pedagogical methods and technologies for knowledge creation and practice transformation in an integrative and reciprocal manner. In order to facilitate this process user tasks, driving objectives and high-level requirements have been introduced as conceptual tools to mediate between technological design empirical research as well as theory development. The user tasks describe the generic activities users should be able to perform interactively with KP-Lab ...
This deliverable has been produced in the context of the Knowledge-Practice Laboratory (KP-Lab) project. KP-Lab focuses on innovative practices of working with knowledge in higher education, teacher training, and workplaces. Participants... more
This deliverable has been produced in the context of the Knowledge-Practice Laboratory (KP-Lab) project. KP-Lab focuses on innovative practices of working with knowledge in higher education, teacher training, and workplaces. Participants of WP10 are University of Helsinki, University of Oslo and Pöyry Forest Industry representing both researchers and practitioners. WP10 explores knowledge practices in workplaces to understand more of the ways professionals create, use, communicate, and embed ...
Abstract: This deliverable has been produced in the context of the Knowledge-Practice Laboratory (KP-Lab) project. KP-Lab focuses on innovative practices of working with knowledge in higher education, teacher training, and workplaces.... more
Abstract: This deliverable has been produced in the context of the Knowledge-Practice Laboratory (KP-Lab) project. KP-Lab focuses on innovative practices of working with knowledge in higher education, teacher training, and workplaces. Participants of WP10 are University of Helsinki, University of Oslo and Poyry Forest Industry representing both researchers and practitioners. WP10 explores knowledge practices in workplaces to understand more of the ways professionals create, use, communicate, and embed ...
The desalination plant is a project that needs to control and monitor the operation sequence This paper describes the construction of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA) and the corresponding Human-Machine Interface... more
The desalination plant is a project that needs to control and monitor the operation sequence This paper describes the construction of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA) and the corresponding Human-Machine Interface (HMI) for a multi-stage flash Brine Recirculation (BR) desalination plant. It consists of eight main cycles: the sea water cycle, the brine recirculation cycle, the brine heater cycle, the distillation cycle, the brine blow down cycle, the steam cycle, the condensate cycle and the pressure reduction cycle with a large number of inputs and outputs signals. The relay matrix is used to minimize the number of signals connected to the S7-3000(PLC) Siemens controller and connect it with (WINCC) software to show the application running under control. To maintain healthy system in case of main server failure we must create a redundant server connected with the main server by Ethernet and connected with the main control loop by Multi Point Interface (MPI). In this paper the SCADA/HMI main control loop is MPI because it is faster than Ethernet connection while MPI the control speed is 185kbps but the control speed in Ethernet is only 10/100kbps.
This paper discusses considerations for designing instructional materials for the computer mediated classroom. Specifically, the topics of group versus individual instruction, information processing, media/method tradeoffs, and associated... more
This paper discusses considerations for designing instructional materials for the computer mediated classroom. Specifically, the topics of group versus individual instruction, information processing, media/method tradeoffs, and associated costs were addressed.
