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This is not just a book about a battle; it is a book about the biggest battle before Hastings 1066. This is a battle most people have probably never heard of, but it is a battle where five Scottish and Viking kings and seven earls died,... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesOld English LiteratureAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)Medieval English Literature
Table of Contents, Preface, and selected pages from book (published by Veleda Press, 2016) www.veleda.net
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      Women's StudiesAnglo-Saxon StudiesDivinationWomen's Health
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismEcocriticismMythology (Old Norse Literature)Old Norse Religion
The Old Norse myth of creation is not just an explanation of how the body of the giant Ymir was turned into the world. The meaning of Ymir's name in conjunction with new interpretations of Ginnungagap and the Old Norse word 'yppa' adds... more
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      MythologyOld Norse LiteratureOld Norse LanguageEddic Poetry
Abstract EN
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      Germanic PhilologyVöluspá, Old Norse mythology
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      Scandinavian StudiesVöluspá, Old Norse mythologyFigures Féminines
Why does the volva perform an útiseta midway through her account in Voluspá? And when Odin comes to her, why does she tell him about his eye in the well of Mímir? How can Mímir drink from Odin's pledge? Here are a couple of new answers to... more
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      MythologyOld Norse LiteratureEddic PoetrySnorra-Edda
Introducción Este artículo tiene como objetivo explicar quien es Seidr/Heid dentro de la cultura nórdica. Una diosa muy poco conocida, la cual veneramos dentro de mi grupo como Seidr, diosa de la magia, quien en textos ha aparecido con... more
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      Norse mythologyThe reception of Old Norse MythPaganismoNorse Völva, Nordic Witch
Meanings of witch-words in European languages. Prophetic witches, knowers, wisewomen, diviners. Sortiaria, sortilega, and sorceress. Staff- women: the völur. Chant, invocation, charms. Healing witches: lyb, luppa, and lybbestre;... more
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      DivinationPagan StudiesPaganismWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)
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      Old Norse LiteratureViking StudiesViking identitiesViking Age Archaeology
Resumo: O presente artigo realiza uma sistematização bibliográfica e analítica sobre algumas teorias do mito e suas aplicações conceituais para a Mitologia Nórdica. Também realizamos algumas discussões metodológicas de análise,... more
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      MythologyMythology (Old Norse Literature)Comparative mythologyMitologia
Describing the forging of existence was as difficult a task a millennium ago as it is today. Even with the crutch of science, twenty-first century discourse is still reliant on negation and antithesis to circumscribe the concepts of pre-... more
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      MythologyOld Norse LiteratureScandinavian StudiesViking Age Scandinavia
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    • Völuspá, Old Norse mythology
Tesi magistrale per il corso di laurea in Linguistica presso La Sapienza Università di Roma, letterature nordiche e filologia norrena, esito 110/110
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      Old Norse LiteratureEschatology and ApocalypticismGermanic PhilologyEddic Poetry
The raven penny was very high on my list on 'most wanted', but seemingly totally unaffordable, having been sold on auctions for as much as over 20.000 pounds...
