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Nital is commonly used to reveal ferrite grains and martensite in carbon and low-alloy steels. Higher concentrations of nitric acid in nital etch faster. Tint etchants chemically deposit a film on the surface to distinguish microstructural features.

The main use for nital is to reveal ferrite grains and martensite in most carbon and low-alloy steels and cast irons. It is also useful in etching bainitic steels.

Common tint etchants include sodium metabisulfite, which produces darker stains with higher concentrations. It can reveal bainite, martensite, and retained austenite.

222 / Metallographers Guide The Art of Revealing Microstructure / 223

the following etchants should work for most low-carbon and In mixing the solution, it is recommended that the nitric acid be delineated by the ferrite grain boundaries. In this microstructure, AISI/SAE 1020 steel. The packets of lath martensite in this
low-alloy steels as well as most cast irons. poured into a beaker containing the measured amount of alcohol. several cementite particles can be seen at the ferrite grain microstructure are clearly seen. The use of 2% nital is also shown
The beaker should be on a magnetic stirring device so that as the boundaries (see arrows). The cementite is difficult to see, because in the series of carbon-iron alloys in Fig. 8.10. Figure 8.10 shows
nitric acid is poured into the alcohol, it is quickly mixed into the it blends in with the grain boundaries. In the next section, it is seen packets of lath martensite in a 0.2% C-iron, and Fig. 8.10(b)
The Attack Etchants solution. that Marshalls reagent is much more effective in revealing all (0.4% C-iron) and Fig. 8. 10(c) (0.6% C-iron) show lath marten-
Major Uses. The main use for nital is to reveal ferrite grains ferrite grain boundaries and highlighting the cementite particles. site with some plate martensite (arrows). Plate martensite can be
Nital Figure 8.9 shows a 2% nital etch applied to a water-quenched seen in Fig. 8.11, which represents a 0.93% C, 14.5% Ni steel
and martensite in most carbon and low-alloy steels and cast irons.
Ingredients of 2% Nital: It is also useful in etching bainitic steels. The etchant attacks the
2 mL nitric acid (concentrated) (1 to 5% solutions can also be ferrite grains and grain boundaries to produce relief on the
used) specimen surface. Figure 8.8 shows a low-carbon sheet steel
98 mL ethyl alcohol etched in 2% nital for 30 s. Note that most of the ferrite grains are

Description. Historically, the most common etchant is a simple

solution of concentrated nitric acid in alcohol. The etchant name,
nital, is an acronym for nitric acid and alcohol. Ethyl alcohol (also
called ethanol) is preferred over methyl alcohol (methanol),
because it is less toxic. The authors prefer a mixture of 2 ml of
nitric acid in 98 mL of ethyl alcohol (2% nital). However, other
concentrations of nitric acid can be used, that is, 1 to 5% nitric
acid. A 1% solution of nital reacts slower than 2% nital. The
higher the concentration of nitric acid, the faster the etching
response. If nital is prepared with a nitric acid concentration of
over 4%, methyl alcohol should be used, because ethyl-alcohol-
based mixtures at these higher nitric acid concentrations can
become unstable. Also, these higher concentrations should not be
stored. Ethyl alcohol denatured with a small amount of methyl
alcohol is a less expensive substitute for pure ethyl alcohol (200
proof). If denatured ethyl alcohol is employed, the metallographer
must avoid denaturing agents such as benzene and aviation fuel.
These agents produce a different etching response and can usually
be detected by their odor.
Fig. 8.8 Low-carbon steel etched in 2% nital. Note grain-boundary car-
bides (arrows) are difficult to see. 1803
Table 8.1 Quick reference guide to common attack
etchants for carbon steels, low-alloy steels, and cast irons

To reveal or enhance
General microstructure First 4% picral, then 2% nital
(unknown beforehand)
Ferrite grains and grain boundaries 2% nital or Marshalls reagent
Grain-boundary carbides 4% picral
Carbide networks 4% picral
Both ferrite grains and carbides 4% picral 1 2% nital or Marshalls
Pearlite 4% picral
Bainite 4% picral
Granular bainite (martensite-austenite 4% picral
Martensite, as-quenched 2% nital
Martensite, tempered 4% picral 1 2% nital
Prior austenite grain boundaries Winsteards (modified) or boiling
alkaline sodium picrate
or Marshalls reagent or saturated
aqueous picric acid
General segregation 4% picral or Winsteards (modified)
Nonmetallic inclusions 4% picral
Epitaxial ferrite Marshalls reagent
Cold-worked ferrite 2 nital or Marshalls reagent