Το φαινόμενο του σχολικού εκφοβισμού έχει λάβει μεγάλες διαστάσεις στην παγκόσμια εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα. Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν η ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή ενός πρωτότυπου μουσικού εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος για την αντιμετώπιση... more
Το φαινόμενο του σχολικού εκφοβισμού έχει λάβει μεγάλες διαστάσεις στην παγκόσμια εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα. Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν η ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή ενός πρωτότυπου μουσικού εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος για την αντιμετώπιση του φαινομένου του σχολικού εκφοβισμού στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση. Στο πρώτο μέρος γίνεται μία επισκόπηση προγραμμάτων ενημέρωσης και αντιμετώπισης του σχολικού εκφοβισμού που έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί σε διάφορες χώρες και διερευνώνται τρόποι με τους οποίους οι τέχνες και ιδιαίτερα η μουσική μπορούν να συμβάλλουν στην πρόληψη του προβλήματος. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τα συμπεράσματα που προέκυψαν μέσα από τις σχετικές έρευνες, διαμορφώθηκε ένα μουσικοπαιδαγωγικό πρόγραμμα αντιμετώπισης του σχολικού εκφοβισμού που πραγματοποιήθηκε σε ομάδα μαθητών δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης. Το δείγμα της έρευνας ήταν μία ομάδα επτά μαθητών της Γ ́ τάξης γυμνασίου ενός σχολείου της περιφέρειας των Ιονίων Νήσων. Όλοι οι μαθητές συμμετείχαν εθελοντικά με τη συγκατάθεση των γονέων/κηδεμόνων τους. Το πρόγραμμα διάρκειας έξι εβδομάδων υλοποιήθηκε διαδικτυακά, λόγω των περιοριστικών μέτρων κατά τη διάρκεια της πανδημίας (Covid-19). Στόχος του ήταν να ενημερώσει και να ευαισθητοποιήσει τους μαθητές σε σχέση με τον σχολικό εκφοβισμό. Το μουσικό βίντεο χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως κύριο εκπαιδευτικό εργαλείο για τη διαμόρφωση των μαθημάτων. Οι συζητήσεις πριν και μετά την προβολή των μουσικών βίντεο καταγράφηκαν και αναλύθηκαν με τη μέθοδο της θεματικής ανάλυσης. Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας, οι μαθητές κατανόησαν το φαινόμενο του εκφοβισμού και τις πιθανές διαστάσεις του, σχολίασαν συμπεριφορές και χαρακτηριστικά του φαινομένου και βρήκαν πιθανές λύσεις διαχείρισης περιστατικών εκφοβισμού. Το εκπαιδευτικό αυτό πρόγραμμα με κεντρικό άξονα το μουσικό βίντεο αναδεικνύει την ανάγκη προώθησης της ελεύθερης έκφρασης των μαθητών στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση μέσα από οικεία σε αυτούς οπτικοακουστικά μέσα με στόχο τη μείωση του φαινομένου του σχολικού εκφοβισμού.
The second book in My Online Education World compiles anecdotes from the optimistic 1990s. Anecdotes chronicled in isolation and distress during 2021. The decade for early adaptors of online education on the web. A decade of amazing... more
The second book in My Online Education World compiles anecdotes from the optimistic 1990s. Anecdotes chronicled in isolation and distress during 2021. The decade for early adaptors of online education on the web. A decade of amazing innovations. The decade that introduced PCs with colour- and graphic interfaces. New internet services opened the world, and the web brought it all together. Search engines provided immediate access to mindboggling sources of information. Online journals, early web-based learning management systems, digital cameras, and personal digital assistants (PDAs). And mobile phones that changed our lives.
Abstract: One of the central goals of the KP-Lab project is to co-design pedagogical methods and technologies for knowledge creation and practice transformation in an integrative and reciprocal manner. In order to facilitate this process... more
Abstract: One of the central goals of the KP-Lab project is to co-design pedagogical methods and technologies for knowledge creation and practice transformation in an integrative and reciprocal manner. In order to facilitate this process user tasks, driving objectives and high-level requirements have been introduced as conceptual tools to mediate between technological design empirical research as well as theory development. The user tasks describe the generic activities users should be able to perform interactively with KP-Lab ...
This reflective case study was based on our independent use of the debate as an online instructional approach and our shared interest in instructional techniques. Using narrative inquiry, we melded our data sources to analyze the... more
This reflective case study was based on our independent use of the debate as an online instructional approach and our shared interest in instructional techniques. Using narrative inquiry, we melded our data sources to analyze the findings, including our individual experiences with the technique. Our paper contributes to the field of research on instructional techniques (specifically debates), as well as online distance education. The findings suggest that the use of debates as instructional techniques in text-based paced and un-paced courses at the online undergraduate and graduate levels can contribute to improved learning outcomes and student satisfaction.