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Why Doesn't My Doctor Know This?: Conquering Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn's Disease and Colitis
Why Doesn't My Doctor Know This?: Conquering Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn's Disease and Colitis
Why Doesn't My Doctor Know This?: Conquering Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn's Disease and Colitis
Ebook275 pages

Why Doesn't My Doctor Know This?: Conquering Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn's Disease and Colitis

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About this ebook

A natural approach to stubborn gastrointestinal symptoms!
You’re miserable, your quality of life has changed, your medications don’t help . . . But if your doctor hasn’t given you relief, there is another way to conquer symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and any form of colitis: gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, reflux, GERD, diarrhea, constipation, alternating diarrhea/constipation, abnormal bowel urgency, abnormal bowel frequency, pain, spasms, blood, mucus, hemorrhoids, and hiatal hernia.
Why Doesn’t My Doctor Know This? details the only physician-designed step-by-step plan—combined with dietary advice and an all-natural supplement program that addresses the nine variables that may be causing your condition.
Release dateFeb 1, 2008
Why Doesn't My Doctor Know This?: Conquering Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn's Disease and Colitis

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    Book preview

    Why Doesn't My Doctor Know This? - David Dahlman


        MY DOCTOR

        KNOW THIS?

    Conquering Irritable Bowel syndrome,

               Inflammatory Bowel Disease,

                 Crohn’s Disease, and Colitis


    Foreword by Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., FACN




    By David Dahlman, DC

    © 2008 All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from author or publisher (except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages and/or show brief video clips in a review).

    ISBN: 978-1-60037-316-9 (Paperback)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2007935675

    The information and advice in this book are based on the training, personal and professional experiences and research of the author. Its contents are current and accurate; however, the information presented is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice. The author and publisher urge you to consult with your physician or other qualified health-care provider prior to starting any treatment or undergoing any surgical procedure. Because there is always some risk involved, the author and publisher cannot be responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, supplements or procedures described in this book.

    Your program has CURED my ulcerative colitis. I said CURED. Prior to beginning your program I had diarrhea that evolved slowly over a period of years from a few times a day to up to 15 times daily for close to a year. I had tried Pepto Bismol, Lomotil, Imodium AD, and then traditional doctor’s prescriptions, each of which worked somewhat initially, but then failed. I went to gastrointestinal specialists, did the colonoscopy thing, including removal of a polyp. Nothing worked. I was desperate as my life revolved around the toilet, and left me weak and tired. I searched the internet for answers.

    I ran across your program on an internet search. I read your material that seemed to make sense, and decided to try it. Within a couple of WEEKS of the strict diet and faithfully taking the recommended supplements, my diarrhea was gone. (After YEARS of suffering.)

    Taking your emailed advice, I continued on the entire program for three months, remaining diarrhea-free. I began eating a limited amount of gluten without a problem. After about 3 months of normal bowel movements I decided that prior to adding other foods on the restricted list, I would try going off the supplements to try to eliminate and isolate the possibility that the types of foods could only be eaten if the supplements were continued. I continued on the supplement-free with some gluten scenario for about a month, and then began ingesting small amounts of dairy, such as in the label ingredients on some prepared foods.

    I was still symptom-free, so after about another month, I began eating all foods except peanuts, again with no problems. It is now about 8 months since I began the program, a good 6 months since my diarrhea stopped, 4 months since I stopped taking the supplements, and three months since I began a normal diet. I now eat whatever I want, including peanuts, and am COMPLETELY CURED of the ulcerative colitis. I gave my internist doctor a copy of your program. I don’t know what use he has made of it, since I haven’t seen him for some time now.

    Ron S.

    Dear Dr. Dahlman,

    I don’t know how to thank you for your commitment to making a difference in people’s lives. Your research and program and how you’re put everything together has changed my life in a week. I have never been able to eat solid food more than once a day and couldn’t go to the bathroom even with once a day without using an aloe vera laxative.