To color or darken A water-quenched AISI/SAE 1020 steel showing lath martensite. A series of water-quenched iron-carbon alloys. (a) 0.2% C-iron alloy showing lath martensite, (b) 0.4% C-iron alloy showing lath martensite and
Carbides, but not ferrite Boiling alkaline sodium picrate Fig. 8.9 Fig. 8.10
2% nital etch. 3203 a small quantity of plate martensite (see arrows), and (c) 0.6% C-iron alloy showing lath martensite with plate martensite. 2% nital etch. 5003
224 / Metallographers Guide The Art of Revealing Microstructure / 225

etched in 2% nital. The unetched constituent is retained austenite. Marshalls Reagent Major Uses. Although 2% nital has been the etchant of choice Marshalls reagent has also been used to delineate epitaxial
Nital will not attack austenite as it does ferrite and martensite. for many decades, more recently, Marshalls reagent has been ferrite in steels that have been heat treated and cooled from the
Nital will not attack carbides but will enhance the interface Ingredients: used for low-carbon steels to sharpen the ferrite grain boundaries. two-phase ferrite plus austenite region. An example of using
between the carbide and the matrix. For example, the carbides in Part A Many times, 2% nital does not produce a complete ferrite Marshalls reagent for epitaxial ferrite in a low-carbon steel is
the air-cooled specimen of an AISI A2 tool steel in Fig. 8.12 were 5 mL sulfuric acid (concentrated) grain-boundary network, that is, gaps can be found in many of the seen in Fig. 8.18. Note the envelopes or halos around the ferrite
not attacked by the 2% nital etch, but the carbide interfaces were 8 g oxalic acid grain boundaries in a particular field of view (see Fig. 8.8). These grains at the prior austenite grain boundaries (see arrows). This
enhanced and the martensite darkened. 100 mL water gaps can be a problem in measuring ferrite grain size either
manually or by image analysis. Marshalls reagent, on the other
Part B hand, provides a complete network. Figure 8.13 shows the same
30% solution hydrogen peroxide steel in Fig. 8.8 but etched with Marshalls reagent. Also, it should
be noted that the grain-boundary cementite particles (arrows) are
Description. Marshalls reagent is a two-part etchant, with part more clearly seen when etched with Marshalls reagent. A
A consisting of 5 ml of sulfuric acid and 8 g of oxalic acid (solid higher-magnification view of this effect is seen in Fig. 8.14.
white crystals) in 100 mL of water. Part A is prepared by adding Another use for Marshalls reagent is in revealing recrystallized
the sulfuric acid to the water during stirring. There is a small grains in a partially annealed, cold worked microstructure. Figure
amount of heat generated as a result of the reaction. The oxalic 8.15(a) shows a small percentage of newly formed recrystallized
acid crystals are then added to this warm solution. Just before grains that have nucleated at prior austenite grain boundaries of a
using Marshalls reagent, part A is mixed with equal parts of part cold-worked low-carbon steel. Figure 8.15(b) shows the same
B, a 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Normally a one to three steel after almost complete recrystallization. Note the sharpness in
second immersion is adequate for proper results. Always use a the ferrite grain boundaries. The elongated unetched grains are
freshly mixed solution, because the etchant has a short life span. unrecrystallized areas (recovery has taken place but not recrystal-
When using Marshalls reagent, always immerse the specimen so lization). Figure 8.16 shows a fully cold-worked low-carbon steel
that the polished surface is vertical in the solution. This orienta- etched with Marshalls reagent. In some as-quenched low-carbon
tion prevents pits from forming on the surface. The etching steels, the prior austenite grain boundaries can be delineated by
reaction is very effervescent. If no visible reaction occurs, a three Marshalls reagent. Figure 8.17 shows an example of a water-
second etch in 2% nital is required before Marshalls reagent is quenched low-alloy steel etched in Marshalls reagent. Note the
used. Sometimes, the metallographer may use a 20 second etch in sharpness of the prior austenite grain boundaries. The background
2% nital after etching in Marshalls reagent. This postetch will structure within the austenite grains represents packets of lath
increase the chemical attack and further sharpen the grain bound- martensite not fully resolved by this etchant. Note the small region
Fig. 8.11 Plate martensite in water-quenched 0.93% C, 14.5% Ni steel. aries. of ferrite that nucleated on one of the austenite grain boundaries
The unetched areas between the martensite plates are retained (center of micrograph).
austenite. 2% nital etch. 1003

