Recent papers in Wolves
Este artículo es una extensa revisión sobre el pasado, presente y futuro del panorama que envuelve las estimaciones poblacionales de lobos en España. Lo que subyace detrás de estas estimas loberas es enrevesado y difícil de interpretar... more
See now full text version on academia.edu! Apollo Cunomaglos leads to a multi-disciplinary discussion of Celtic religion: from wolves to cosmology, fertility, ancestry, afterlife, rites de passage and manty more. The epithet Cunomaglos... more
Conservation biology requires the development of practical tools and techniques to minimize con- flicts arising from human modification of ecosystems. We applied behavioral theory of primary and secondary repellents to predator management... more
Wildlife is the most important reservoir of Trichinella spp. worldwide. Although the Balkans are a recognized European endemic region for Trichinella infections, data on wildlife are scarce. To monitor the circulation of these zoonotic... more
Greater Yellowstone ecosystem and to the Central Idaho area in an attempt to restore the endangered gray wolf to the Rocky Mountains. The restoration of wolves to Yellowstone National Park has become one of the most successful wildlife... more
L'impact du loup enragé sur la société rurale au sud de Paris au XVIIe siècle (départements actuels de l'Essonne et du Val-de-Marne). Analyse des attaques et des victimes. Une étude de cas : Draveil (Essonne) en 1667.
Podium Bioethiek, 25(4), januari 2019: p. 14-16.
With the successful recolonization and reintroduction of wolves (Canis lupus) in parts of the western United States (Bangs and Fritts, 1996; Bangs et al., 1998) and the natural expansion of wolves in the upper Midwest (Fuller et al.,... more
We are creating a pack of virtual creatures who exhibit the kinds of social interactions found in a natural species of animal, the gray wolf (Canis lupus). To do this, we are extending our synthetic character building toolkit to enable... more
First national study on these tragic incidents in a historical framework. At the time of the Enlightenment, one of the most remote areas of France was caught up in a traumatic situation which lasted for three years and caused feelings to... more
Influence des interactions avec les ours, les loups et les lynx sur les perceptions des chasseurs et des éleveurs de République de Macédoine. La nature conflictuelle des relations entre les hommes et les prédateurs conduit à s’interroger... more
Le loup est le seul animal sauvage à avoir suscité la création d’un corps spécialisé d’agents publics investi de privilèges dont quelques- uns ont traversé les siècles jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Tandis que la législation cynégétique a longtemps... more
Gray wolves are essential keystone species that regulate a biological ecosystem. (Estes, Terborgh, Brashares, Power, Berger, Bond and Wardle, 2011) There are many reasons why maintaining a healthy population of keystone species in the... more
Editors: Aleksandra Majić Skrbinšek, Tomaž Skrbinšek, Urška Marinko and Francesca Marucco Summary: Public awareness campaigns are often used as tools to improve human attitudes toward wildlife and wildlife management decisions. One of... more
Published in ISIS (September 2007) Vol. 98, No. 3.