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The history of urban design and urban planning is often conceptualized through a tension between top-down and bottom-up realizations of power. This binary is then mapped onto two ideal-type figures: the planner, with his privileged... more
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      Media StudiesUrban StudiesInfrastructureVerticality
Urban verticality is often discussed in terms of superlative structures like skyscrapers and in relation to equations of height with forms of power, privilege and prestige. As a counterpoint, this thesis employs the idea of ‘ordinary... more
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      SingaporePublic SpaceSpectacular UrbanismUrban Public Open Space
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      SociologyUrban PlanningPublic SpaceVerticality
From Playful Mapping in the Digital Age (INC Theory on Demand), as part of the Playful Mapping Collective. This chapter discusses a variety of perspectives on maps and mapping in games, particularly through the Tomb Raider and Assassin's... more
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      CartographyDigital MediaDigital GamesGames
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      Spatial AnalysisHistory of Space TravelAviationRussian Film
A partire dall’analisi de Le città invisibili la relazione si propone di mettere in luce alcuni tratti peculiari di “verticalità” e di analizzare quali siano i significati che questa assume nell’architettura delle città. La verticalità è... more
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      Italo CalvinoLiguriaLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaItalo Calvino Architecture enviromnent
Nakh-Daghestanian languages have encountered growing interest from typologists and linguists from other subdiscplines, and more and more languages from the Nakh-Daghestanian language family are being studied. This paper provides a... more
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      TypologySpatial cognitionLanguages of the CaucasusCaucasus
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      Southeast Asian StudiesTibetan StudiesAnthropology of spaceSouth Asia
In her essay "In Free Fall: A Thought Experiment on Verticality," artist and theorist Hito Steyerl traces the historical shift in visual perspective from the linear to the vertical throughout the last century. Vertical perspective, she... more
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      Critical TheoryHorizontal PoliticsRhizomesImmersion and Experience
French abstract: Chez l’homme, la perception de la pesanteur et la notion de verticalité résultent de l’interaction de plusieurs capteurs sensoriels : les récepteurs vestibulaires – spécialisés dans la détection des déplacements... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
Der Begriff des Kontradispositivs wird in der vorliegenden Studie zur Beschreibung zeichnerischer Verfahren und Diskurse im Zeitraum von 1955 bis 1975 gebraucht. Als Kontradispositive lässt sich eine dekonstruktive Zeichenpraxis... more
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      AristotleGestureJean-Luc NancyDeconstruction
This paper explores the phenomenon of vertical informality, an under-studied form of informal housing at large scale, and the role of developers within vertical informality. We investigate the case of vertical informality in Kufr Aqab,... more
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      Israel/PalestineReal Estate DevelopmentIrregular/Informal Settlements StudiesJerusalem
A growing body of work has highlighted the centrality of verticality to the making of contemporary urbanism, pushing scholars to begin conceptualising inequality, politics, and planning as multi-scalar in nature. This paper builds off... more
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      ArchitectureAfrican urbanismLuanda-AngolaVerticality
La reflexión sobre la ciudad vertical contemporánea parece carecer de un soporte teórico que sea capaz de afrontar la densidad, la verticalidad y la complejidad siguiendo un modelo que ponga al habitante en el centro. Los desarrollos... more
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From Above: The Practice of Verticality. Introduction
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      SociologyCultural StudiesVisual SociologyVisual Studies
Edited by Jorge de La Barre and Blagovesta Momchedjikova.