Fig. 8.13 Low-carbon steel etched in Marshalls reagent. Note the grain- Fig. 8.15 Partially annealed cold-worked low-carbon steel showing (a) a
Fig. 8.12 Carbides in an AISI A2 tool steel. Note the carbides are not boundary Fe3C carbides (arrows) are clearly seen. Also note that few recrystallized grains in a cold-worked matrix and (b) an
attacked, but their boundaries are enhanced. 2% nital etch. all the ferrite grain boundaries are delineated. Compare with the same steel Fig. 8.14 A higher-magnification view of the low-carbon steel in Fig. 8.14. unrecrystallized area (recovered grains) in a fully recrystallized matrix.
10003 etched in 2% nital in Fig. 8.8. 2003 Note grain-boundary Fe3C carbides. Marshalls reagent. 5003 Marshalls reagent. 2503
226 / Metallographers Guide The Art of Revealing Microstructure / 227

ferrite is a result of austenite forming on the prior austenite grain as seen in Fig. 8.19. The substructure, sometimes called veining, 8 g oxalic acid (b), respectively. The 2% nital etch in Fig. 8.20(a) shows the
boundaries when the steel was heated into the two-phase region is more subtle than the darker ferrite grain boundaries. 100 mL water ineffectiveness of this etch for very-low-carbon steels. The IF
just above the lower critical temperature. The ferrite in the center steel etched in modified Marshalls reagent in Fig. 8.20(b) shows
of the grains never transformed to austenite. When the steel Modified Marshalls Reagent Part B almost every ferrite grain boundary delineated. This modified
cooled to room temperature, the austenite transformed back to form of Marshalls reagent is useful for preparing specimens for
30% solution hydrogen peroxide
ferrite, leaving a ghostlike image shown in Fig. 8.18. Marshalls Ingredients: ferrite grain size measurements using image analysis techniques.
reagent can also etch the boundaries of substructure in pure iron, Part A Modified Marshalls reagent can also be used to delineate the
5 mL sulfuric acid (concentrated) Part C pearlite colony boundaries of a fully pearlitic steel. An example is
4 drops hydrofluoric acid seen in Fig. 8.21 where the colony boundaries of fully pearlitic
AISI/SAE 1080 steel are outlined using the modified Marshalls
Description. Marshalls reagent can be modified by adding a reagent.
few drops of hydrofluoric acid. This addition produces a more From the previous examples, it can clearly be seen that
uniform etching response. The hydrofluoric acid is added last. Marshalls reagent and modified Marshalls reagent are extremely
When handling hydrofluoric acid, extreme care must be taken to useful in microstructural development. The authors are using
protect the skin from contact with the acid. Hydrofluoric acid is these reagents for most applications where 2% nital was once
extremely corrosive to human skin and can cause serious acid employed.
burns. Latex gloves, an acid-resistant laboratory coat, and eye
protection must be worn when using hydrofluoric acid. This acid Picral
is so corrosive that it even attacks glass. Therefore, hydrofluoric
acid is never stored in glass bottles and is never used in glass 4% Picral
beakers or porcelain dishes. Always use plastic containers when
mixing and using this modified Marshalls reagent. For best Ingredients:
results, etch while the solution is in an ultrasonic device. 4 g picric acid
Major uses. Marshalls reagent is modified with hydrofluoric 96 mL ethyl alcohol
acid to enhance ferrite grain boundaries even more clearly than 5 drops zephiran chloride (wetting agent)
those developed in the standard reagent formulation. This etchant
thus produces much sharper delineation of ferrite grain boundaries Description. Picral is an etchant that contains picric acid
than 2% nital in very-low-carbon steels such as interstitial-free (2,4,6-trinitrophenol) dissolved in alcohol. The name picral is an
(IF) steels. For example, a titanium-stabilized, IF steel was etched acronym for picric acid and alcohol. As with nital, ethyl alcohol
Fig. 8.16 A fully cold-worked low-carbon steel. Marshalls reagent. 1003
in 2% nital and modified Marshalls reagent in Fig. 8.20(a) and is preferred over methyl alcohol for toxicity reasons. As with nital
Fig. 8.17 Water-quenched low-alloy steel showing clearly delineated
prior austenite grain boundaries. Matrix is lath martensite.
Marshalls reagent. 2003

