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Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences Sport Pedagogy Lesson Plan Template (Elementary and Middle School)

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Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 5/14/15

Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences

Sport Pedagogy Lesson Plan Template (Elementary and Middle
Background Information
Teacher: Logan Lazaro

Date: 4/4/16

School: Cleveland Elementary

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Lesson Focus: The focus of this lesson is to gain a base # Of students: 10 Students
understanding of the fundamentals of Soccer and
application of gameplay

Equipment and Facilities: Grass field/Black Top, 5

Soccer Balls, 10 cones.

Safety Considerations: Watch out for areas with large

holes in the grass area that students can potentially trip
over. If on black top, I would make sure to clear the
ground of all objects students might trip over. Also,
pick an area clear of basketball poles or playground
equipment. Also we are not kicking the ball at each
other, we are passing the ball low to the ground to
prevent students getting hit in the face.

Lesson Specifics
Behavioral Contingencies: Students will have one
warning, and two strikes after that. After the last strike
the student will sit out for a few minutes while the
other students play.

Previously Learned Skills: Students should have a base

understand of how to kick a soccer ball.

Teaching Strategy: Direct teaching and student


Academic Language: COTS (cues of the skill)

Passing the soccer ball:
Shooting soccer ball:
1. Target
2. Step
3. Laces

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 5/14/15

4. Follow through


Psychomotor (P): SWBAT Pass a soccer ball correctly to partner 70% of the time.
SWBAT kick a ball into goal 70% of the time.
Cognitive (C): SWBAT recite COTS for the skill of shooting a soccer ball during class to
fellow students and teacher.
H-R Fitness (H): SWBAT stay active with 50% MVPA using the skills learned in the lesson.


I. Demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform
a variety of physical activities.
4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

Describe the pre-class arrangement

Teacher: Waiting in the center of home base for the students to arrive
Students: Sitting in home base circle, waiting for the rest of students to arrive.
Equipment: Will be place and ready to for lesson plan to start.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 5/14/15

Diagram the pre-class arrangement

X = Teacher
O = Students

2-5 min Instant Activity: Today we will start the

day of with some physical fitness.

Diagram Instant

-Jog to fence and back

-10 push ups
-15 sit ups
-10 squats
-10 side straddle hops

X = Students
O = teacher

This consider the CA Standard I

- I would like to introduce
different dynamic psychomotor
movements so that the student
can warm their bodies up and to
prevent injuries.
Also to aid in muscular
endurance and proper technique
of exercise.

30 sec

Transition: Great Job, Students!

Lets move on to



Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 5/14/15


Set Induction:
Good Afternoon, Class. Last time we didn't
get through our whole lesson because of
misbehavior issues. Today we need to
practice some skills, and when we
complete them, we will have gameplay.
Last time we learned how to pass the ball.
We are going to learn the fundamentals of
how to kick a soccer ball. Now can I have
everyone find a partner to practice with and
sit down on a poly spot when you have.

Start/Stop Signals: If
you can hear me clap
once, clap twice, clap
three times!
Grouping Strategies:
Pick one partner to
work with.

CA Standard I and NASPE

standard 1 - Students will learn
how to kick a ball towards a
target for accuracy
NASPE standard 4 - Students
will need to be social and
cooperate with team players to
be successful in this type of
gameplay. (Modified soccer

Teach Cues of the skill for Soccer

Target, Step, Laces, Follow through.

30 sec - Transition: Now, can I have one partner

1 min
line up across for the other, so that



Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 5/14/15


Lesson Core - Task 1:

Students will line up with partner.
5 students will have the chance to kick
their ball at one time towards a goal. After
they have kicked the ball, they will receive
it for their partner and then their partner
will shoot the ball at goal.

Diagram Task 1
Student Diagram for

The goal for this task is for

students to successful kick/shoot
a soccer ball
Teaching Cues for Task 1:
Passing a soccer ball:
1. Laces 2. Step 3. Laces 4.
Follow through.

Extension: Students will move farther

away from the goal once they have gained
a confidence of shooting the soccer ball

Common Errors Task 1:

1. Students might not step to ball
on the initial kick of the ball.
2. Contacting the ball with their
toes instead of the laces on

Demonstration Plan:
Direct teaching / demonstration
Student demonstration.
Questions to Check Understanding
1. What are the COTS that will help you
perform the skill of shooting?
2. How do we stop the ball?

30 sec - Transition:
1 min
Awesome, now we will are going to
progress and play a game that requires all
of this skills we have been working on.



Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 5/14/15


Lesson Core - Task 2:

Modified soccer gameplay.
Students will be placed on two teams of
five. The only way a team can shoot a goal
is if they pass the ball to two different
teammates before shooting.

The goal for this task is for the

students to apply skills in
gameplay. They are forced to
pass the ball before they can
shoot a goal.
Common Errors - Task 2
1.Not passing the ball
2.Shooting before two passes to

There will be two goals. The sides will

switch after a one minute time period or a
team has scored a goal.


I hope that everyone had fun today.

Diagram The

Can anyone tell me what the cues of the

skill are for kicking a soccer ball?
very good!


Wednesday, we are going to work on some

more physical fitness, and then Get right
into gameplay.


Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 5/14/15

References Used: N/A

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