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      ArabicSyriaGSM, WiMAX, LTEWiFI
—This paper presents a WiFi-based device-free crowd counting and occupancy estimation system that can be used in rooms/environments different from the ones in which the training process has been performed. Therefore, crowd counting is... more
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      WiFICrowd Counting
Differential relays are simple, reliable and widely used type of protection scheme that are very much suitable for electrical system or equipment protection. The relays use pilot wires to find the 'difference' but the pilot wire... more
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positioning systems can be used for different purposes and for different services, so a lot of research tries to find low error techniques with good results, GPS Global Positioning System is widely used but unfortunately it is difficult... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsGlobal Positioning SystemNetworkGPS
WiFi access points are widely spread everywhere in all our daily life routines. Using these devices to provide services other than the Internet is becoming familiar nowadays. This paper conducts an experimental study to estimate the... more
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Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that enables computers and other devices to communicate using a RF signal enabling a lot of advanced applications to provide services. Nowadays, Wi-Fi signal coverage is almost a must in any... more
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South Africa "dual economy" as acknowledged in the 2003 State of the Nation address, has persisted and is evident in the "digital divide" with plethora of ICT4D projects. A number of ICT4D projects have not adequately noted the dynamics... more
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New research directions will lead to fundamental changes in the design of future WiFi networks. However, with an explosion of wireless mobile applications and services, there are still some challenges on the spectrum crisis and high... more
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      WiFIIEEE standard power system networksGigabit EthernetHetNets
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      Wireless CommunicationsWireless networksAuthenticationwifi, Wimax, 4G technology
New research directions will lead to fundamental changes in the design of future WiFi networks. However, with an explosion of wireless mobile applications and services, there are still some challenges on the spectrum crisis and high... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringComputer Networkswifi, Wimax, 4G technology
Technology goes ahead exponentially with each year whether we do something or not. With the same speed engineers work hard to reduce the size of every electronic device or component and loose most of the wiring. If you look back 20 years... more
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      ArduinoWiFIESP8266 wifi module
—In order to efficiently support the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, a new amendment for the Wi-Fi standard known as IEEE 802.11ah is introduced. In 802.11ah (or Wi-Fi HaLow), several enhanced MAC... more
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      Low Power DesignWiFILong RangeInternet of Things (IoT)
learn Wifi cracking

Book Written By James Wells
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    • WiFI
Wireless communications has become very popular now-a-days. Wireless communication and networking system has become an important area for research in academic and industrial institutes. Wires provide less free space and non-mobility, thus... more
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      Microstrip antenna designAntenna DesignAntenna Design and Microwave PropagationWiFI
This paper discusses the need for both a series of electronic tools and procedural changes to the evidence collection process to accommodate the possibilities of wireless technologies. 802.11-based wireless technologies in particular pose... more
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      Computer ForensicsDigital ForensicsWireless NetworkWireless Technology
This paper presents a design and prototype implementation of new home automation system that uses WiFi technology as a network infrastructure connecting its parts. The proposed system consists of two main components; the first part is the... more
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      Computer ScienceHome automationMicrocontrollersWiFI
This document is the core of my work regarding our network project. The essential objective of this document is to design and implement IP network of a company. During my work, the first mission was to realize comparative analysis to look... more
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      SecurityDHCPWiFILocal Area Networks
Wireless Networking has become an important area of research in industry and academics in recent years. The main objectives of this paper are to gain knowledge about the WiMAX technology, its security and application. WiMAX (Worldwide... more
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A wireless technology recently has become our life saver in the communication process and also in sharing of information. Private and public institutions, individuals, businesses, non-profit organisations, government agencies and other... more
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      Information SystemsEducational TechnologyMobile LearningHigher Education
Interest in the intelligent transportation system comes from problems caused by traffic congestion and a synergy of new information technology for simulation real time and communications networks. Traffic congestion has been increasing... more
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      Intelligent Transportation SystemsGPSWiFIPopulation Growth
Alhamdullilah, puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberi rahmat, karunia, serta kasih sayang terbesar-Nya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan laporan tugas besar dengan judul “NodeMCU ESP8266... more
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      Electrical EngineeringTelecommunications EngineeringWiFITugas Besar
Differential relays are simple, reliable and widely used type of protection scheme that are very much suitable for electrical system or equipment protection. The relays use pilot wires to find the ‘difference’ but the pilot wire itself... more
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      Computer ScienceIEEEWiFIIOT
Technology is making rapid progress and is making many things easier. As the innovative thinking of persons is increasing day-by-day, new methods for wireless networking has been evolved of which our present topic Wi-Fi is the most... more
