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This article addresses the recent attempts to integrate evolutionary history in the US national narrative. Focusing on the cultural, legal, and scientific controversy over Kennewick Man, the ancient human remains discovered in Washington... more
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      American HistoryCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesIndigenous Studies
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      Missionary Historyhistory of the USAAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions
Аннотация. Было проведено актуальное исследование, решившее один из вопросов в современной науке и образовании. Необходимость исследования была вызвана отсутствием в учебниках Всеобщей Истории в странах СНГ информации о многочисленных... more
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      HistorySpanish FloridaFlorida StudiesFlorida Archaeology
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      HistoryMiddle East StudiesIraq WarSaddam Hussein
En los últimos años han surgido numerosos estudios historiográficos que ofrecen nuevas interpretaciones sobre procesos históricos clave en la configuración de escenarios culturales, políticos, económicos y sociales. A pesar de dicha... more
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      HistoryBook ReviewsHistoriaAlexander Hamilton
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      Historical DemographySocial Historyhistory of the USA
USA Constitution
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      Constitutional LawFirst Amendment Law (USA)Derecho constitucionalCommon Law
The article considers the problem of the establishment of a regime of racial segregation in the south of the USA at the end of the 19th century. The notorious Plessy vs. Ferguson case examines the attitude of Americans toward racial... more
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      HistorySocial and Cultural AnthropologyPolitical Historyhistory of the USA
Estratto da Alessandro Pascale (a cura di), “A Cent'anni dalla Rivoluzione d'Ottobre. In Difesa del Socialismo Reale e del Marxismo-Leninismo”, Volume II, dicembre 2017, pp. 450-460; il libro è scaricabile gratuitamente su... more
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      HistoryCommunismSoviet Union (History)Nicaraguan History
Summary of the book "Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis:
A Comparative Approach and Ukrainian context" published in Ukrainian, 2016
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      Roman HistoriographyMedieval HistoriographyHistory of CanadaCossacks
La Reaganomics ha cambiato profondamente gli USA e la loro economia negli Anni Ottanta. Sotto le spinte concomitanti esercitate dalla manovra della Fed, dalla deregulation e dal colossale piano di riarmo contestuale alla Sdi, gli Usa... more
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      Economic HistoryInformation TechnologyEconomicsIndustrial Economics
Советская противоракетная оборона против американских баллистических ракет В пятницу 8 сентября 1944 года в лондонском пригороде Чисуик прозвучал сильный взрыв, несколько домов были полностью разрушены. На месте взрыва образовалась... more
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      историяhistory of the USAхолодная войнаИстория СССР
, the seventh president of the United States, is undoubtedly the most influential and controversial American politician of the 1830s. His presidency was an era that featured critical positive developments in the social, political, and... more
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    • history of the USA
11 books (free access to full PDF texts): Media Literacy Education and Film and Media Studies Media and Information Literacy Education Dictionary:... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Theory
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesPolitical Science
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesUsabilityFood History
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      USA Historyhistory of the USA
รายงานนี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของวิชา ป.268 (ประวัติศาสตร์สหรัฐอเมริกา)
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      Economic Historyhistory of the USA
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    • history of the USA
Throughout the 20th century, the United States of America had struggled with the question of which ideology ought to be as the US foreign policy whether isolation or intervention. Precisely from the early 1920 up to 1975, U.S. foreign... more
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      American HistoryUnited States In The WorldAmerican civilizationBritish and American Civilization
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryPolitical PhilosophyThomas Jefferson
В 2004 г. исполняется 200 лет со дня смерти выдающегося американского политика, одного из «отцов-основателей» США, Александра Гамильтона (1757-1804 гг.). В монографии «Александр Гамильтон и создание конституции США» рассматривается ранний... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryAlexander Hamiltonhistory of the USA
The present study analyzes the racism in Thomas Jefferson’s life and thought against the backdrop of some theoretical problems within the field of racism studies. The first main part of the study provides a thick description of the... more
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      Race and RacismCritical Race TheoryRace and EthnicityThomas Jefferson
In the United States, the elections for the presidential office remain one of the hot topics of discussion. In a country where the members of Congress, governors, state legislators, and mayors are elected by popular vote, the US... more
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      FederalismAmerican Presidential ElectionsElectoral Collegehistory of the USA
Join the Illuminati today, whatsApp +18133057260 and become Rich, Famous, and Powerful. This is an authorized illuminati agency whatsApp number +18133057260. Are you in US, UK, CANADA or anywhere in the world kindly join the illuminati... more
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      Latin American StudiesColonial AmericaFreemasonryIlluminati
Монография посвящена изучению американского изоляционизма и общественно-политической борьбы по вопросу формирования после-военного внешнеполитического курса США со вступления страны во Вторую мировую войну до 1946 г. Книга предназначена... more