Fig. 8.18 A dual-phase steel showing epitaxial ferrite (new ferrite) at prior
austenite grain boundaries. The epitaxial ferrite formed when
the steel was heated into the two-phase region. Austenite formed at the grain
boundaries, and ferrite transformed epitaxially on the old ferrite upon cooling. Fig. 8.19 Pure iron showing veining (substructure) within the ferrite Fig. 8.20 Very-low carbon interstitial-free steel (a) etched in 2% nital, where only a few of the ferrite boundaries are attacked, and (b) etched in modified
Marshalls reagent. 5003 grains. Marshalls reagent. 2003 Marshalls reagent, where most ferrite boundaries are delineated. 4003
228 / Metallographers Guide The Art of Revealing Microstructure / 229

discussed previously, if denatured ethyl alcohol is used, it is immerse the specimen in a beaker of alcohol, followed by flushing Description. A few drops of hydrochloric acid added to picral Saturated Aqueous Picric Acid
important to avoid benzene and aviation fuel as denaturing the surface with a stream of alcohol from a squeeze bottle. Because provide more effective etching response.
additives. Methyl alcohol is an acceptable additive. picric acid is almost insoluble in water, the alcohol immersion and Major Uses. Picral plus hydrochloric acid is used to sharpen Ingredients:
This etchant is called 4% picral even though the picric acid is flush is necessary to remove all the final traces of the etchant from features in low-alloy steels containing moderate to high amounts 10 g picric acid
not in liquid form and 4 g of solid picral only approximates 4 mL the specimen. If the specimen contains pores or cracks, it is advis- of chromium. The enhanced picral reagent sharpens grains and 100 mL water
of liquid. The solution should be mixed while being magnetically able to immerse the specimen in a beaker of alcohol and agitate the carbides. 1 g sodium tridecylbenzene sulfanate (wetting agent)
stirred. The picric acid crystals are added during the stirring beaker, using an ultrasonic cleaning device. One problem with pi-
action. It must be remembered that the yellow picric acid crystals cral is its ability to stain yellow almost anything it touches, particu- Description. Water is used instead of alcohol as the solvent of
are explosive, and as a precaution, they are always kept moist (dry larly the skin and clothing. To prevent staining, do not allow the the picric acid. However, only about 1% picric acid will dissolve
crystals of picric acid should never be touched or handled by the solution to splash or come into contact with your fingers (latex rub-
metallographer). Caution should be taken when handling and ber gloves should be used) or clothing.
storing picric acid. Some laboratories do not allow the use of For best results, a few drops (approximately five) of a wetting
picric acid for safety reasons. This is very unfortunate for the agent called zephiran chloride (a 17% solution) in 100 mL, when
metallographers in those laboratories, because if properly added to 4% picral, will enhance the contrast between constituents
handled, picric acid can be used safely. and will increase etching speed. A 17% solution of zephiran
One feature of picric acid is unusual in that the more it is used chloride can be found in most drug stores. A wetting agent is a
to etch specimens, the stronger the etching reaction. Upon use, the surface-active agent or surfactant that modifies the surface energy
solution will become darker in color. For its very first use, the between the solid specimen surface and the liquid etchant.
metallographer does not know how long to leave the specimen in Major Uses. Picral is used for steels containing pearlite,
the solution, because it is unpredictable. However, with more use, bainite, tempered martensite, cementite, and other carbides. It is
the etching time becomes more predictable. particularly useful for heat treated carbon and low-alloy steels and
tool steels. As opposed to nital that attacks ferrite grains and grain
boundaries, picral attacks interfaces between ferrite and carbides
Metallographic Tip: In order to have a predictable and is not sensitive to pearlite colony orientation. An example of
etching time when using 4% picral, place a piece of the use of picral is shown in Fig. 8.22, which represents a
steel (about 30 g [1 oz]) in the solution before using. water-hardenable tool steel (grade W1) in the normalized condi-
The steel will darken the solution by producing iron tion. Figure 8.22(a) shows the W1 tool steel etched in 2% nital. As
ions. The release of these ions will heighten the can be seen, many of the pearlite colonies are not delineated and
reaction for etching metallographic specimens. appear as grayish patches. In Fig. 8.22(b), where the same steel is
etched in 4% picral, most of the pearlite colonies are etched, and
the dispersion of rounded carbides is more evident. Picral is not
When rinsing the specimen after etching in 4% picral, it is ad- sensitive to orientation of the pearlite constituents and will etch Fig. 8.23 Carbides in a low-carbon steel. 4% picral. 15003
visable to rinse in water to remove the bulk of the etchant, then evenly, whereas nital is very sensitive to orientation and will
attack the microstructure unevenly. An example of picral attacking
the interfaces of carbide particles is seen in Fig. 8.23 and 8.24.
This specimen in Fig. 8.23 shows carbides clearly delineated by
the 4% picral etch. Figure 8.24 shows carbides (arrows) formed
from a carbon stain on the surface of a batched-annealed low-
carbon steel sheet. The carbides prevented uniform phosphating of
the surface.

