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Reducing and eliminating the use of restrictive practices, such as seclusion and restraint, is a national priority for Australia’s mental health services. Whilst legislation, organization and practice changes have all contributed to a... more
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      PsychiatryManagement of Violence and AggressionLeadershipPsychiatric & Mental Health Nursing
В статье рассматриваются специфические признаки популярного сегодня жанра рэп-баттла, соединяющего, по мнению автора, признаки письменной и устной культуры. Автор полемизирует с теми, кто видит в рэп-баттлах продолжение традиции... more
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      Hip-Hop/RapMetamodernismInvectiveVerbal Aggression
The focus of this study involved the study of siblings over the age of 30. Specifically of interest was the relationship between verbal aggressiveness, credibility, satisfaction, and trust. Recruited participants were informed in a cover... more
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      Siblings RelationshipsVerbal Aggression
The examination is given to identifying of informative businesslike available resources of communicating ruining of an etymological persona. Elaborate gadgets, rules, points of interest of strategies and systems of disparaging have been... more
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      PragmalinguisticsVerbal AggressionDiscrediting of a Linguistic PersonaDestructive Behaviour
The purpose of this study was to establish further validity for the Cognitive Flexibility Scale (Martin & Rubin, 1995) and the Communication Flexibility Scale (Martin & Rubin, 1994) by considering their relationships with... more
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      Cognitive FlexibilityCommunication CompetenceVerbal AggressionPersonality Traits
This study investigated the communication traits of argumentativeness and verbal aggressiveness. Richmond and McCroskey (1992) stated that the individual who possesses assertive and responsive skills should be described as competent.... more
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      Verbal AggressionCommunication Traits
Proposals are invited for a thematic panel on anti-Asian hate in digital discourses. It is organized by Massimiliano Demata (University of Turin) and Natalia Knoblock (Saginaw Valley State University). It will be held at the 3rd... more
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      Asian StudiesCommunicationSoutheast Asian StudiesHate Speech
Die Studie stellt einen Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte über sprachliche Expressivität und expressive Be-deutung im Lichte der Emotionsforschung und der verbalen Aggressionsforschung dar. Anhand von den laufenden Emotionstheorien wird auf... more
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      Emotional intelligenceVerbal AggressionExpressivity
As a step in learning more about aggressive communication in families, this study investigated the similarities between three aggressive communication traits (argumentativeness, assertiveness, and verbal aggressiveness) of young adults... more
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      Family CommunicationParent Child RelationshipsVerbal AggressionCommunication Traits
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceCyberpsychology
Пандемия породила новых врагов и новые области применения языка вражды и речевой агрессии. Случай ковид-диссидентства — образцово-показательный пример того, как в сознании определенной социальной прослойки (образованные горожане молодого... more
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      Hate SpeechVerbal AggressionCoronavirus COVID-19
The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at... more
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The paper offers a wide overview on aggression theories relate to the phenomenon of verbal aggression.
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      AggressionVerbal AggressionGewaltfreie KommunikationPragmalinguistcs
Verbale Aggression gehört zu den Forschungsgegen-ständen, die die Pragmalinguistik in den letzten Jahr-zehnten-auch angesichts der wachsenden Brisanz des Problems in der sozialen Arena und in den Medi-en-mit spürbarem Erkenntnisgewinn... more
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      PragmaticsHate SpeechSlursPragmalinguistics
This article employs a pragmatic linguistic methodology to examine the verbal conflict in the so-called “Quarrel of the Queens” episode from the Nibelung Legend of Middle High German and Old Norse literature. Völsungasaga, Þiðreks saga af... more
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      Historical LinguisticsPragmaticsOld Norse LiteratureOld Norse Language
This paper is concerned with the social ills of bullying and cyberbullying that might lead to suicide especially when adolescents are involved. First, I explain the two concepts. It is noted that people with monoamine oxidase-A (MAOA)... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaInternet Studies
This article provides an overview of verbal aggressiveness as a communication construct and trait. It examines communication theories and treatments for aggressive communication.
