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Square Shape Cut Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna For Bandwidth Enhancement

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2014

Square shape cut slot Microstrip patch antenna for

bandwidth enhancement
Khushboo Naruka, Prof.(Dr.) Sudhir Kumar Sharma
[10]. The IE3D by Zeland Software Inc. has been recently
Abstract This paper presents a design of square shape cut considered as the benchmark for electromagnetic simulation
slot microstrip patch antenna and experimentally studied on packages. It is a full wave, method of moment (MOM)
IE3D, an electromagnetic simulation package by Zeland simulator solving the distribution on 3D and multilayered
Software Inc.. Sqaure shape cut slot microstip patch antenna is structures of general shape. The primary formulation of the
designed on a FR4 substrate of thickness 1.524 mm and relative IE3D is an integral equation obtained through the use of
permittivity of 4.4 and mounted above the ground plane at a Greens functions. In the IE3D, it is possible to model both
height of 1.6 mm. Bandwidth as high as 8.1 % are achieved
the electric current on a metallic structure and a magnetic
with stable pattern characteristics, such as gain and cross
polarization, within its bandwidth. Impedance bandwidth, current representing the field distribution on a metallic
antenna gain and return loss are observed for the proposed aperture.
antenna. Details of the measured and simulated results are In this paper, square shape cut slot microstrip patch antenna
presented and discussed. is designed in which cutting slot in square
shape(3mm3mm) . The patch mounted on FR4 substrate
Index Terms Microstrip antenna, Radiation pattern, (thickness=1.524mm) and above from ground plane at a
Returns loss. height of 1.6mm. It is found that proposed design can also
cause significant lowering of antennas fundamental resonant
frequency due to increased length of the probe feed.
In high performance aircraft, spacecraft, satellite, and
missile applications where size, weight, cost, performance, II. ANTENNA DESIGN
ease of installation, low profile, easy integration to circuits, Designing an antenna in the Wi-max band meant that the
high efficiency antennas may be required. Presently there are antenna dimension could be bulky which is un-welcomed.
many other government and commercial applications, such Owing to it objective is to design a reduced size wide band
as mobile radio and wireless communication [1]. To meet microstrip antenna; the design idea was taken from
these requirements microstrip antenna can be used. These broadband antennas to make the antenna work in a large
antennas are low profile, conformal to planar and non-planar band of frequencies of the many broadband antennas, square
surface, simple and inexpensive to manufacture using patch antenna was chosen [4]. Hence the chosen shape is
modern printed circuit technology, mechanically robust square shape cut slot microstrip patch antenna, with an aim
when mounted on rigid surface; compatible with MMIC to achieve smaller size antenna [5]. The geometry of
designs and when the particular shape and mode are selected designed microstrip antenna is presented in fig.1 with front
they are very versatile in terms of resonant frequency, (top) view.
polarization, field pattern and impedance.
Microstrip antenna consist of a very thin metallic strip
(patch) placed a small fraction of a wavelength above a
ground plane. The patch and ground plane are separated by
dielectric material. Patch and ground both are fabricated by
using conducting material [2].
However the major disadvantage of the microstrip patch
antenna is its inherently narrow impedance bandwidth.
Much intensive research has been done in recent years to
develop bandwidth enhancement techniques [9]. These
techniques includes the utilization of thick substrates with
low dialectic constant .The use of electronically thick
substrate only result in limited success because a large
inductance is introduce by the increased length of the probe
feed, resulting few percentage of bandwidth at resonant
The purpose of this work is to design a microstrip patch
antenna using commercial simulation software like IE3D

Manuscript received March 20, 2014

Khushboo Naruka, Department of ECE JNU, Jaipur,
Prof.(Dr.) Sudhir Kumar Sharma, Department of ECE JNU, Jaipur.

167 www.erpublication.org
Square shape cut slot Microstrip patch antenna for bandwidth enhancement

Fig.1 Geometry of proposed square shape cut slot with

microstrip patch antenna length= 6.65 mm and width 9.41
This square microstrip patch antenna with circular hole is
fabricated on a FR4 substrate of thickness 1.524 mm and
relative permittivity of 4.4. It is mounted above the ground
plane at height of 1.6 mm [6]. In this work, co-axial or probe
feed technique is used as its main advantage is that, the feed
can be placed at any place in the patch to match with its input
impedance (usually 50 ohm). The software used to model and
simulate the antenna was IE3D, it can be used to calculate
and plot return loss, VSWR, radiation pattern, smith chart
and various other parameters.


The proposed antenna has been simulated using IE3D by

Zeland software Inc. [10]. Fig.2 shows the variation of return
loss with frequency. Plot result shows resonant frequency 9.5
GHz. And total available impedance band width is 8.1%
from the proposed antenna. Minimum -14.82db return loss is
available at resonant frequency which is significant. Fig.3
shows the input impedance loci using smith chart. Figure 6
shows that the 3 dimensional radiation pattern of antenna. Figure 3 Smith chart of double layer microstrip patch
Figure 4 shows the VSWR plot. Figure 5 shows the antenna at 50 ohm
relationship between Gain and Frequency.In this paper gain
is obtained 2.760 at resonant frequency 9.5GHz. Figure 6
shows the three dimensional plot of designed square shape
cut slot microstrip patch antenna.

Figure 4 VSWR of double layer microstrip patch antenna at

9.5 GHz frequency is 1.4.

Figure 2 Return loss of double layer circular shape cut slot

microstrip patch antenna is -14.82 db at 9.5 GHz frequency

168 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2014

[1] James, J.R. and Hall, P.S.: Handbook of Microstrip Antennas

(Peter Peregrinus)
[2] Constantine A. Balanis : Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design
(John Wiley & Sons)
[3] Lu JH, Tang CL, Wong KL, Novel dual-frequency and broadband
designs of the slot-loaded equilateral Triangular Microstrip
Antenna IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 2000;48;1048-54.
[4] Row JS. Dual-frequency triangular planar inverted-f Antenna
IEEE Tran Antennas Propag 2005;53;874-6.
[5] Kai-Fong Lee, Kwai- Man Luk, Jashwant S. Dahele, Characteristics
of the Equilateral Triangular Patch Antenna IEEE Tran.
Antennas Propag.1988;36;1510.
[6] C. L. Mak, K. M. Luk, K. F. Lee, Wideband Triangular Patch
Antenna IEEE. Proc. Microwave Antennas Propag. 1999.
[7] Shan-Cheng Pan and Kin- Lu Wong, Dual Frequency Triangular
Microstrip Antenna with Shorting Pin IEEE Tran. Antennas
[8] D.M. Pozar and D. H. Shaubert, Microstrip Antennas : The Analysis
and Design of Microstrip Antenna and Array IEEE Press,Inc.,
[9] I. J. Bahl and P. Bhartia, Microstrip Antennas, Artech House,
Dedham, MA, 1980.
[10] IE3D Users Manual, Release 9, Zeland Software, Inc.

Figure 5 shows the relation between gain and frequency.

Figure 6 shows that the three dimensional plot of Double

layer microstrip patch antenna

The design has demonstrated that a single probe feed square
shape cut slot microstrip patch antenna can be used to form
an antenna with impedance bandwidth of 8.1% working in
Wi-max wireless communication system with resonant
frequency 9.5 GHz. These modern communication systems
require antennas with broadband and/or multi-frequency
operation modes. These goals have been accomplished
employing slotted patch for the radiating element, with the
aim to preserve compactness requirements and to maintain
the overall layout as simply as possible and keeping the
realization cost very low. In future by cutting slots on square
microstrip antenna reduced patch size and improved
bandwidth can be achieved.

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