Variations of Picral
There are a number of important etchants that are variations of
the standard 4% picric formula. Some of these variations employ
water instead of alcohol, and others are used hot instead of at
room temperature.

Picral Plus Hydrochloric Acid

4 g picric acid
96 mL ethyl alcohol Fig. 8.22 A normalized water-hardenable AISI W1 tool steel (1.03% C)
etched in (a) 2% nital, where some of the pearlite colonies Fig. 8.24 Surface carbides resulting from a carbon stain on the sheet
Fig. 8.21 Pearlite colonies are outlined in an AISI/SAE 1080 steel using 5 drops hydrochloric acid appear as grayish patches, and (b) 4% picral, where the pearlite colonies are surface of a batch-annealed low-carbon steel (see arrows). 4%
modified Marshalls reagent. 2003 5 drops zephiran chloride etched and the carbides more clearly delineated. 10003 picral plus zephiran chloride. 10003
230 / Metallographers Guide The Art of Revealing Microstructure / 231

in water at room temperature. By mixing 10 g of picric acid preferred). The picric acid is first added to the alcohol while Description. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) dissolved in 100 mL the dissolution of the picric acid crystals. Before etching, the
crystals in 100 mL of water, only a portion of the crystals will stirring is taking place. The picric acid crystals are then dissolved of distilled water provides an alkaline pH to alter the acid pH of solution is heated to boiling and held for five to ten minutes. The
dissolve upon stirring. After stirring, the saturated liquid should be in the solution with continuous stirring action. The hydrochloric the picric acid. First, the sodium hydroxide is added to the water specimen is immersed into the boiling solution.
decanted from the undissolved crystals. In order to produce acid is added last. while being stirred. The ensuing exothermic reaction produces Major Uses. This etchant is useful in darkening cementite.
etching uniformity and reproducable speed, 1 g of sodium Major Uses. Another etchant that delineates prior austenite enough heat to dissolve most of the picric acid, which is added Figure 8.1(b) shows an example of using the boiling alkaline
tridecylbenzene sulfanate should be added as a wetting agent to grain boundaries in a martensitic quenched and tempered steel is next with continuous stirring. The warming of the mixture assists sodium picrate etchant for darkening the cementite constituent in
100 ml of solution. Note that zephiran chloride, which is used in Vilellas reagent. The etchant works best when the martensite is an AISI/SAE 1040 steel. Figure 8.1(a) is the same steel etched in
4% picral, is not added as a wetting agent. Zephiran chloride, tempered between 300 and 500 C (570 and 930 F). Figure 4% picral. In the darkening of a carbide phase such as cementite,
which works well in an alcohol-based solution, does not work 8.25(a) shows prior austenite grain boundaries in a welded the metallographer has a tool to identify carbide phases in a mixed
well in a water-based solution. Also, sodium tridecylbenzene heat-affected zone of American Society of Mechanical Engineers microstructure. The previously discussed etchants are all used for
sulfanate works well in water-based solutions but not in alcohol- (ASME) T-23 steel. The martensite was tempered at 700 C (1300 chemical attack of the constituents in a microstructure. Because
based solutions. F). Figure 8.25(b) shows that the austenite grain boundaries are none of these etchants darken a constituent, it is sometimes
Major Uses. To reveal prior austenite grain boundaries in a decorated with carbides from the tempering process. These difficult to distinguish between small regions of retained austenite,