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      Social PsychologyBehavioral PsychologyVerbal AggressionVerbal aggressiveness
The present monograph documents and analyses the contemporary trends in public communication over the last decades which the general public, i.e., speakers outside the field of linguistics and cultural studies, has interpreted intuitively... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisMediaLinguistic (im)politenessMedia and Communications
Starting from John Osborne’s negative reaction to theatre critics’ and journalists’ perception of "Look Back in Anger"’s idiosyncratic language as “angry”, as well as their perception of the protagonist Jimmy Porter as a representative of... more
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      Theatre StudiesIntertextualityHumor and SarcasmBritish New Wave
Often successful and powerful women, such as prominent female politicians − are increasingly the target of verbal violence and insults, which are amplified in an echoic way by social media. On the basis of two case studies of verbal... more
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      Verbal AggressionRene Girard 'Mimetic Theory'Verbal Sexism
This article aims at studying how bullying acts, revictimization, and behaviors' targets influence responsibility judgments of witnesses bullying and determine help decision. According to the literature, help-giving has various... more
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      Aggression (Psychology)Management of Violence and AggressionVictimologyWorkplace Bullying
“Overt and Covert Aggression in the Use of Dysphemisms and Euphemisms” This article sheds light on the connection between euphemism, dysphemism, and verbal aggression. Based on the relevant literature, especially Bonacchi (2013),... more
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      Aggression (Psychology)AggressionEuphemismVerbal Aggression
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      Translation StudiesNatural Language ProcessingMachine LearningConnectionist Modeling
Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana oli minua ihmetyttäneitä ja vihastuttaneitakin kysymyksiä nykyisestä elämänmenosta: mitä on tytön maine, jota hänen tulee varjella? Mitä maine merkitsee tytön elämässä ja naiseksi kasvamisessa? Millaisia... more
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      BullyingVerbal AggressionCommunity ViolenceScapegoating
The chapter investigates the use of sarcasm and irony at the time of ongoing political and social crisis in Ukraine. It analyzes examples collected on popular Russian and Ukrainian social networks in 2014 that stood out as especially... more
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      Political communicationSatire & IronyIronyVerbal Aggression
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      Literary StylisticsVerbal Aggression
This innovative collection addresses an old problem from a new angle. It studies hate speech and verbal aggression but expands the scope of analysis by focusing on their morphosyntactic rather than lexical or discursive aspects.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGender StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesPragmatics
Metaphorisation of verbal aggression in the language of Internet comments Summary The aim of this article is to define a conceptual domains included in metaphors which express verbal aggression in Internet comments. The presentation of... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorMetaphorCognitive LinguisticsVerbal Aggression
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      Autobiographical MemoryTraumaAnaphoraStroke
The “Banter Principle” describes cases in which an offensive utterance (for example: DT: “Du Arsch!” or PL: “Ty draniu”) is not addressed by the speaker to the interlocutor with an aggressive intention, but it is intended to be an... more
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      PhoneticsPragmalinguisticsVerbal AggressionHöflichkeit
"Verbal aggression has become a legitimate field of study. The art of insulting is being examined from the standpoints of various disciplines, such as psychology, semiotics, and sociology. A specific form of verbal aggression, namely,... more
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      SemioticsSociologyAggression (Psychology)Medieval Studies
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      Hate SpeechSlursVerbal AggressionPejoration
Koulu- ja työpaikkakiusaaminen ovat arkisia vihan näyttämöllepanoja kulttuurissamme. Viha ei ole tällaisissa ilmenemismuodoissaan suinkaan hahmoton, yksilöiden mielen sisäinen ja vain yksilöiden kokema tunne. Perinteiset, hyvinkin... more
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      BullyingSchool BullyingJealousyScapegoat Theory
To learn more about people's feelings about verbal aggressiveness, this study investigated (a) whether receiving verbally aggressive messages was more hurtful depending on the source of that message, (b) if trait verbal aggressiveness is... more
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    • Verbal Aggression
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between college students’ level of driver anger and their aggressive communication traits. Driving anger is an individual’s tendency to become angry while driving. In 1994 the... more
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      Verbal AggressionDriving AngerCommunication Traits
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      Physical EducationAggressionVerbal AggressionPhysical Aggression
This study explores whether aggressive text-based interactions in social media are contagious. In particular, we examine swearing behaviour of YouTube commentators in response to videos and comments posted on the official Donald Trump's... more
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      Emotional ContagionYoutubeSwearingOnline Community
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      Language, Gender, and SexualityVerbal Aggression
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      CommunicationInternet StudiesInternet research methodsInternet & Society
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      Lifespan DevelopmentSiblings RelationshipsVerbal Aggression
W artykule zaprezentowano przegląd wybranych badań nad agresją werbalną i agresywnymi formami humoru obserwowanymi w środowiskach wychowawczych i edukacyjnych. Badania te uwzględniają akty agresji słownej dokonywane w klasie szkolnej i na... more
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      Aggression (Psychology)Humor psychologyHumor (Psychology)Educational Psychology
Objective The aim of this study was to assess the mediating role of dissatisfaction with friendships in adulthood in the associations between psychological abuse in childhood, substance abuse distress in childhood, and incident... more
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      EpidemiologyDevelopmental PsychopathologyMental HealthPsychiatric Disorders
Previous studies have shown that socio-demographic factors, childhood socioeconomic status (CSES), childhood traumatic experiences (CTEs), social support and behavioral factors are associated with health and well-being in adulthood.... more
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      Child MaltreatmentSocial SupportDomestic Violence, Emotional AbuseChild Abuse
In this study, a qualitative, case-based method of research was used to study how mothers experience becoming verbally aggressive toward their children. The objective of the study was to explicate the mother’s perspective and articulate... more
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      PhenomenologyChild AbuseVerbal abuseVerbal Aggression
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      PsychologyEducational PsychologyAggressionVerbal Aggression
Resumen: en el contexto histórico de la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz, firmado en 2016 entre el Estado colombiano y la guerrilla FARC-EP, se analiza un caso de agresión verbal en un debate público, con posiciones radicalizadas a favor... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical Discourse AnalysisAnálisis del DiscursoColombian Conflict
• Purpose: The current study explores the spillover effects of offensive commenting in online community from the lens of emotional and behavioral contagion. Specifically, it examines the contagion of swearing –a linguistic mannerism that... more
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      Online CommunitiesUser-Generated ContentSocial MediaOnline Communication
The goal of this study was to examine the associations among interpersonal trust, listening anxiety, and verbal aggression in young adult romantic relationships. Listening anxiety is a factor of informational reception apprehension (IRA;... more
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      TrustRelational CommunicationListeningVerbal Aggression