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      Technology ManagementBiometricsWiFI
Online marketing will be a major market in the future years.But as the technology updates towards internet of things , A smart secured delivery system should be proposed at the customer side. This smart system should be convenient and... more
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      MicrocontrollersWiFIInternet of Things (IoT)
The nature of wireless networks itself created new vulnerabilities that in the classical wired networks do not exist. This results in an evolutional requirement to implement new sophisticated security mechanism in form of Intrusion... more
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      Intrusion DetectionWiFIIntrusion Prevention
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      Information SystemsManagement Information SystemsBluetoothWimax
Technology is no longer judged by its technical brilliance, but by the return on investment (both tangible and intangible). This in turn, is dictated by the killer application for that technology. Wireless Networks fit into this because... more
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    • WiFI
With rapid progress in the field of radio technology, Wireless networks have grown to have many beneficial features, the main one is MOBILITY. The downside of these networks is susceptibility to attacks, which has persisted since the very... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsWireless networksWireless Network SecurityWireless Computing
Praktikum mandiri
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      WiFIInternet of Things (IoT)NodeMCUESP-8266 NodeMCU
The search for faster internet connection is ceaseless and the need for new technologies and techniques is always on rise. Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) is an inconceivable asset, but it is still limited, and as connectivity spreads, both... more
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      WiFIVoIP over WiFiInternet of Things (IoT)IOT
The main objective of this project is developing a prepaid base Split metering system that consists of two parts. One part is Energy Measurement Unit (EMU) that installed at the secure place or locked enclosure outside the consumers'... more
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      CommunicationPower ElectronicsRenewable EnergyWind Energy
This paper reports the design and development of a smart wireless sensor network (WSN) for an agricultural environment. Monitoring agricultural environments for various factors such as temperature and humidity along with other factors can... more
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      Network SecurityWireless Sensor NetworksSoil moistureWiFI
La démocratisation des réseaux Wi-Fi a grandement simplifié le déploiement des infrastructures domestiques et professionnelles. Même si cette évolution est extrêmement positive, gardons-nous de penser que cette technologie est exempte de... more
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Today everything is getting digitized where people want to be wireless by all aspects. There is a high demand of WiFi in every sector. Highest influence on network planning of newly developed network infrastructure is of SDN to meet the... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksWireless networksWiFI
We feel fortunate to be at Daffodil International University (DIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh to pursue my B.Sc not only for its beautiful place, but also for the superior research environment.
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Abstrak. Perkembangan pendidikan yang memerlukan setiap pelajar menggunakan kemudahan internet dalam mengakses ilmu pengetahuan selain daripada pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam bilik kuliah memaksa sesuatu institusi menyediakan... more
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    • WiFI
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      Wireless Communicationswifi, Wimax, 4G technologyWiFI
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    • WiFI
The Ultra Wide-Band (UWB, IEEE 802.15.3) and the Wi-Fi(IEEE 802.11) are two wireless protocols for short range communication. With the revitalizing of the UWB technology, the Wi-Fi technology faces a blatant threat of being surpassed in... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsWiFIUltra Wideband
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      Computer ScienceWiFIAndroid Application
De nos jours, la technologie de réseau sans fil est incontournable car elle fournit la possibilité d’accéder à ses informations personnelles ou professionnelles partout et à tout moment. Dans un contexte d’exigences croissantes en matière... more
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    • WiFI
ABSTRAK Penggunaan jaringan pada saat ini sudah mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat dan telah banyak dimanfaatkan. Dalam teknologi komunikasi, terdapat dua media transmisi yang berperan penting. Pertama media kabel, dimana dalam media... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringNetworkingWiFITelkom Indonesia
This paper discusses the need for both a series of electronic tools and procedural changes to the evidence collection process to accommodate the possibilities of wireless technologies. 802.11-based wireless technologies in particular pose... more
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      Computer ForensicsDigital ForensicsWiFICyber Forensics
Internet Service Provider (ISP). SCIS adopts the wireless broadband last mile access as an inexpensive solution, in order to compromise cost, high demand, and Quality of Service (QoS) factors. SCIS has WiFi and WiMAX networks for last... more
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      WimaxWiFIDiffServQuality of Service (QoS)
Klik OK maka akan muncul tampilah setting Wireless AP LinkSys WAP54G seperti yang tampak pada gambar dibawah ini.
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    • WiFI
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    • WiFI
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    • WiFI
Differential relays are simple, reliable and widely used type of protection scheme that are very much suitable for electrical system or equipment protection. The relays use pilot wires to find the 'difference' but the pilot wire itself... more
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Diera yang serba modern sekarang ini perkembangan dunia teknologi sangatlah maju, maka dari itu kita harus bisa beradaptasi dengan perkembangan tersebut. Hal tersebut agar kita tidak gaptek, terlebih lagi semenjak kemunculan smartphone... more
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      The InternetWiFIInternet