fully martensitic microstructure, saturated aqueous picric acid is carbides at the boundaries are the reason the prior austenitic ferrite, and cementite. With boiling sodium picrate, the cementite
normally employed. Often, the metallographer is asked to mea- boundaries can be seen. A similar example is shown in Fig. 8.26, is easily distinguishable. Boiling alkaline sodium picrate can be
sure prior austenite grain size, because it is a very important which shows prior austenitic grain boundaries in a quenched and used to enhance prior austenitic grain boundaries. However, as
metallographic feature that relates to mechanical properties and in tempered 0.23% C, 3.4% Ni, 1.7% Cr, 0.5% Mo steel. The steel seen in Fig. 8.28(a) and (b), the technique requires addditional
determining proper heat treatment. Etching results and etching was subject to surface oxidation, which penetrated the austenite etching in nital and picral. The as-quenched 0.5% Mo-B steel was
time can be improved by etching the specimen with the aid of an grain boundaries. Vilellas reagent is also useful in etching etched for ten minutes in boiling alkaline sodium picrate, followed
ultrasonic cleaning device. For steels containing over 1% Si, a martensitic stainless steels and tool steels. This etchant can also be by etching for ten seconds in 2% nital and 20 seconds in 4% picral
small amount of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) can be applied to any ferrite-carbide microstructure. Figure 8.27 shows with hydrochloric acid. After etching, the specimen was lightly
added to prevent staining. an AISI D2 tool steel etched in Vilellas reagent. Note the wiped on a dry polishing cloth (rayon type).
sharpness of the carbide particles and grain-boundary carbide
Vilellas Reagent networks in this microstructure.

Ingredients: Winsteards Reagent

1 g picric acid Boiling Alkaline Sodium Picrate Ingredients:
5 mL hydrochloric acid (concentrated) Part A:
100 mL ethyl alcohol Ingredients: Fig. 8.26 Quenched and tempered 0.23% C, 3.4% Ni, 1.7% Cr, 0.5% Mo
steel showing oxidation penetrating the austenitic grain bound-
2 g picric acid
2 g picric acid aries. The austenite grain boundaries are also delineated, because they are 10 mL ethyl alcohol
Description. It consists of 5 mL of hydrochloric acid mixed 25 g sodium hydroxide decorated with carbides. Vilellas reagent. 5003
with 1 g of picric acid and 100 ml of alcohol (ethyl alcohol 100 mL water Part B:
200 mL water
5 mL sodium tridecylbenzene sulfanate (40% solution)

Ingredients: (modification)
Part A:
2 g picric acid
10 mL ethyl alcohol

Part B:
200 mL water
5 mL sodium tridecylbenzene sulfanate (40% solution)
5 drops hydrochloric acid

Description. This water-based reagent is mixed in two parts,

because picric acid is very difficult to dissolve in water. The picric
acid/alcohol solution is prepared first. This solution is then added
to the water, and sodium tridecylbenzene sulfanate is added as a
wetting agent. For effective etching, this reagent is used hot,
between 60 and 70 C (140 and 160 F). Modified Winsteards
reagent contains the addition of five drops of hydrochloric acid.
Fig. 8.27 An AISI D2 tool steel showing large eutectic carbides and small As in the unmodified solution, effective etching is achieved if this
carbides in a martensitic matrix. Vilellas reagent. 5003 reagent is used hot, between 60 and 70 C (140 and 160 F ). In
Fig. 8.25 The tempered martensitic microstructure in the heat-affected zone of a welded ASME SA 213 T-23 steel showing (a) prior austenite grain boundaries
and (b) the grain boundaries decorated with carbides. Vilellas reagent. 4003 and 15003, respectively
232 / Metallographers Guide The Art of Revealing Microstructure / 233