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      HistoryPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsInternational RelationsCongress (American Politics)
Tolto il segreto sui documenti americani relativi all'installazione, nei primi anni '60, di testate nucleari nella base militare di Gioia del Colle (Bari). Palazzo Chigi, 44 anni fa, scelse di mantenere un terribile segreto: sui cinquanta... more
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      Cold WarCold War historyPugliaApulia
En el presente trabajo se estudió la relación que guardan los parámetros de productividad, desperdicio y crecimiento de la empresa de la Industria Textil Mexicana con el nivel de implementación y certificación de los Sistemas de... more
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      ManagementSociologyEconomic SociologyOrganizational Change
The following paper examines the little known story of the Columbian Illuminati and has been edited from my recent publication Rediscovered Rituals of English Freemasonry. The book is an in-depth examination of the Masonic work of the... more
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      HistoryPopular Culture and Religious StudiesIntellectual History of EnlightenmentSocial History
This study is mathematically proving that the odds of the " lonely assassination " of President Kennedy are less than 1 in 10^32 (= less than 0.00000000000000000000000000000001.)Hence, those who are still labeling as " conspiracists "... more
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      HistoryStatisticsForensic ScienceApplied Statistics
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      history of the USAHistory of the British IslesGeography of the British IslesGeography of the USA
In light of Martin Scorsese's popular movie "The Irishman," it is a good time to reassess Jimmy Hoffa. He's probably the most famous union leader in American history, but the only thing most people know of him is that he ran the Teamsters... more
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      American HistoryU.S. historyLabor History (U.S. history)1950s (U.S. history)
Daniel 2rA is a simplification of Daniel 2, a few typos were also corrected. Daniel 2 is a critical evaluation of three differing eschatological opinions taking the stone in Daniel 2 as their basis. Daniel 2 is not absolutely decisive... more
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      Roman LawEmpiresEvangelicalismComparative study of the Ottoman, habsburg, and Romanov Empires
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesCritical Race TheoryCritical Discourse Analysis
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    • history of the USA
Racism has a really long history but, until today, we don't even have a history of ›racism‹, i.e. a solid study of the development of its conceptual history. I hereby start a compilation of references referring to the early usage of the... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesHistory of IdeasFrench History
Collection of digitized public domain books and articles on numismatics of the New World, including USA, Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Peru etc. Colección de libros y artículos... more
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      American HistoryLatin American and Caribbean HistoryBrazilian StudiesBrazilian History
El presente artículo discute las principales aportaciones de la Nueva Historia del Capitalismo escrita en los últimos quince años, prestando especial atención al interés de esta perspectiva historiográfica por repensar la vieja cuestión... more
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      Brazilian HistoryHistory of SlaveryHistory of CapitalismCuban History
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      HistoryHuman RightsSegregationRace and Racism
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      Ancient HistoryByzantine StudiesChurch HistoryGeorgian Studies
Inventario a cura di Cinzia Maria Aicardi e Alessandra Cavaterra
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      HistoryItalian (European History)Contemporary HistoryItalian emigration
The text is devoted to the issue of plural marriages, which were introduced and practised as part of a religious ritual in the life of believers of the doctrine of the prophet Joseph Smith (1805-1844), founder of the Church of... more
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      New Religious MovementsJoseph SmithPolygamyPolygyny
В современном мире СМИ являются неотъемлемой частью повседневности. Их влияние на общественное мнение переоценить невозможно. В XVIII столетии воздействие прессы на общественное мнение все еще оставалось новшеством. Приемы работы с... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryHistory Of Propagandahistory of the USA
Desde el análisis de género y de la historia de la educación, reconstruyo la biografía de Amelia Ángela Bell Feeley (1907-2008), bailarina y maestra de baile y de educación física. Bell Feeley provenía de familias de origen inglés e... more
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      HistoryWomen's HistoryBiographyFeminism
La mediazione, metodo di soluzione delle controversie al di fuori del conflitto, è una negoziazione assistita da un terzo. La sua origine si perde nella notte dei tempi ed è presente in tutti i continenti. In genere gestita dal... more
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      MediationChinaEarly ChinaItaly
José María Perceval: El movimiento populista más importante de estos últimos tres últimos siglos y el que ha tenido los mayores efectos al cambiar toda una sociedad, fue el que se desarrolló durante más de cien años para aprobar la XVIII... more
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      Popular CulturePopulismSocial HistoryHistoria Social
he 1960s of the twentieth century in the United States caused changes not only in the space of political, social and cultural thought but also religious. he text attempts to focus on the three main trends of the new American spirituality... more
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      New Religious MovementsSociology of ReligionBeat GenerationReligious Studies
Nombre d'auteurs ont remis en cause la manière de l'OMS de conduire la question du SIDA au cours des années 1980 et 1990, sans expliquer de manière substantielle pourquoi l'OMS a été sujette à des erreurs. Nous avons tenté de comprendre... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsAfrican HistoryHistory of Capitalism