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      Viking StudiesViking identitiesViking Age ArchaeologyMythology (Old Norse Literature)
Illustrations of attempts to recreate the Old Norse Eddaic forms fornyrðislag and (irregular/mixed) ljóðaháttr in Modern English verse based on famous stanzas from The Elder Edda. *Revised...* :I am now working (2020) on a large volume... more
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      Old Norse LiteratureTranslation of PoetryEddic PoetryTranslation
The work by Publius Cornelius Tacitus entitled De origine et situ Germanorum is an inexhaustible source of knowledge about ancient Germanic peoples, their culture, beliefs and even their mythology. The proposed paper compares Tacitus’... more
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      MythologyNordic StudiesNorse mythologyTacitus
In this text we want to find out how the prophecy in Völuspá refers to Pre-Christian and Early-Christian North East. It will be reviewed how this ancient society was organized and established in place names and in religious sites. We will... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval StudiesAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)Medieval English Literature
Эта работа опубликована в сборнике в честь основателя Кемеровской школы когнитивных и концептуальных исследований -- М. В. Пименовой. This paper has been published in the Tribute Proceedings to M. V. Pimenova. She is the famous Russian... more
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      OnomasticsOld Norse LanguageCognitive LinguisticsPersonal Names
Andstæður leika mikilvægt hlutverk í sköpun heimsins í norrænni goðafræði. Þar skiptir blöndun og samvinna þeirra miklu, því þegar samvinna er óviðunandi spretta fram ófullkomin lífsform. Í norrænni goðafræði má einnig sjá markvissa... more
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      ChristianityPhilosophy of TimeMythology (Old Norse Literature)Rebirth
The Old Norse-Icelandic poem Vǫluspá, though perhaps one of the most-studied poems of the early Medieval, still presents several mysteries to our modern understanding of the text. The poem presents us with a unique narratorial position... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyNarrativeOld Norse Literature
In this text is researched the relation between the Brunanburh poem that appears in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles under the year 937 and Völuspá the Icelandic poem of the Prophecy. The Brunanburh poem describes the Battle of Brunanburh... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesOld English LiteratureAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)Old English Poetry
An increasing number of scholars has associated the Fimbulvetr myth with the dust veil event of 536 CE, due to several apparent consistencies between its representations in eddic tradition, contemporary historical accounts, and modern... more
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      MythologyVolcanic GeologyCultural MemoryMythology (Old Norse Literature)
This paper presents the history of editing the monumental three-volume edition of eddic poetry, published by the Arnamagnæan Commission in Copenhagen from 1787 to 1828 (volume 2 appeared in 1818). This was the first ever critical edition... more
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      Danish LiteratureEddic PoetryCodicology of medieval manuscriptsHistory of editing
An intriguing bronze mount found in East Anglia-exact findspot not known. Ex Dirk Kennis collection. Exact use unknown. Its probable use was as a decorative element on leather, such as harness.
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyNorse mythologyAnglo-Saxon/Anglo-Scandinavian settlement
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      Indigenous ReligionsShamanismMythology (Old Norse Literature)Scandinavian Studies
Os sons são obtidos das mais variadas formas mesmo que não se possam vê-los é possível senti-lo, de um simples bater de pedras ao som produzido pela boca logo, depois desenvolvemos a capacidade de adaptá-lo às nossas necessidades só que... more
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      Music HistoryViking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaViking Age
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      Indo-European StudiesMythology (Old Norse Literature)Norse mythologyComparative mythology
In this text I want to find out what Billing means in names of places in England. I will trace these names I could find and relate these places to possible central sites in the tribal settlements in Pre - Roman Conquest England. It is... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)Medieval English LiteratureViking Studies
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    • Völuspá, Old Norse mythology
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      Translation StudiesOld Norse LiteratureEddic PoetryMythology (Old Norse Literature)
Entrada sobre la poesía éddica, presentada en el manual: El mundo nórdico medieval: una introducción. https://www.academia.edu/36391329/El_mundo_n%C3%B3rdico_medieval_una_introducci%C3%B3n
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      MythologyOld Norse LiteratureOld Norse LanguageEddic Poetry
This article discusses the Old Norse poem Merlínusspá, attributed to the monk Gunnlaugur Leifsson and thus probably written in Iceland in the late twelfth or early thirteenth century. The question of whether the poem was written together... more
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      Geoffrey of MonmouthIcelandic LiteratureEddic PoetryMythology (Old Norse Literature)
The global catastrophic consequences of the 536 AD 'dust veil' have been recorded by numerous contemporary observers. Recently, scholars have suggested that the event has been recorded, in the form of myth, in both the Elder and Snorri's... more
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape HistoryEarly Medieval HistoryCultural Memory
Мня Миф вымыслом праздным, нулем мним себя мы: Миф - мы.
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionMythology And FolkloreAncient HistoryMythology
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      DeathDeath StudiesLiteratureOld Norse heroic saga and eddaic literature
Tolkien e la profezia di Mandos: l’apocalisse nel legendarium e le sue fonti cristiane e norrene - Nel legendarium di J.R.R. Tolkien, una profezia pronunciata da Mandos – il Vala preposto alla Morte e al Destino – narra di un terribile... more
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      Performance StudiesJ. R. R. TolkienEschatology and ApocalypticismBook of Revelation
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      Old Norse LiteratureMythology (Old Norse Literature)Old Norse ReligionVöluspá, Old Norse mythology
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    • Völuspá, Old Norse mythology