using Winsteards reagent, if the unmodified solution does not sition F low-alloy steel etched for 1.5 minutes in modified 4% Picral and 2% Nital Basic Tint Etchants for Carbon and Low-Alloy
work, try etching in a beaker placed in an ultrasonic cleaning Winsteards reagent. The solution was heated to 65 C (130 F). Steels and Cast Irons
device. If it still does not work, try using the modified version The prior austenite grain boundaries in this quenched and tem- Description. For etching specimens with ferrite plus pearlite
with five drops of hydrochloric acid. pered low-alloy plate are clearly seen. A similar example of microstructures, 4% picral (aged) and 2% nital can be mixed Some metallographic reagents react with the surface of the
Major Uses. Winsteards reagent is used to delineate prior etching in modified Winsteards reagent is shown in Fig. 8.30 for together in equal parts. In some cases, the specimen is used as a constituents in the microstructure to form what appear as films or
austenite grain boundaries, as shown in Fig. 8.29 and 8.30. Figure a water-quenched 0.27% C, 1.0% Mn, 1.02% Cr, 0.27% Mo steel. two-step etching procedure by first etching in 4% picral followed tints. These reagents are grouped as tint etchants (Table 8.2). The
8.29 represents a quenched and tempered MIL-S-23194 compo- In this case, the solution was heated to 70 C (160 F). by 2% nital. After step one, rinse in water and alcohol immedi- surface is not physically altered, such as the attack etchants
ately. After etching, the specimen should be rinsed in water and
alcohol and dried in a warm air blast.
Major Uses. For ferrite-pearlite steels and ferritic steels con-
taining carbides, a combination etch using mixed 4% picral and
2% nital will delineate the boundaries between the carbides and
ferrite and the ferrite grain boundaries. Figure 8.31 shows the
results of the combination picral/nital etch used on an annealed
and air-cooled bar of AISI/SAE 1018 steel. The ferrite grain
boundaries are clearly shown, along with the regions of pearlite.
A similar but coarser microstructure can be seen in an AISI/SAE
1018 steel bar in the cold-finished (cold worked at the surface)
condition in Fig. 8.32. Note in this case, the ferrite grains are
slightly elongated. It is interesting that the steel in Fig. 8.31 had
a notch toughness absorbed energy value (Charpy test) of 156 J
(115 ft lbf), whereas the steel in Fig. 8.32 had a notch toughness
absorbed energy value of only 9 J (7 ft lbf). The lower value is
due to the cold work in the latter steel bar.
An example of using the two-step procedure is shown in Fig.
8.33. In this case, a water-quenched and tempered AISI/SAE 1020
steel was etched to bring up the carbides (4% picral) and the
residual martensite lath boundaries (2% nital). A free-machining
AISI/SAE 1213 steel bar was etched in 4% picral followed by 2%
nital, as seen in Fig. 8.34. In this microstructure, there is ferrite
Fig. 8.29 Prior austenite grain boundaries in a quenched and tempered plus pearlite banding, manganese sulfide inclusions, and a ferritic Fig. 8.32 Cold-finished AISI/SAE 1018 steel showing ferrite plus pearlite
MIL-S-23194 composition F-steel forging. Modified Winsteards microstructure. Equal parts 4% picral (aged) mixed with 2%
etch. 5003
matrix. The two-part etch reveals all constituents. nital etch. 2003