    It has been one week since I’ve followed everything you’ve told me to do and the swelling and pain is gone and today for the first time in years, I had a normal, solid bowel movement without any pain. I am able to eat a little bit at breakfast and lunch along with the supplements you prescribed and I can see that I am beginning to tolerate them better each day.

    I have called everyone I know that either treats patients with colitis and Crohn’s or people who are currently on medication for this. I am referring everyone I know to you, including people who have arthritis because your report is so thorough, it’s like a roadmap from the beginning of the problem to where we have all wound up.

    They say each one of us should leave the world in a better place than we found it, I can certainly say that you have definitely done that by helping me and so many others. You are really making a difference in the world, God bless you Dr. Dahlman.



    in New York

    Just a note for your files:

    2 years ago I read your IBS protocol because true to form I had tried a heck of a lot of things to help myself……….I was advanced with holistic modalities but was becoming unable to travel even by car because of the unpredictable GI problems……

    I am now 90% predictable and that is good enough for me to travel again……I was able to do this with your outline…………I am an O blood type so simply eliminating DAIRY 100% and taking various supplements at the beginning of the protocol put me in good steed.

    Because I DID NOT follow your outline to a T it took me 1 year to get here………I KNOW that had I done what you said exactly I would have had complete resolution in just a few months……

    I have gained 25lbs. That is a mixed blessing I suppose. However when I was younger, all I ever wanted to do was not LOOSE an ounce and I was usually scared that If I ate the wrong thing I would loose a few pounds by the next day and for an IBS kid that was FRIGHTNING!! WE know what that feels like and WE know what that means!!!!!!!!!! No one else does.


    Trish F.

    Pickerington Ohio

    Hello Dr. Dahlman,

    I just wanted to thank you and all of your hard work on your research. Your diet has turned my life around. I can go out and not worry about having to find a bathroom or have constant pain in my side anymore. I still refer back to your information and am glad it is there.

    Thank you,


    Hi Dr Dahlman,

    I just thought you’d like to know I followed your suggestions and everything is back to normal. My doctor had already set me up for colonoscopy, barium enema, etc, etc, etc! I told him forget it I’ll take care of it myself. I know he thinks I’m crazy but only time will tell who’s right and who’s wrong!

    Thank you again for allowing people access to helping themselves. God bless you.


    Dr D:

    Were it not for your guidance and step-by-step program, I would have ended up on disability. I am typing this from my desk at work. I recommend taking the consultations in addition to the nutritional therapies. That’s what worked for me, and I was just about hopeless.

    You can use my name.

    Deborah P.

    Dr. Dahlman,

    Just a quick note to let you know I’m still doing VERY WELL!!! This is just wonderful, to be able to live a normal life again is so exciting. Your treatment is the only thing that worked, and the fact that you took time with me to actually figure out the problem was unbelievable. My gastro said these words, Don’t eat a lot of fat. That was it, my entire solution, according to him was to not eat a lot of fat. I’ve had problems now for decades, this is like a miracle. My heartfelt thanks go out to you.

    Thanks so much,


    Dr. Dahlman,

    Just wanted to say thanks for the great website and all your help. I don’t know if you remember us talking but after a flu shot I had diarrhea for almost 7 weeks. I went to my Dr. and a gastro. ----right!!! After seven days on your plan my gut turned around. You don’t know how much I appreciate your help.

    Thanks again,

    Dave H.

    Dr. Dahlman,

    I just want to let you know that I am still symptom-free after several months of being off the supplements. I still take food enzymes occasionally, but I am not experiencing the gas and IBS symptoms at all. I am so grateful to you and your program. I am back to eating most of the foods that I had to let go of while on the program. There’s not much I can’t eat. I haven’t tried tofu yet and eat few beans, but that’s OK.

    Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us. What a gift! I was skeptical and didn’t have much hope when we started working together. Then when I didn’t see the success I expected after the three months, I was really discouraged. But, after doing the intense dose of the Ultra Clear Sustain, things drastically improved.

    Take care and keep up the good work. I tell everyone I know about your program in hopes that they will take advantage of it. I’m happy to share my story of recovery from IBS. I NEVER thought I’d be free of it.

    Thanks again,

    Nanci Z

    Dr. D,

    Just a byte to express my appreciation for your IBS program. I have to admit I’m a well-schooled skeptic. I never expected those annoying and agonizing symptoms to shrink to mere shadows. My wife says she can now take me out in public without fear of embarrassment. I am grateful. She is ecstatic.

    I even dared to share the news with my family doctor. As soon as I uttered the word wellness, his eyes glazed over as he doodled aimlessly across his Rx pad. I have to give him some credit. He didn’t pass judgment, he didn’t scoff. He just said, I recommend you have a colonoscopy. His voice was neutral but his eyes had a sort of punitive glint.

    So I traipsed off to my favorite gastroenterologist. Of course he had to ask if I was taking anything for my irritable bowel. It’s required by the HMO handbook. I started to tell him about the diet and the supplements. At first he smiled patronizingly. You know that look. It’s the same one you got when you told your mother about the monster under your bed. Then I noticed he wasn’t there anymore. I know I can be boring but really.

    Then the nurse whispered conspiratorially into my ear, What’s his name?

    She was so sincere I started to spell it our for her, D-A-L-H, no, it’s D-E-H-L, no, no, it’s D-A-H-L-M… I felt a little twitch in my arm as the sedative pulsed through the IV. The rest is a blank.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Without your program I couldn’t even contemplate traveling to Italy to visit the grandchildren this year or maybe ever.

    Jim U.

    Dr. Dahlman,

    I would like to thank you for all you have done to help me with my IBS. It has been well over 5 months since beginning your program, and I am happy to report that I am feeling fantastic! I have added dairy back into my diet, as well as some of my favorite spicy foods and still so far so good. The hardest part is getting used to the idea that I can eat whatever I want, I guess the fear is still there that something will set if off again. Slowly I am beginning to believe that my IBS may be gone for good.

    Thanks to you and your generosity I am living a much happier life!



    Dr. Dahlman,

    I just wanted to take a moment and say Thank You. I ended my formal treatment for IBS with you the beginning of February. While I was undergoing treatment, there were some major changes for the better that happened. Since my treatment has ended, I still continue to see these wonderful changes that have given me my life back. I am at the point now where I can eat anything I want and I no longer live in fear. I am no longer anxious about what will bring on an attack, which at the height of my IBS it was just about everything. I am the calm, level - headed person I used to be. I am enjoying life again, only more because I appreciate it. My husband thanks you as well for giving him his wife back. I am much healthier and feel so much better. I recommend you whenever I can. You are a lifesaver!

    Thank You again for all you do.


    Elise H.

    Dr. Dahlman,

    I am feeling, eating and pooping great! You definitely know what you are doing, and I cannot thank you enough!


    Dr. Dahlman,

    Just thought you might appreciate my posting of this to the IBS Group bulletin board:

    Hi all, and have not posted much but have a lot to say on the subject. I have been struggling with IBS C for almost 30 years (I am 45 now). I have spent over $50,000 in my search for answers, seeing doctors, therapists, hypnotists, new age specialists, psychics, acupuncturists etc., and experimenting with every product and approach under the sun to help my body get well. Everything was a quick fix. I was like a junkie trying to find a new hit. I had originally concluded that I would just be addicted to laxatives and colonics to clean my system out and avoid the pain etc. and just accept that my body was screwed up forever. I know the agony that many of you go through day to day. Believe me I do.

    In the last few months, after being a patient of Dr. David Dahlman, my constipation does not exist. He has worked independently with me to tailor a program (diet and supplements) that meets my unique situation. The big change for me was saying

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