Streetnotes, Volume 26, 2019
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      SociologyCultural StudiesVisual SociologyVisual Studies
Since the 1950s, views of Earth from above have been critiqued for provoking detachment from and decontextualization of human, terrestrial concerns. These critiques thus establish Earth’s enveloping atmosphere as the ultimate context for... more
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      Future StudiesOntologyHistory of ScienceContext
On the Contemporary Visual Experience, Part One: Vir(tu)al Horizon(tal
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      SociologyCultural StudiesVisual SociologyVisual Studies
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyEthnographyUrban Studies
Este artículo describe la vida interna de un peronismo del interior del país a través del seguimiento de las dinámicas de sus principales actores políticos, provenientes del radicalismo y allegados al mundo sindical vernáculo. Mediante el... more
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Este trabajo examina las relaciones entre imaginarios urbanos y tecnoespacio en Lima contemporánea, a través de un viaje por lahipe,realidad, analizando foros y portales especializados como skscraperpage.com y la galería digital 3D de... more
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      CartographyVirtualityUrban ImaginaryXXI Century
In this paper, we look at the role that public space may take on in the redevelopment of suburban high-risebuildings in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). We are interested in what role public space playsin the imaginary and... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesPublic SpaceToronto
CALL FOR PAPERS Graduate Conference Department of German, New York University Sisterliness Keynote: Prof. Laurence A. Rickels April 26–27, 2018 Deutsches Haus at NYU, New York City As a paradigmatic sister-figure in literary history,... more
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      PsychoanalysisLateralityJudith ButlerFreud and Lacan
This paper examines the practices and epistemic dimensions relating to subterranean space that led to a new three‐dimensional understanding of the terrain, its scientific investigation, and its political acquisition as territory. Although... more
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      History of SciencePoliticsSpeleologyTerritory
On the Contemporary Visual Experience, Part Three: Oblique Strategies
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      SociologyCultural StudiesVisual SociologyVisual Studies
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      Cultural HistoryHuman GeographyGeologyArchitecture
This two-day conference aims to develop mountains as sites and scales for global history, and will be held at the University of Cambridge, July 5-6, 2018. Co-organised with Thomas Simpson.
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      Historical GeographyBorder StudiesTransnational HistoryGlobal History
As an attempt to critically engage with the contemporary visual experience, this short essay explores the horizontal, vertical, and virtual viewpoints. Its main purpose is to question the virtual realm as a place where technology allows... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of CultureVisual Sociology
An art critical exercise on Wesley Meuris' latest artistic project, Verticality, exhibited at Annie Gentils Gallery, Antwerpen, May 2021.
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      Contemporary ArtArt CriticismSpace TravelVerticality
On the Contemporary Visual Experience, Part Two: The Vertical Gaze
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      SociologyCultural StudiesVisual SociologyVisual Studies
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      Collective ActionBehavioral EconomicsField ExperimentsWatersheds
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      Political ScienceReal Estate DevelopmentIrregular/Informal Settlements StudiesMultidisciplinary
The challenge of disorderly growth and lack of planning, resulting from the processes of urban occupation in many Brazilian cities, the need to build environmentally healthy, balanced and sustainable urban spaces has arisen, as an attempt... more
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      Sustainability IndicatorsDensityVerticality
This article introduces and develops the concept of "antagonistic landscapes" on the basis of fieldwork conducted in the Israeli settlement Efrat in the occupied West Bank and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem campus on Mount Scopus. The... more
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      GeographySocial GeographyIsrael/PalestineCultural Landscapes
In a study about (day)dreaming we searched for ways of doing research where we could jointly explore the becoming of life and important matters through our experiences of dreaming. Inspired by Bachelard’s book The Poetics of Space, in... more
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      Creative WritingQualitative methodologyPoetryGaston Bachelard
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySacred Landscape (Archaeology)
Spirituality is often perceived as a synonym for religion. In this article, I would like to point to some alternative definitions of spirituality grounded in Max Scheler’s philosophical anthropology. Scheler states that the essence of a... more
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      ReligionPersonality PsychologyPhilosophical AnthropologyMax Scheler
Perception of the visual vertical is strongly based on our ability to match visual inflow with vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile, and even visceral information that contributes to maintaining an internal representation of the vertical.... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyVisual perceptionTranscranial Magnetic StimulationNeurophysiology
In this paper, we offer a conceptual and methodological intervention that demonstrates how multi-sensory ethnography might enrich critical analysis of vertical urban transformation. Through the lens of two sites in Peckham, southeast... more
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      EthnographyUrban StudiesVerticality
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      Performance9/11New YorkVerticality
Despite its prevalence in a range of works over a range of time periods, the physical act of falling as a literary device has received limited critical attention. Previous work either focuses on metaphorical falls, lacks a systematic... more
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      Gaston BachelardLiminalityPeter SloterdijkContemporary Fiction
Crossrail is Europe's largest infrastructure project, a new high-speed subway route being built underneath central London. The system comprises a complex subterranean network of tunnels, ventilation shafts, caverns and junctions... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeCultural CriminologyGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariMetro and Subway Systems