Fig. 8.28 Prior austenite grain boundaries in a quenched 0.5% Mo-B

steel. (a) 2003 and (b) 5003. Boiling alkaline sodium picrate Fig. 8.30 A water-quenched 0.27% C, 1.0% Mn, 1.02% Cr, 0.27% Mo Fig. 8.31 Air-cooled AISI/SAE 1018 steel showing a ferrite plus pearlite Fig. 8.33 Water-quenched and tempered AISI/SAE 1020 steel showing
etch followed by 10 seconds in 2% nital etch and 20 seconds in 4% picral steel showing prior austenite grain boundaries. The dark bands microstructure. Equal parts 4% picral (aged) mixed with 2% fine carbides and residual laths of martensite. 4% picral fol-
etch are due to segregation in the bar. Modified Winsteards etch. 2503 nital etch. 2003 lowed by 2% nital etch. 5003
234 / Metallographers Guide

extremely important and must be properly prepared in order to

ensure a uniform and effective chemical deposit. The chemically
deposited film is very fragile and requires a different etching
procedure. It is recommended that the following set of simple
rules be followed for proper tint etching:
Rule 1: Always use a freshly mixed solution. Generally, tint
etchants are not stored for future use.
Rule 2: Always use a freshly polished surface. If no reaction is
occurring on the specimen surface or if the reaction is spotty,
the specimen may have been in the air too long, and a passive
film has formed on the surface. To recover the surface, the
specimen should be lightly pre-etched in 2% nital. After the
pre-etch, immerse the specimen in water and then into the tint
etching solution. Do not dry the specimen surface before
immersion into the tint etch solution.
Rule 3: When etching, always watch the surface of the
specimen. It is important to obtain the proper color from tint
etchant. Knowing the proper color comes with experience.
Rule 4: Do not agitate the specimen in the tint etching solution.
Movement of the specimen can disturb the fragile chemically
deposited surface film.
Fig. 8.34 Free-machining AISI/SAE 1213 steel bar showing ferrite plus Rule 5: Do not swab the surface of the specimen while etching.
pearlite banding, manganese sulfide inclusions, and a ferrite
matrix. 4% picral followed by 2% nital etch. 3203 Swabbing will damage and physically remove the chemically
deposited surface film.
containing acids, but result in a chemically deposited film on the Rule 6: If the specimen surface is underetched (undertinted),
surface. They are very useful in distinguishing martensite in a the metallographer must start over. Never put the specimen
mixed microstructure. They are also important in color metallog- back into the solution without repolishing the surface. A quick
raphy. The common tint etchants are aqueous solutions of sodium repolish (less than ten seconds) with 0.3 m aluminum oxide
or potassium metabisulfite and/or sodium thiosulfate. It is the (alumina) is all that is necessary. Remember, this is a thin
metabisulfite (S2O522) and the thiosulfate (S2O322) ions that are surface stain and it is not formed by chemical attack, as in the
the active ingredients in the etchant. In aqueous or acidic case of most etchants.
solutions, the metabisulfite and thiosulfate ions decompose into Rule 7: Never flush the specimen surface with a stream of
sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, and hydrogen. The water from the tap. Rinse the specimen by gentle immersion in
presence of sulfur and the sulfur compounds provides the sulfur a beaker of water.
(S22) ion that creates a sulfide film on the steel surface. Rule 8: Gently rinse the water from the specimen surface with
a minimal amount of alcohol. Too much alcohol can change
the characteristics of the stain.
General Procedure in Using Tint Etchants Rule 9: Never wipe the specimen dry. Gently blow dry the
surface of the specimen.
Tint etchants are very different than the attack etchants de- Rule 10: Always use distilled water with the pH adjusted to 2
scribed previously. The surface condition of the specimen is to 4. Water above a pH level of 7 will not work.

Table 8.2 Quick reference guide to common tint etchants The Common Tint Etchants
for carbon steels, low-alloy steels, and cast irons
Sodium Metabisulfite
To reveal or enhance
Bainite 15% sodium metabisulfite Ingredients:
Granular bainite (martensite-austenite 15% sodium metabisulfite 8 to 20 g sodium metabisulfite
Martensite, as-quenched 15% sodium metabisulfite Dilute in 100 mL water
Retained austenite 15% sodium metabisulfite
Description. This is a general-purpose tint etchant. Sodium
To color or darken
Ferrite grains Berahas reagent or Klemms reagent metabisulfite dissolves easily in water. A range of the amount of
Ferrite, but not carbides Berahas reagent sodium metabisulfite is given, depending on the desired staining
Martensite (ferrite and retained 15% sodium metabisulfite response. The greater the amount of sodium metabisulfite, the
austenite not attacked)
darker the stain on the specimen surface. Before using this

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