history of the WWII
Recent papers in history of the WWII
Compilación de textos periodísticos publicados originalmente en la revista Futuro (México, 1941-1946), relacionados con la acción política y sindical de Vicente Lombardo Toledano.
Students take on the personality of Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin at the Yalta Conference representing Britain, Soviet Union, and the United States. On alternating days, each student will assume the personality of one of the three... more
Gli eroi dimenticati: gli Aerofonisti. «Sentinella vestito di grigio verde con la parola cieco scritta in lettere d'oro sul petto dell'uniforme in cima a un colle solitario per difendere la città. Quel che pareva un paradosso crudele è... more
Rarement, depuis la Révolution – à l’exception de la Grande Guerre –, la France n’a subi de choc équivalent à la défaite de juin 1940. Soixante-dix-huit ans après les faits, il faut effectuer un effort d’imagination pour se représenter la... more
Stella Ghervas, "The Congress of Vienna: A Peace for the Strong" In the first of two articles marking the bicentenary of the Congress of Vienna, Stella Ghervas examines the Great Powers’ attempt to create a new European order following... more
The article about Hungarian troops in the area of Wołomin in 1944
This research is devoted to the interfaith situation in the Western Ukraine in 1942 - 1944 years and the activity of one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) - the Rovno's bishop Platon. The source analysis... more
Τον Φεβρουάριο του 1940 ο Χέρμαν Γκαίρινγκ , διέταξε το αλουμίνιο όλων των κατακτημένων περιοχών να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την παραγωγή αεροσκαφών της Γερμανικής αεροπορικής βιομηχανίας. Αυτή η διαταγή άρχισε να εφαρμόζεται, καθώς η Βέρμαχτ... more
During World War II a daring action by Australian commandos to capture an airfield at Kaiapit changed the strategic situation in New Guinea. However, 75 years on, where the 1942 battles of Kokoda and Milne have become famous, the 1943... more
Organisation, Structure and Personnel of Soviet Military Commandantries
on Polish Territory in the Years 1944–1946: Research Reconnaissance
on Polish Territory in the Years 1944–1946: Research Reconnaissance
Нацистский лагерь уничтожения Собибор… Более 250 тыс. евреев уничтожены за 1,5 года… 14 октября 1943 г. здесь произошло единственное успешное восстание в лагерях смерти, которое возглавил советский командир Александр Печерский. Впервые... more
How urban myths can influence and re-wright history. First published on R.I.F. Magazine no.19, Israel-Ukraine 2015. Editor & publisher Michael Fishman.
He played for 5 different major league teams in the 1920's and 1930's. Then in the 1940's and 1950's, he was recruited to spy for the U.S. His baseball card is the only card on display at CIA Headquarters.
A Game of Scales in the Andes: the Peru-Ecuador Conflict and the WWII In July 1941, a longstanding border dispute between Peru and Ecuador broke out into a war. The Rio Protocol, signed January 1942, confirmed the fast Peruvian victory.... more
La seconda serie di A che serve volare, conferenze informali organizzate dall'Aerofototeca Nazionale, racconta temi e risultati di varie attività degli ultimi anni, che ruotano attorno alle maggiori collezioni conservate in archivio. Si... more
Analiza filmskih ostvarenja 1975-1985. svedoči da postupcima predstavlјanja ekonomske i socijalne krize sedamdesetih godina više nisu bile potrebne metafore, simbolička ni druga skrivena značenja. Ona postaje manifestna desetak godina... more
In 1968, the USS Pueblo, a U.S. Naval spy ship, was boarded and seized by North Korea while it was conducting signal and electronics intelligence surveillance in international waters off the coast of North Korea. It was always assumed... more
The current project WARLUX aims to study the biographies of young Luxembourgers, born between 1920 and 1927, who were drafted by the German Nazi authorities for Labour Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst) and the German Army (Wehrmacht). The... more
The intelligence activities of the Soviet guerrillas during the Great Patriotic War has always been one of the least known aspects of the Soviet Partisan Movement. Yaacov Falkov, an Israeli military historian, and the lecturer at the Tel... more
This is a draft of an idea - working about war cemeteries of WWII as memory sites led to the thought of war cemeteries as heritage sites? In terms of 'dark tourism'? Does that fit? Deeper research is yet to be pursued...
The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed on 23 August 1939. Today, eighty years on, it still stirs up controversy in public life and among academics. One side still voices the Stalinist argument, according to which the Soviet Union had no... more
Moving people and goods from one place to another has caused problems everywhere. Nevertheless, in Finland these problems have been historically extraordinary. Finland is one of the world’s most northern and geographically remote... more
Round table with Allan Williams (National Collection of Aerial Photography), Elizabeth J. Shepherd (Aerofototeca Nazionale-ICCD) and Alessandra Giovenco (BSR).
En juillet 1941, un ancien differend frontalier entre le Perou et l’Equateur mena a l’affrontement arme. Le Protocole de Rio, signe en janvier 1942, enterina la victoire eclair du Perou. Dans une periode de tensions liees a l’entree en... more
"Memories' Mementos: Anthropology, Memory and Migrant In-tangible Heritage" Talk by Dr. Pedram Khosronejad Department of Anthropology Macquarie University, Sydney Time: September 9th, 2020 11-12:30 This seminar discusses the roles... more
Introduction describes the space of intervention, both politically in postsocialist and post-Yugoslav context, as well as theoretically into nationalist and transition studies that have been marked by anti-socialist and anti-Yugoslav... more
Compiègne, 21.Juni 1940 - Historisches Dokument aus dem Bundesarchiv, Militärarchiv Freiburg zum Waffenstillstand mit Frankreich
A talk by Dr. Pedram Khosronejad Civil German Prisoners of Persia in Australian Second World War Prisons Autobiographical Remembering: Dynamics of Interplay between Memory, Self and Material/ Visual/ Culture Digital Humanities research... more
Blog News Personal News Elections in Israel Gideon Sa’ar Elections in the United Kingdom Proposal: Limiting PM Term in Office Benny Gantz on State and Religion Uncle Sam Continues to Support Israel PA Presidential and Legislative... more
Things expelled, things tamed, things exhibited: An attempt to pre-categorize Abstract The article aims at analyzing the status of material things whose function has changed due to changes of borders between Poland and Germany and the... more
La vita di un "oscuro" maresciallo della Stazione Carabinieri di Ponzone, salvatore (assieme ad altri) del Rabbino Capo di Acqui Terme durante il 1943-1945 e successivamente partigiano.
In this critical analysis of the siege of Leningrad, one of the worst and longest sieges in human history, new information is brought to light in the work of Dmitri Pavlov's inside-view and first-hand account of the siege, and in... more
Some personal lessons from the slaughter of the villagers of Distomo in 1944, with special reference to George Papandreou's progressive laws for the restitution of jewish properties following the war.
Artykuł stanowi próbę analizy homoseksualnych relacji barterowych w kompleksie obozowym Auschwitz-Birkenau-Monowitz. W polskiej pamięci zbiorowej pipel – służący więźniów funkcyjnych – funkcjonuje jako ofiara gwałtów w obozach, których... more